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Fail of Your Day



  • Just one more reason to talk to your doctor.
  • EDIT: I did have a pretty heinously bad diet the day before, how much would something like that skew this?
    Depends. How long was it between the last time you ate and when you had your blood drawn? And how long has your diet been bad?
  • I think George needs to just cut beer out of his life and all will be better. ^_~ =P
  • I think George needs to just cut beer out of his life and all will be better. ^_~ =P
    Yea, switch to Wine, you can still be a wine snob instead of a beer snob ^_^ (oh wait that was Pete).
  • Beer is like the only thing I can still have (no fat!) Let me have my beer.
  • I think George needs to just cut beer out of his life and all will be better. ^_~ =P
    BLASPHEMY! Beer always improves everybody's life! No exceptions!
  • Beer is like the only thing I can still have (no fat!) Let me have my beer.
    Beer or brains, choose.
  • edited April 2010
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited April 2010
    Vegetables, George. Fruits and vegetables exist and are edible, contrary to popular American belief. Meat and bread are not the only foods that exist. Mushrooms are also an excellent source of amino acids without much of the negatives of meat.
    "Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much."
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Peter Steele is dead.
  • edited April 2010
    So I overnighted my fucking Droid so it would fucking be here when I fucking got home tonight. Well, they delivered it while I was at work. That's OK, because it only required an indirect signature. They could have buzzed my neighbor and she could have signed for it. No problem. Happens all the time.

    They didn't buzz her. I have no phone tonight. It's in Menands, and the center is closed. I am very, very, very angry right now.

    EDIT: OK, they left a doortag. My landlady just found it. I can pick up the phone after 5:30 tonight. That doesn't make me any less incredibly pissed off, but at least I can get my phone.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • As a rule, they generally don't buzz people that live at a different address, even if they're in the same building. They were just following their rules. I'm glad you can get your phone though. I keep forgetting yours is dead and sending you text messages.
  • edited April 2010
    My sister just told me about this Thing that she just ordered from japan, She heard they're really good from a (Male) friend of hers, looks like some sort of shampoo hair jell stuff. I asked her what she picked up - This thing from a company called Tenga, she saw pictures online, they look like they have some really cool packaging, so much better than the packaging for your average Garnier Fructis and so on.

    Wait....Tenga...That name sounded familiar...Oh yeah, they reviewed it on crunchgear. Wait..wasn't that....

    Ah, Now I have the uncomfortable conversation of explaining that not only do the Japanese make fake vaginas in a can, but that she's just ordered one. Specifically, the Tenga Double hole Cup, which she didn't guess it's purpose from, surprisingly, as she figured it was just some random Engrish, which I really wish was actually the case.

    Thank you, Japan, you bastards.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • How is that a fail? That's awesome.
  • Fuck oracle.
  • Wait....Tenga...That name sounded familiar...Oh yeah, they reviewed it on crunchgear. Wait..wasn't that....
    I lol'd.
  • As a rule, they generally don't buzz people that live at a different address, even if they're in the same building.
    FedEx and UPS delivery guys frequently buzz her and have her sign for my stuff. This was an anomaly.
  • As a rule, they generally don't buzz people that live at a different address, even if they're in the same building.
    FedEx and UPS delivery guys frequently buzz her and have her sign for my stuff. This was an anomaly.
    Maybe it's a new guy? Maybe it's a new guy who actually knows the rules? I'd be pissed off if FedEx left my package with a neighbor and it disappeared.
  • edited April 2010
    Post edited by Diddgery on
  • edited April 2010
    My dad was at this.
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • A fail so fail it's not funny.
  • DHL tendered my package to USPS over a week ago. My RAM should be here by now; fuck you, Newegg.
  • Being the web pirate I am, I downloaded the Pokemon Emerald version rom and started playing it today. The fail of this entry lies in the fact that I was training an Abra to become a Kadabra (he cannot learn any other moves until Kadabra), unfortunately I lost a fight as he reached level 16 (he evolves at that level). While he did evolve into a Kadabra upon reaching level 17, the damage had already been done as he missed his chance to learn an attack if he had evolved at the proper level. What pisses me off is that I have to wait until level 21 until he learns an actual attack.
  • edited April 2010
    A friend of mine commented today about how she hates how "Guys always pick movies just because they have chicks on the cover."

    When confonted with the prevalence of Half naked or extremely attractive men in "Chick flicks" her response was essentially "Yeah, but that's different" and when questioned why, her response was essentially "Well, because men are pigs."

    Ah, Modern Feminism among young women, causing me to pine for the heady days of when to the majority, the word Feminism meant "Seeking Equality for women" rather than "Well, Of course it's okay when it's ME doing it...."

    I mean, seriously, Isn't stopping people treating people like shit and/or making broad generalisations based upon people's gender the point of the exercise in the first place?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • If it makes her feel any better, Churba, tell her that I absolutely hate Megan Fox and won't see anything with her anywhere on the cover.
    Incidentally, Jonah Hex is being released soon (I saw a preview as part of a survey on Points2Shop) and it looks abysmal. DESPITE having John Malkovich as the villain and Brolin as Hex, it heavily featured Megan Fox's tits and ass...err...Megan Fox. Regardless, the movie looks like a steaming pile to be avoided.
  • ......
    edited April 2010
    Being the web pirate I am, I downloaded the Pokemon Emerald version rom and started playing it today. The fail of this entry lies in the fact that I was training an Abra to become a Kadabra (he cannot learn any other moves until Kadabra), unfortunately I lost a fight as he reached level 16 (he evolves at that level). While he did evolve into a Kadabra upon reaching level 17, the damage had already been done as he missed his chance to learn an attack if he had evolved at the proper level. What pisses me off is that I have to wait until level 21 until he learns an actual attack.
    I fail to see your problem, and how you could have lost at such early a level. Just go to a move-relearner if you're so desperate for Confusion. Or better yet, just go to a tutor, teach it the elemental punches and TM calm mind on it, and you're done. Ready to get OHKO'd by bugs and ghosts. In the meantime just teach it a damaging TM move like Psychic, Shockwave or Thief. Good luck.

    Post edited by ... on
  • If it makes her feel any better, Churba, tell her that I absolutely hate Megan Fox and won't see anything with her anywhere on the cover.
    Incidentally, Jonah Hex is being released soon (I saw a preview as part of a survey on Points2Shop) and it looks abysmal. DESPITE having John Malkovich as the villain and Brolin as Hex, it heavily featured Megan Fox's tits and ass...err...Megan Fox. Regardless, the movie looks like a steaming pile to be avoided.
    I'm really excited for that movie because Mastodon is doing the sound track, so I could care less if the movie sucks.
  • Cat rolled in chewing gum.
  • I was too drunk last night to think of this, but there was a bit of a fail when I was out at a friend's birthday party. One of the people attended was a friend of a friend, someone most of us had never met before. He seemed nice enough at first, but as the night went on and he got more drinks into him, he started getting louder and more obnoxious. I'm sure you know the type. Even then though, I didn't really mind that, he was just having a good time. That was until he started trying to impress us with his computer science major (he's still in school). Nothing will get you on my negative side quicker than doing something like that.

    The real fail came when my friends literally paid me money to play pool with the guy, just so that he would go away from them for a while. Friends, don't be that guy.
  • edited April 2010
    Cat rolled in chewing gum.
    Well who gave it gum?
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
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