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Fail of Your Day



  • Imagine trying to ride a train on the road.
  • Woke up to discover I had acid reflux during the night and now I have AWFUL heartburn.

  • Prilosec OTC dude. Wonderful stuff.
  • Imagine trying to ride a train on the road.
    But the train has weight to dig the rim into the road. Bikes don't have that.
  • But the train has weight to dig the rim into the road. Bikes don't have that.
    So how's that train steer?
  • So how's that train steer?
    Pretty well, it seems.
    /hot like train wheels screeching across pavement
  • Sorry residents of fish. Someone on my floor set off the fire alarm. "How the fuck do you burn an easy Mac" said one guy.
  • Sorry residents of fish. Someone on my floor set off the fire alarm. "How the fuck do you burn an easy Mac" said one guy.
    Seriously! There is actually a fire! Screw the world. I needed to go through the tunnels and go to Sol's to get some cold medicine...Retards...Would the alarms be audible by Sol's Underground? I could always walk to Sol Heumann from the outside, and then go underneath it...
  • Beats the time last year when someone tried to hang a hangar on a sprinkler in his dorm. That was the day Fish went underwater. I am not kidding.
  • edited September 2010
    But the train has weight to dig the rim into the road. Bikes don't have that.
    So how's that train steer?
    I don't know how a trains go around those bends under normal conditions, much less on pavement. Is it a differential type system, or each side controlled independently (like a tank)... I'm sure Wikipedia knows but I don't care enough to ask it.
    Pretty well, it seems.
    /hot like train wheels screeching across pavement
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Trains don't steer. They rely on track shifting to change course.
  • edited September 2010
    Trains don't steer. They rely on track shifting to change course.
    Yeah. This. Guess Rym never had model trains as a kid, or saw some operating. Or something.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • But the train has weight to dig the rim into the road. Bikes don't have that.
    So how's that train steer?
    I don't know how a trains go around those bends under normal conditions, much less on pavement. Is it a differential type system, or each side controlled independently (like a tank)... I'm sure Wikipedia knows but I don't care enough to ask it.
    Train wheels are flanged so that when they go into a turn, the smaller part of the inside wheel and the larger part of the outside wheel are touching the track.
  • Oh, that's clever.
  • Oh, that's clever.
    Exactly my response when I stumbled across a video explaining it a while back. I can't seem to find it now though. :P
  • Girl who I mentioned in the Booh Yah thread last week is probably not interested in me, as I learned last night. I will still try and talk to her about all of this, but at this point, it seems unlikely she has been, or will be, considering me as a potential date/boyfriend. *Sigh.*
    Curse all the people around me telling me that she was interested in me.
  • Yeah. This. Guess Rym never had model trains as a kid, or saw some operating. Or something.
    What? I was right from the start. The image of trying to "ride a train on the road" didn't make sense, as the train would have no ability to steer. I knew exactly what I was talking about. ;^)
  • Train wheels are flanged so that when they go into a turn, the smaller part of the inside wheel and the larger part of the outside wheel are touching the track.
    Flange is a funny word. Flange. Flange.
    Imagine trying to ride a train on the road.
    Does surfing a train going down the middle of an inner city street count? Because I'm imagining that right now, and it's awesome.
  • edited September 2010
    Flange is a funny word. Flange. Flange.

    Post edited by Omnutia on
    I shamefully admit that I laughed pretty fucking hard.
  • Seriously! There is actually a fire! Screw the world. I needed to go through the tunnels and go to Sol's to get some cold medicine...Retards...Would the alarms be audible by Sol's Underground? I could always walk to Sol Heumann from the outside, and then go underneath it...
    Why can't fish just change their hole-ish ways?
  • Carl Sagan is dead. Yes, I know he's been dead for a while, and I've known that for some time. But watching the "Pale blue dot" video posted in the ToTD thread and subsequent related videos reminded me of how much of a fail for the world that really was.
  • My uncle has given me an ultimatum to get rid of my Camaro that's been collecting dust in his garage.
  • Girl who I mentioned in the Booh Yah thread last week is probably not interested in me, as I learned last night. I will still try and talk to her about all of this, but at this point, it seems unlikely she has been, or will be, considering me as a potential date/boyfriend. *Sigh.*
    Curse all the people around me telling me that she was interested in me.

  • [insert Courage Burrage here]
  • Okay, the motivational stuff is funny, but seriously, she's not interested. She explicitly told me, relatively unprompted, that she was interested in someone else, and has mentioned being attracted to a lot of other people around me. Given that the person she told me was interested in is in a relationship, her telling me about it seems to signify I wasn't even a backup for her. It's alright, I will talk to her about it, and move on. There seem to be enough single girls around campus, though that will end within a few months.
  • There seem to be enough single girls around campus, though that will end within a few months.
    Why is that? Because the girls will end up being in relationships? Ugh.

    Is there a need to be in a relationship for being a frosh? What's the hurry? Just make friends and hang out. If there is an attraction, make a move.
  • I'm just lonely...I know it's lame, and directly going out and trying to meet people with that intent is bad, but I can't help it. And even just thinking a girl was interested in me has just sort of made the whole thing worse...This is the part of college I was worried about.
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