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Fail of Your Day



  • I totally have a tummy ache, and I hurt my hand playing guitar hero with my parents. D:

    With more fail, I got onto a big project doing editing for someone's story, and I have come to realize that they have a big problem with sentence structure, and it's going to be a lot more work than I thought. I just hope I don't offend them with all the changes I am making!

    On the subject of kissing, the only person I would want to kiss has crazy reflexes, and he would probably dodge me before he had any idea what was going on.
  • We're having an election right now, so that's dominating the media all over, all saying the same shit, over and over, vamping for time till something happens.

    Further fail, and definitely the larger - It's going to be Either Liberal or Labour who win, and whoever wins, we're fucked.
  • I am really fucking depressed right now, despite being in my first apartment and staying out till 3a with friends last night. I just want to curl up somewhere and sleep for the next 24 hours.
  • I can't get bread to rise right.

    It always comes out flat, wide, gummy, and dense. I have a baking stone and everything. I follow recipes. I think I'm making the dough too wet, but when I try not to, somehow I still fail. I want to bake bread but I suck at it.

    At least it tastes good, though.
  • Swear at it more.
  • Swear at it more.
    Works for me.

    Are you leaving enough time for the bread to rest in between steps? Opening the oven too often?
  • edited August 2010
    I can't get bread to rise right.

    It always comes out flat, wide, gummy, and dense. I have a baking stone and everything. I follow recipes. I think I'm making the dough too wet, but when I try not to, somehow I still fail. I want to bake bread but I suck at it.

    At least it tastes good, though.
    What kind of yeast are you using? are you letting it rise twice? are you kneading it properly? When and how much salt are you adding? are you adding sugar or honey?
    Post edited by MrRoboto on
  • How much more egotistical can you get?
    I don't even know who this person is.
  • How much more egotistical can you get?
    I don't even know who this person is.
    That makes two of us.
  • Swear at it more.
    Works for me.

    Are you leaving enough time for the bread to rest in between steps? Opening the oven too often?
    What kind of yeast are you using? are you letting it rise twice? are you kneading it properly? When and how much salt are you adding? are you adding sugar or honey?
    Too many questions. I think I'm just gonna try the swearing. That sounds like a good option.
  • Too many questions. I think I'm just gonna try the swearing. That sounds like a good option.
    Fuckin' excellent idea.
  • I've been telling my father for ten years that I want to buy his coupe from him when he finally sells it. All the goddamn time. I've even worked on it myself when it needed it, including being the one to TIG weld in the new racing exhaust he put on it, and tuned it to all hell. I've lovingly maintained and improved that fucking thing for ten fucking years, with every intention of buying it. I finally scrape together the cash to buy it from him outright and pay the insurance - and I find out he sold it to a girl who lives down the road, barely out of high school, as her first car.

    So, to summarise, double fail -
    1)The car I've barely had my hands out of, and lovingly taken care of with the intention of buying it, for ten years, after being told for ten years, he sold to someone else. Way to show loyalty over quick money, dickhead.
    2)He's sold a Tuned out and modified 2 Litre, turbocharged, 4 cylinder, 220 horsepower tuner car to a fucking learner driver for a quick fucking buck.
    Even Better - Since it's a modified engine, and a turbo, The second she gets off her learner licence, she's not allowed to drive the car under the australian rules.
  • edited August 2010
    Fail: posted here by accident.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • How much more egotistical can you get?
    I don't even know who this person is.
    That makes two of us.
    You guys don't know who Joaquin Phoenix is?
  • You guys don't know who Joaquin Phoenix is?
    Make that three.
  • How much more egotistical can you get?
    I don't even know who this person is.
    That makes two of us.
    You guys don't know who Joaquin Phoenix is?
    I'm more confused why Edward James Olmos is doing a voice over for the trailer.
  • You guys don't know who Joaquin Phoenix is?
    Never heard of him. After reading wikipedia, I am not familiar with any of his work either.
  • edited August 2010
    Never heard of him. After reading wikipedia, I am not familiar with any of his work either.
    You've never seen Gladiator?

    Also, I predict this movie to show that he has just pulled off the greatest troll known to man...
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Also, I predict this movie to show that he has just pulled off the greatest troll known to man...
    Which is why he is awesome. People can say he's egotistical, but at least he has the balls to do it and keep doing it.

  • Also, I predict this movie to show that he has just pulled off the greatest troll known to man...
    Which is why he is awesome. People can say he's egotistical, but at least he has the balls to do it and keep doing it.

    I've heard tell that it's more a stealth mockumentary than anything else. Awesome troll is awesome.
  • GeoGeo
    edited August 2010
    Also, I predict this movie to show that he has just pulled off the greatest troll known to man...
    Which is why he is awesome. People can say he's egotistical, but at least he has the balls to do it and keep doing it.

    While I commend him for not listening to anyone and doing what he wants to do and I can't really make fun of him for that, but still I think it's rather silly that he became a rapper.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited August 2010
    Also, I predict this movie to show that he has just pulled off the greatest troll known to man...
    Which is why he is awesome. People can say he's egotistical, but at least he has the balls to do it and keep doing it.

    While I commend him for not listening to anyone and doing what he wants to do and I can't really make fun of him for that, but still I think it's rather silly that he became a rapper.
    I've heard tell that it's more a stealth mockumentary than anything else. Awesome troll is awesome.
    I expect that the infamous Letterman interview will also be revealed as a ruse used to gather footage for the film. I can't wait.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Working in my office on Sunday. That isn't the fail, it's the fact that the A/C is turned off.
  • edited August 2010
    Old but so incredibly fail: WingNutDaily "reviews" V for Vendetta (movie version).
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited August 2010
    Well, a worse personal fail just happened: I had to drive some friends of my parents home because they were quite intoxicated and no longer capable of driving themselves. On the way back, I accidentally drove against a short one-way street right next to their home, a fact actually know to me and which I usually adhere to going the other way around. After getting out of the one way street I even thought to myself "fuck, why did I just drive through there?". Of course, with absolutely nobody else on the street, the cops spotted me and I got a ticket. 36€ down the toilet. Fuck.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I worked a freelance job last week, and where both my customer and I thought we'd had everything worked out before hand, it now turns out that wasn't quite the case. So I'm probably going to end up having to cut my daily rate quite a bit and not make what I could have had I known the situation in advance.
  • Follow-up: last night I made a beautiful boule of artisan bread, light whole wheat with malted barley bran left over from beer-making. It smelled like success and tasted like victory.

    However, my girlfriend's stoned roommates ate almost all of it.
  • However, my girlfriend's stoned roommates ate almost all of it.
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