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Fail of Your Day



  • Essentially clinching a BCS National Title game slot after the first week. The BCS system sucks big time.
  • While the subject is still somewhat fresh, you know what really perplexes me about Autism and humanity's understanding of it? Why was it until as late as the 1980s-1990s did we finally have a greater grasp on Autism (and the spectrum) when such an understanding could have been had before then?
  • While the subject is still somewhat fresh, you know what really perplexes me about Autism and humanity's understanding of it? Why was it until as late as the 1980s-1990s did we finally have a greater grasp on Autism (and the spectrum) when such an understanding could have been had before then?
    We actually just talked about this in psych. The short of it is that for a really long time, the psychological community didn't really grasp "spectrum disorders," so only crippling cases of savant-like or major low-functioning autism were classified as such. Slowly that changed, but the scientific community is also slow to accept new theories. So you had these two obstacles: gaining recognition for new autism disorders as part of the spectrum, and learning to test for and recognize autism as a spectrum disorder in the first place.
  • Imagine Duffyd, the "Only gay in the Village" from Little Britain. Then make it short, fat, Female, and a ridiculous misandrist.

    This is what I've spent the last hour trying to explain the finer points of LGBT equality to, and why being a Militant, hyper-aggressive dickhead is both counter-productive and a bad idea.

    Fucking gag me with a spoon.
  • Imagine Duffyd, the "Only gay in the Village" from Little Britain. Then make it short, fat, Female, and a ridiculous misandrist.

    This is what I've spent the last hour trying to explain the finer points of LGBT equality to, and why being a Militant, hyper-aggressive dickhead is both counter-productive and a bad idea.

    Fucking gag me with a spoon.
    You have terrible luck with women. Not just in the relationship sense of that phrase, but also in the "random females in your life" sense of the phrase.
  • So, to put a long story short, I have a kind of cancer that does not spread, but it will keep coming back in the same spot. I had it 2 years ago and then almost 2 years to the day (this june). I am fine now. But I was out of work from June 27th till September 3rd. I worked that Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I was off on Monday. I worked today. (BTW I work in a large chain supermarket deli) Then at the end of my shift my boss asked me to stay an extra half an hour. I said "Hell Yes". To be productive started cleaning one of the deli slicers. Well,,, I am now off for the next two days... The slicer I was cleaning was in the closed postion and off. I still managed to deeply slice 3 of the fingers on my right hand. Turns out the blade is slightly warperd... I spent 4.5 hours in an ER. But I managed to get 1.5 hours of overtime!!!! And I am paided in full for the next two days!!
  • Fail for Arizona :(
  • My one true complaint about President Obama is that he took Janet Napolitano from Arizona, and left us with Brewer.
  • I've put tape on the sides of my phone in an effort to stop me compulsively opening and closing it.
  • edited September 2010
    Imagine Duffyd, the "Only gay in the Village" from Little Britain. Then make it short, fat, Female, and a ridiculous misandrist.
    He is already short and fat. Did she also wear a silly spandex outfit too? It would be difficult to take a lesbian separatist seriously if she was wearing Duffyd's outfit.

    Seriously, I never understood why feminism to some means "hating men." If they do the patriarchal things that harm progress, and are sexist twats, yes, by all means please hate that behavior. One must also acknowledge that as a class, they have privilege in our current society. However, hating someone for something they were born as is bad in any circumstance, and harms the quest for equality more than it helps it.
    God damn it, why is that every friend I meet on the internet, about geeky things, has autism? Honestly, how do so many people have autism in this day and age, and why are they all people I already know!?
    What is your deal with Autism anyway? You rant about it all the time, like in the middle of the subway. Please explain why you are so obsessed with it and why you hate on people that have it.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • One must also acknowledge that as a class, they have privilege in our current society.
    By what measures, in the eyes of the law women get a lot more say then men in matters of family law.
  • What is your deal with Autism anyway?
    Urrghh.. Autism Moe..
    What has been though cannot be unthought.
  • Urrghh.. Autism Moe..
    What has been though cannot be unthought.
    Nukejsr is so tsundere.
  • edited September 2010
    We actually just talked about this in psych. The short of it is that for a really long time, the psychological community didn't really grasp "spectrum disorders," so only crippling cases of savant-like or major low-functioning autism were classified as such. Slowly that changed, but the scientific community is also slow to accept new theories. So you had these two obstacles: gaining recognition for new autism disorders as part of the spectrum,andlearning to test for and recognize autism as a spectrum disorder in the first place.
    This. Scientific knowledge changes all the time. As we learn more, we refine our definitions, and now things which were once considered hallmarks of being "retarded" are now better understood as being part of the autism spectrum.

    As to why it seems that so many people claim to be "autistic," well, we live in an era with unprecedented access to information and connectedness. Some people self-diagnose, but for the most part, it's just that you interact with many many many more people than was once possible. We're also much better at diagnosing autism than we used to be, and as our understanding of the condition has grown, so has the number of places where it can be applied. That's how science works.

    I often hear an argument from pro-raw-milk (and the all-natural-granola-munching-hippie types as well): "We didn't have all of these outbreaks and illnesses back in the day! People used to drink this stuff and be fine!" The problem is, we also had no idea what the fuck disease was back then, and people died when they were 35. As we've gotten better at finding diseases and outbreaks, well, we find more of them. The more of them we find, the more you hear about them.

    The rates of most foodborne diseases - contrary to what Food, Inc would have you believe - have actually decreased in the past decade. Despite this fact, there is a perception that we're seeing more outbreaks and more recalls.

    An increase in the frequency of diagnosis of a condition is not equivalent to an increase in the rate of occurrence of a given condition. It means we're better at finding it and telling you about it. It's a symptom of success in the scientific and medical communities.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Seriously, I never understood why feminism to some means "hating men."
    Things like this became easier for me to understand when this clicked for me: Some people are just crazy. Crazy people often find a cause onto which to project their crazy. They probably can't be reasoned with, and can usually be safely ignored.
  • edited September 2010
    You have to be careful you don't dismiss people too readily. Over time, you may find it easy to set that bar higher and higher a bit at a time without realizing all the people slipping away as a result.

    +It may seem impossible to bring them back to sense, but digging through a mountain begins with carrying away a few stones.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • God damn it, why is that every friend I meet on the internet, about geeky things, has autism? Honestly, how do so many people have autism in this day and age, and why are they all people I already know!?
    What is your deal with Autism anyway? You rant aboutit
    allthe time, like in the middle of thesubway. Please explain why you are so obsessed with it and why you hate on people that have it.
    I generally find that with people, whom I run into from time to time, who hate on this for no discernible reason are either A: uncomfortable with something that is very different from what they see everyday. B: That they themselves have little to no understanding of Autism or the spectrum, and cannot be bothered to learn more about it.
  • edited September 2010
    Mike Portnoy left Dream Theater...
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • Mike Portnoy left Dream Theater...
    Dude, WTF. How can you do that?

    This is basically going to kill DT completely.
  • edited September 2010
    Mike Portnoy left Dream Theater...
    Dude, WTF. How can you do that?

    This is basically going to kill DT completely.
    He was starting to feel burnt up, so either way it was inevitable.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • edited September 2010
    Mike Portnoy left Dream Theater...
    Dude, WTF. How can you do that?

    This is basically going to kill DT completely.
    Oh lord, please tell me this is only temporary so he can help Avenged Sevenfold. Seriously.
    What is your deal with Autism anyway? You rant about it all the time, like in the middle of the subway. Please explain why you are so obsessed with it and why you hate on people that have it.
    It's a matter of both the severity of the label of "Autism" and several horrible experiences of dealing with Autistic people throughout my childhood.

    1. Around the time I was 14, I remember one person, who claimed to have Asperger's Syndrome who would write fanfiction where she bred with 10 different cartoon characters. She claimed she was raped 6 times and even took the time to write murderous, mary-sue fanfiction against a group of people from a former forum I was in.
    2. Around the same age, an autistic neighbor of mine, who was about 7 years old, tore up a bunch of my old toys that I would keep on display...worth about hundreds of dollars.
    3. In high school, only the severely mentally handicapped were separated into different classes. And they would and had a history of going into tantrums and biting.
    4. Most devastating, being when I broke off my friendship for 4 years with a old friend of mine where we both had similar geek interests. We got into a dumb argument over Haruhi, and he told me that my relationship with him meant absolutely nothing. And he was the exact same way, with no concerning personality. All he would do was insult me or tell me I was dumb when it happened, not give backing reason behind what he said. And I was really debating if he had autism or not, but there was lots of proof both sides considering how he treated other people and how I heard his voice. It even hurt me more how he stopped talking to another old friend...simply because he wasn't making conversation with the autistic person. And it was HIS fault. And this happened not to recently before my trip to NYC, which is probably why you heard me talking about it. It was weird how the person who opened up loads of new doors to me ended up hurting me the absolute most.
    5. In a public speaking class in college, a woman made a speech about her life was made difficult by being diagnosed with ADHD at Age 5, with little proof. She was given glasses and a hearing aid.

    Not only has it been a matter of dealing with autistic people, but I'm having real issues with how mental disorders and such are being diagnosed onto children and how it can affect them. I was even said to have ADD around the time I was 10, but I wasn't given medication. And my life is perfectly fine, and the medicine I could of taken was not far off from Speed and increased "suicidal thoughts" in children. Do people know about the amount of trauma that can bring on? And the amount symptoms and speculation are becoming wider and wider. I really distraughts me how people with particular personality quirks and or people who find enjoyment in geeky activities can be medically defined as being Autistic. Something that is truly life-changing and overwhelming. And some people use that as a shield to mask their own flaws in personality. Not only do I hate how people not only use this to their advantage, but they harmful affects the diagnosis can have on a perfectly fine child.
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • She was given glasses and a hearing aid.
    Does ADHD dull your senses as well? I was lead to believe that it just decreaced your ability to concentrate.
  • I was even said to have ADD around the time I was 10, but I wasn't given medication. And my life is perfectly fine, and the medicine I could of taken was not far off from Speed and increased "suicidal thoughts" in children.
    Some things:

    1) ADD and ADHD are not autistic spectrum disorders. They are very real (if sometimes overdiagnosed) things, and some kids have it to the extent where medication is absolutely necessary.
    2) Chemical relations aren't like hereditary diseases. Methanol will blind you and absolutely kill you dead; ethanol will save you from methanol poisoning and just get you drunk. Amphetamines are not dangerous when taken in the quantities prescribed by doctors; they only get addicting when abused. The induction of "suicidal thoughts" is extremely rare, and every patient given these drugs is taught to discontinue usage and contact a physician if they even have an inkling of such things.
    3) You note that it's "traumatic" to have drug-induced violent thoughts. Have you ever experienced this? Where is your evidence? In most cases, such thoughts are triggered by chemical imbalances resulting from the drug and dissipate after therapy halts and the doctor is consulted.
    4) I assure you, psychiatrists do not bandy about autism as a catch-all for anti-social, corduroy-wearing wearing guys who really like Spriggan and Carcassonne. There are stringent, important, medically-defined symptoms for the vast majority of ASD cases.
    5) No parent would willingly submit their child to being labeled autistic just to "mask flaws." You're betraying a complete misunderstanding of exactly the burden caring for anyone who's autistic is. Even people with high-functioning autism are often anti-social, beleaguered messes in their childhood who can't even bear to be held by their parents or to recognize disorder or see strangers.

    That is all.
  • I brought up the subject of ADD/ADHD because the two are often misdiagnosed with high-functioning forms of autism, and vice-versa or both are given to the same person.
  • edited September 2010
    I brought up the subject of ADD/ADHD because the two are often misdiagnosed with high-functioning forms of autism, and vice-versa or both are given to the same person.
    With all due respect, I would like to see a journal-published study that supports your claims, and I'd also like to point out that your statement doesn't handle most of the other points I made.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I brought up the subject of ADD/ADHD because the two are often misdiagnosed with high-functioning forms of autism, and vice-versa or both are given to the same person.
    With all due respect, I would like to see a journal-published study that supports your claims, and I'd also like to point out that your statement doesn't handle most of the other points I made.

    To be fair, I only covered the ADD/ADHD section of the post, because that felt like the focus of what you were saying. Which I do admit, they are different than autism and they have totally different levels of severity. Some people do need medication and others don't. But I feel like the affects that the two different types of disorders have on people does have some parallels.

    My issue in general is with the fact that people on the internet claim many times that they have autism. Three long time acquaintances who I knew for at least months admitted to have autism or Asperger's Syndrome. I'm just getting more and more confused about it considering how these disorders can be construed to mean other things. And it's not something you can necessarily prove on the internet, even harder to comprehend because in affects the brain. You can learn it from voice-chatting with someone, but from text, it's tricky.

    I also don't say that PARENTS use it to mask flaws in their children, I'm saying that people may do it to THEMSELVES in order to give reasons for their personality or actions. And I don't think that the drugs themselves are traumatic, I'm saying that what the diagnosis of Autism/ADD does to a child. Consider the environmental issues of change when you may have to take medication, you may have to go to different classes, and the ridicule you may get from your piers. Parents get really worried about if a child has this, and for good reason. I do agree that there are cases of people who truly need help and care for the issues that they have. But considering we've diagnosed more autistic children than ever before, there are some people who get screwed over and other people who take advantage of the label.

    Feel free to rant at me for trying to bond with people on the internet, I've just had really weird experiences.
  • peopleon the internetclaim many times that they have autism.
    Well, many people on the internet have a sort of self-induced autism. By spending so much time on the internet and so little interacting with people in the outside world, they can end up with many of the same symptoms. There's a certain kid of otaku in japan like that, but I can't remember the exact term for it.
  • edited September 2010
    Feel free to rant at me for trying to bond with people on the internet, I've just had really weird experiences.
    I've got too many friends on these boards to chew you out for something like that, I'm just approaching your statements critically.
    This just states that ADHD is overdiagnosed; we've known that for years. You made it sound like people with high-functioning ASD get diagnosed with ADHD, or vice-versa, and we have no support for that.
    My issue in general is with the fact that peopleon the internetclaim many times that they have autism. Three long time acquaintances who I knew for at least months admitted to have autism or Asperger's Syndrome. I'm just getting more and more confused about it considering how these disorders can be construed to mean other things. And it's not something you can necessarily prove on the internet, even harder to comprehend because in affects the brain. You can learn it from voice-chatting with someone, but from text, it's tricky.
    You've got to recognize how touchy such subjects are for people who actually have such a diagnosis. Compound that with the antisocial tendencies caused by ASD, and it makes sense that people are NOT ready to admit that, even if they're really good friends with you. I'm really open about my experiences with epilepsy (I even joke about it, now that it's all said and done), but I still regret telling certain people about it. Exposing one's vulnerabilities isn't easy for the best of us.
    But considering we'vediagnosedmore autistic children than ever before, there are some people who get screwed over and other people who take advantage of the label.
    Again, consider it critically. In the 70s and early 80s, we sucked ass at detecting autism. My psych professor told us that when they were working case studies for her bachelors, their class was actually told that autism was so rare that you'd never meet an autistic individual in your life. Finally, we worked out the concept of spectrum disorders and broad spectrum diagnosis, and we are now able to help a lot of people who really need it. ADHD is easy to overdiagnose, because kids act really hyper sometimes; that's just part of being a kid. Screaming when your mom gives you a hug is not something that can be mistaken for something else.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I really get where you're coming from WindUpBird. Autism really is critical for people, because let's face it, it's scary and ADD/ADHD are sometimes viewed in the same way. Back when I was growing up, around the dawn of the millenia, ADD was something really to be wondered about. When looked at, the symptoms of ADD/ADHD could be looked at as the following...
    Hearing and vision problems, Learning disabilities, Gifted children, who might be bored in school, Dysgraphia or difficulties with writing, Mental Retardation, Personality conflicts, either with a teacher or other students, Depression, Childhood psychosis, Oppositional defiant disorder, Tourette's syndrome, Autism and pervasive developmental disorders, Instability at home, such as from illness or death in a family member, frequent moves, or divorce
    I'm just curious if I'm the only one wondering if the diagnosis of the many Autism Spectrum Disorders is similar to that of the misdiagnosis of ADD/ADHD. That's more of where I'm looking for a correlation, because the range for diagnosis is very grand.
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