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Fail of Your Day



  • My iPhone is starting to get really hot. Never had a phone overheat on me before.
    Some have overheated to the point of explosive battery failures, or burning people. It's mass production equipment, inevitably, some come through a little wonky.
  • I shut it off for a while after it started happening. We'll see if it happens again.
  • All of the comments on every single bit of news about the Gizmodo editor having his property taken under a search warrant(Which range from "HURR DURR FREEDOM OF THE PRESS, GIZMODO IS AWESOME AND THEY HAVE DONE NO WRONG" to "APPLE IS OBVIOUSLY PRESSURING/BRIBING THE DA TO PUSH THIS CASE FORWARD WARRGBL"), and much of the coverage.

    This isn't an issue of Freedom of the press. Press protection does not apply to anything obtained by committing a felony, which under californian law, Gizmodo has done. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, if they were ignorant of it in the first place, and let's face it, this is just Gizmodo finally reaping the rewards for the shitpot antics they've been pulling for years.

    Moral of the story - Don't commit a felony, and then tell everybody with an internet connection that you've done it, and exactly how you did it.
  • I thought Apple never reported it lost, so it became the property of that guy who found it on the barstool--until he sold it to Giz.
  • Exactly what felony is Gizmodo being charged with? I'm curious, and I didn't see it anywhere on the report.
  • Exactly what felony is Gizmodo being charged with? I'm curious, and I didn't see it anywhere on the report.
    They aren't. The cops just took a reporter's gear.
  • They aren't. The cops just took a reporter's gear.
  • I just read BB's blurb, I hadn't seen the actual warrant scans. Don't shoot the messenger on this one.
  • edited April 2010
    Exactly what felony is Gizmodo being charged with? I'm curious, and I didn't see it anywhere on the report.
    They aren't. The cops just took a reporter's gear.
    Yeah, the search warrant that they had said the items were being seized in relation to the commission of a felony, but they didn't say what felony or what relation. Also, the issue with the seizure has nothing to do with freedom of the press and everything to do with a CA statute that *might* expressly forbid seizure of journalists' property. If the statute applies, then it was indeed an invalid warrant, which makes the search and seizure illegal.

    I'm sure that if there is a warrant saying the equipment was used to commit a felony, then they have some idea of what felony they are going to be charging. However, without knowing more, we cannot say whether this is procedurally proper or improper.

    ETA: A little more on the legal side of things. The comments may be helpful.

    The charge probably has something to do with misappropriation of stolen goods and/or misuse of trade secrets.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • edited April 2010
    Today's fail: Drobo needed no less than 4 tech support personnel and 1 sales person in order to answer my question. The question: can it be set up for SFTP access. The answer: 'umm...we'll get back to you', followed by a yes 6 hours later.
    Post edited by Void Dragon on
  • edited April 2010
    The charge probably has something to do with misappropriation of stolen goods and/or misuse of trade secrets.
    That's pretty much what I know, as little as that means. According to California law, to my understanding, if you, for example, find a phone on a bar stool and take it, That's theft, and thus Gizmodo buying the phone was buying stolen goods, and most likely knowingly, since they published the story about it that they were told - on top of that, the guy who they bought the phone from, his story is very suspect, and not corroborated by anyone else, nor any evidence at this point that we know of - for all we know, he could have straight up lifted it from the guy, or saw a phone on a barstool and said "Sweet, free phone" and swiped it. Also note - When Gizmodo bought the phone, there is no sim card in evidence. That means it was most likely ditched by the guy who took it from the bar, which makes me even more suspect of his story.

    I don't know much about the Trade Secrets deal that California has going on, other than that they are rather strict, so I can't say much about that, But it's pretty clear they were publishing about possessing a lost Prototype device, but they also disassembled the prototype device, and published extensive photos of this - I have a hard time believing that's not a violation of California's pretty strict Trade secrets laws.

    Though, I will note that I only said they have Committed a Felony, which I am damn near 100% sure that they have - Not that they have been charged with one. I don't know if that's correct from a legal standpoint, but in my understanding, they are two different things.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • According to California law, to my understanding, if you, for example, find a phone on a bar stool and take it, That's theft, and thus Gizmodo buying the phone was buying stolen goods, and most likely knowingly, since they published the story about it that they were told - on top of that, the guy who they bought the phone from, his story is very suspect, and not corroborated by anyone else, nor any evidence at this point that we know of - for all we know, he could have straight up lifted it from the guy, or saw a phone on a barstool and said "Sweet, free phone" and swiped it.
    That is an awesome sentence.
  • That is an awesome sentence.
    I type like I talk, so you should be used to run-on sentences by now.
  • The summer humidity has already descended on D.C. Curse our two season years!
  • A former classmate of mine dies young.
    Wow, I'm so sorry. That must feel so awful...
  • A former classmate of mine dies young.
    We've lost three out of a class of 85. 15, 17, and 18. It can be really hard to deal with, especially if it's someone you're used to seeing every day.
  • Yesterday at 3:03 PM ,Jay collided with a van stationed in I-57, the accident was fatal. It is not known whenever it was suicide or an accident. He was one of the few people I had left to trust.

    I'm going to miss jay...
  • Holy shit, I'm so sorry, guys.
    We've lost three out of a class of 85. 15, 17, and 18. It can be really hard to deal with, especially if it's someone you're used to seeing every day.
    Ouch. They seem to come in bunches sometimes. My senior year, we had two die in a car crash, one of a weird disease, and two guys who had graduated the year before, one of an aneurysm.
  • RymRym
    edited April 2010
    My high school was the center of a surprising string of suicides while I was there. One girl killed herself, triggering a cluster of others following by a further string of them lasting about four months. The school was large enough though that I have never seen any of the people involved.

    Worse was the rape/murder. A girl's body was found in the park near the school after an extensive search. Not too long after, the older brother of one of my classmates was arrested and convicted in the slaying. (The murderer was a recent graduate). I can honestly tell you that one of the most awkward moments I have ever witnessed between humans was the day he (the younger brother, not the murderer) returned to school.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • I didn't get into the Illustration concentration. I can resubmit at the end of next semester, but it still hurts.
  • edited April 2010
    Couldn't sleep again, spent the night watching the plot (Cutscenes and Boss/Important Fights) from MGS4. Interesting but, inconsistent.

    Assuming the 63 video's averaged about 7.5 minutes each (A conservative estimate.), that took 7.8 hours.

    What am I doing with my life? Though, I feel oddly inspired.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Razor Blade Soap.
    How is that a fail??? If I ever get sent to prison, I expect this to be sent to me in a gift basket preferably with some "Axe" body wash.
  • Speaking of Axe bodywash, CVS sells a knockoff brand called Blade. Why a fail? Here are the 'flavors' of their soaps, body sprays, and acne washes:
    Howl - Which I assume smells like wolf. From my experience with my dogs from when they get a little ripe, not something I want to smell like. Unless the girl I'm after want's me to hump her leg and pee where she hands out to establish dominance.
    Great White - I'M A SHAAAAAAAARK. I bet is smells like bait.
    Scorpion - Scorpion Antiperspirant? Is it FOR the scorpion or does it sting like a motherfucker?
    Viper - Viper Acne Wash? If your pit viper has acne, this is the product for you! Otherwise it makes me think using it will be akin to being BIT IN THE FACE BY A VIPER. Hardly my idea of refreshing.
    Diablo - Smells like Satan? Perhaps a sulfury bouquet?
    Kodiak - Who want's to smell like a bear?! Have you ever smelled a bear?! Jesus! They smell like a fur coat left in a sewer and wrapped around rancid meat!
    and my personal favorite
    Minotaur - What the holy fuck! I can only imagine this smells like a combination of manure, the soggy dank of a cavernous labyrinth, and perhaps morning breath.
  • Not exactly TV tropes, but this is how my day usually goes, I have a tab problem.

  • Not exactly TV tropes, but this is how my day usually goes, I have a tab problem.
    Then have I got the site for you. link
  • I have a tab problem.
    That's why you should use treestyle tabs, it's so much easier to manage your shit.
  • It's a time wasting problem, not actually a tab problem. >_>
  • Then have I got the site for
    Oh god.

    I was supposed to study tonight.
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