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Fail of Your Day



  • Well, I'd rather stay here, and make a success of my attempt to live in another country. I mean, if I go back, I'll just save up and try again, better prepared than last time - but that's only if I can bring myself to do it. I came over here for a woman I loved with all of my being,
    I understand the love bit, but if you just want to successfully live in another country, come to America. You'll find it MUCH easier to get a job and the people aren't all assholes.

    (Also, both women and men here LOVE the whole Australian mystique thing.)
  • My MacBook's hard drive has 1038 bad blocks. Attempts to Zero the drive thus far have resulted in read/write errors. Looking like I'm going to need to upgrade.
    Remove your harddrive and put it in a PC. Then, get Spinrite sic it on the drive.
    Well luckily the drive is under warrantee from Hitachi, so I'll be getting a new one. The downside is that it will take 2-3 weeks. I am running off of a USB backup I made of the drive, and I now have no real backup. I just went onto Newegg and got my self a new 320 gb 7200 rpm drive that I will use and I also bought an enclosure so I can give my wife the old Hitachi drive to use for her own backups.
  • Did they literally say "We were kidding. Sucks to be you!"? Wow, that's pretty asshole-ish and very unprofessional. I know it's hard as far as getting enough money to survive, but even so, you probably wouldn't want to work there unless you absolutely had to.
    They didn't literaly say "Just kidding" - they were more eloquent than that. Though, what they said, while more eloquent, wasn't much better.
    you probably wouldn't want to work there unless you absolutely had to.
    He absolutely has to.
    Is there anything we could do as a forum?
    Omnutia is right - I absolutely have to, or else I'm screwed and I'll have to go back to Australia. And I hate asking for help, especialy from people I haven't met in person, but frankly, right now, I'd take a job snorkling in sewage trenches to stay in this country. Even if I had to buy my own snorkel.
    I'm really sorry to hear about that then. I hope for the best.
  • Well, I'd rather stay here, and make a success of my attempt to live in another country. I mean, if I go back, I'll just save up and try again, better prepared than last time - but that's only if I can bring myself to do it. I came over here for a woman I loved with all of my being,
    I understand the love bit, but if you just want to successfully live in another country, come to America. You'll find it MUCH easier to get a job and the people aren't all assholes.
    (Also, both women and men here LOVE the whole Australian mystique thing.)
    *Laughs*I nearly moved to Arizona because woman (I'm sensing a pattern, here) Though it was more just that she was someone I knew there, and that while we were close, she wasn't the whole, or even a majority of the reason - I just wanted to live in the states. I still do, at some point, maybe.

    I know I'd be more successful next time, because next time, I'll be better prepared, and I'll have more experience under my belt. Experience is a great teacher, but the problem is that it teaches you what you need to know after the point where you need to know it.
  • edited March 2009
    There aren't even, like, fast food jobs that you could take? I mean, you said ANY job and it amazes me that even something like that wouldn't be available.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • "People say the best way to learn is from your mistakes. Bullshit. Nobody learns how to drive by their mistakes. Nobody learns how to fly a plane by their mistakes. Nobody learns what foods are poisonous by their mistakes. Learning by your mistakes means you live your life repeating everyone else's mistakes."

    Good luck in your job searching!
  • There aren't even, like, fast food jobs that you could take? I mean, you said ANY job and it amazes me that even something like that wouldn't be available.
    I tried the fast food places first, thinking I could hold something there while I found something better - However, most of the chains won't hire people on a working visa right now, and also, while I'm not entirely sure, I am at least reasonably sure that England has laws that roughly state "Applicants who are British Citizens must be ruled out before Applicants on working visas can be considered." Which, with the sheer volume of applicants to fast food places, would almost entirely rule me out.

    Also, I have the disadvantage of poor precedent - England is a popular destination for Australian backpackers to lay up, so to speak, working for a short time, and then moving on. Quite a few places will have second and third thoughts about considering you if you're on an Australian working visa, because they think you'll just hang about for a few months and then quit to keep traveling. That goes double for Bars and other hospitality work, because that is the most popular industry for backpackers to go for, due to the already high turnover rate in the hospitality industry.
    No points for guessing where most of my working experience is.

    I must say, though - thank you all for the well wishes. They have raised my spirits considerably.
    Not to mention, it is somewhat cathartic to actually talk this out with a group of intelligent, friendly people, you know, clear my head a little on the issues at hand, get some ideas coming in.
  • Who the fuck thought that Sakura-Con commercial was a good idea?
  • The news in my country just reported the case of a six year old kid with a heart condition that won the battle after 1½ years in the hospital, and without mentioning the effort and work of the doctors, credited the recovery to a dead catholic preacher that the parents prayed to.
  • Remember I told you guys about my aunt that died? Also remember that I told you my house got robbed? Well, my dad had the bankcard in his wallet, and we only just found out money was missing.

  • Vaccinated the same puppy out of a litter of 5 twice
    Will that harm the dog?
    No otherwise I'd be shitting myself to be debarred, the immune system of the dog only took 48 hours to bounce back as with normal doses. Plus at the initial vaccination the mother's antibodies are still present in the pup's blood to protect it from too much harm.
  • Got all clean then dressed sans my usual scruffiness to walk into town only to find that Japanese club wasn't on. Evening wasted and I waited an hour or the train. Bollocks, bollocks, bollocks!!
  • I was just told that some guy shot up the wal-mart parking lot where I used to live. I've been told that there are 8 confirmed dead, possibly more, and they aren't releasing names. I have no idea if anyone I knew was hurt, but it's a small town, and I know a lot of people.
  • edited March 2009
    Any sunlight is useless to me. I hate the sun.
    Anyone have any wooden stakes? How about garlic? A mirror? Anything?

    Bad joke aside, my dad is the one who failed this time. He's lost his hearing, but he refuses to get a hearing aid because he is "too young." He's forty-seven. I think he's turning into my grandfather. -_-
    Post edited by Diagoras on
  • I was just told that some guy shot up the wal-mart parking lot where I used to live. I've been told that there are 8 confirmed dead, possibly more, and they aren't releasing names. I have no idea if anyone I knew was hurt, but it's a small town, and I know a lot of people.
    Still not releasing names, but ten confirmed dead, including the wife and child of a deputy. Alabama Shooting
  • I got dumped. But the internet has proved to be good therapy.
  • Gas solenoids cost $120. This means my raygun just got (for the time being) a LOT less interesting.
  • This morning when I went down to my car and it was covered in snow. After struggling to get the key to turn and unlock it I realized the door was frozen shut. Not wanting to get owned by an inanimate object I gave it my all. My bad. I broke my door handle off. Owned.
  • I tried to radiograph a cat without sedating it because I thought it acted well earlier.
    Bad move.
    it turned around bit into my hand as I was positioning it.
    Actually it bit me twice and scratched up my entire hand.
    Second bite went straight through skin, through the subcutaneous fat level and just to muscle.
    My left hand is now so swollen it hurts to type, luckily I do the majority of surgery with my right hand, but I ordered myself some human antibiotics.
    I sedated it immediately otherwise and diagnosis was fine but I know putting on surgery gloves tomorrow it's going to hurt!!!
  • New Professor Layton prequel trilogy is announced for Japan. We have yet to see an American release for the 2nd and 3rd games when they have been out for Japan only since November 2007 and 2008. *sigh*
  • We have yet to see an American release for the 2nd and 3rd games when they have been out for Japan only since November 2007 and 2008.
    My guess is that Layton didn't do nearly as well as they'd hoped, especially considering the crazy marketing they did for it.
  • My guess is that Layton didn't do nearly as well as they'd hoped, especially considering the crazy marketing they did for it.
    That's probably what it is, which makes me a sad panda. That series is pretty much the only thing i was looking forward to on the DS.

    I could brush up on my nihongo skills and get the Japanese versions.
  • Pictures For Sad Childrenused to be fun to read, but now it's aLong John Silver's marketing campaign.
    Did you click the ad?
  • Pictures For Sad Childrenused to be fun to read, but now it's aLong John Silver's marketing campaign.
    Did you click the ad?
    You beat me to it. This seems like a normal thing for the guy that writes this comic to do anyway. I love it.
  • edited March 2009
    Pictures For Sad Childrenused to be fun to read, but now it's aLong John Silver's marketing campaign.
    Did you click the ad?
    I didn't click it before because I didn't want to give him money for such a bullshit move, but now my faith is restored. ^__^
    Post edited by Walker on
  • So in TotD a while back I reported that this really awesome girl had agreed to go on a date with me but that we'd have to wait a week. Today I found out from a mutual friend that she feels awkward in my presence, even when I'm not directly addressing her and am merely talking to said mutual friend in her presence, sometimes causing her to leave areas. Which would explain why we have talked/seen each other so very little over the course of 7 days. So, either she said "Yeah!" and smiled when she didn't mean to do either of those things, or we're both just so socially strange that we barely function.

  • Fuck.
    Dude, if she's nervous around you, it means she likes you.
  • edited March 2009
    Dude, if she's nervous around you, it means she likes you.
    Yeah, I suppose I'm equally as nervous, I just care less about what it feels like and am making a concerted effort to try and talk to her, which makes it difficult when said efforts fail. Tomorrow I soldier on.

    EDIT: Or not. Received news that she actually did say "yeah!" when she meant something more like "NO!" Oh well. C'est la vie.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Dude, if she's nervous around you, it means she likes you.
    That's often not the case...
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