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Fail of Your Day



  • Oh god, I just realized of all the people I know, the only one who is also single is Scott Rubin.
  • What about Katsu?
  • What about Katsu?
    Cause that's so much better. :P
  • Pure, unadulterated beauty.
    It's a good thing I can touch type, because I'm now blind.
  • I would say thats what flirting is for, but so many people do it in a non serious fashion that other people get their hopes up. :-/
    This. A thousand times this. There's this girl that I hang out with a lot that always makes sexual jokes, we sing together when songs come on the radio, we understand each others jokes, etc. She always tells me I'm the funniest person she knows and I can always cheer her up if she's sad.

    Well, I was finally gonna get up the nerve to ask her out, and someone else happened to mention, as an aside, that he thought we should date. She laughed. Like, a lot, and then looked at me and said, "Don't you think that's funny? I just found it pretty funny."

  • Well, I was finally gonna get up the nerve to ask her out, and someone else happened to mention, as an aside, that he thought we should date. She laughed. Like, a lot, and then looked at me and said, "Don't you think that's funny? I just found it pretty funny."

    That's such weak sauce. I'm sorry to hear that. How did you respond to her?
  • Kind of mean, too.
  • Well, I was finally gonna get up the nerve to ask her out, and someone else happened to mention, as an aside, that he thought we should date. She laughed. Like, a lot, and then looked at me and said, "Don't you think that's funny? I just found it pretty funny."

    That's such weak sauce. I'm sorry to hear that. How did you respond to her?
    Well, it was kinda awkward, and I still wanted to be friends with her, so I didn't really say much. I just kinda changed the subject without commenting on it. Honestly, I think that she thinks I feel the same way, so she wasn't really being mean on purpose. She's never said anything mean to me, even in the slightest, and always wants me to come hang out with her, all the time.

  • Well, it was kinda awkward, and I still wanted to be friends with her, so I didn't really say much. I just kinda changed the subject without commenting on it. Honestly, I think that she thinks I feel the same way, so she wasn't really being mean on purpose. She's never said anything mean to me, even in the slightest, and always wants me to come hang out with her, all the time.

    I am of the opinion that you should have said that you didn't find it funny, and that you were thinking of asking her out. DON'T FRIENDZONE YOURSELF.
  • To all the poor friendzoned bastards on here, I raised a beer to you.
  • To all the poor friendzoned bastards on here, I raised a beer to you.
    Here here.
  • Don't socialize, it's the obvious choice.
  • Don't socialize, it's the obvious choice.
    That's right, just buy Love+.
    Oh, well, I also didn't mention that I work with her, so I didn't want it to be mega-weird either.

    But, honestly, in most cases I'd rather be friendzoned than prove a point by calling myself out. Sometimes you have to suck it up and move on.
  • Well, i find myself in the same situation as everyone else except i haven't confronted the situation yet. In a way this conversation has made me lose all hope but then i went to English class and saw her smile and it made me realize that everything would figure itself out.
  • This is why I hate flirting. I don't consider myself a flirty person, and feel like I try to be careful around guys and not make them think I like them in a more than friends kinda way. However, many people (and by this I actually mean my friends telling me later) have interpreted my actions as flirting, when all I'm doing is being nice. (This happened to me a lot in high school, fortunately not too much in college). Apparently I couldn't smile and laugh and have a good conversation with a guy without it being dubbed as flirting. When I talk to guys, I talk to them the same as I would talk to girls. Yet my friends will still be like "oh I saw you flirting with so and so, do you like him?" *giggle giggle* Ugh.

    I think the worst was when I met a guy flute player in my band my freshman year in college, and I started talking to him about random flute stuff. I was so excited to find someone who was just as crazy about flutes as me . I had never really met a guy flute player before either, so it was neat to me. And then one day I said bye to him to go back to my dorm, and he gave me this weird look, and then got all mad and left. I then realized he was expecting something more, and realized he must have liked me more than a crazy flute friend, and I accidentally blew him off somehow. He never talked to me again. o_o
  • edited September 2010
    But, honestly, in most cases I'd rather be friendzoned than prove a point by calling myself out. Sometimes you have to suck it up and move on.
    Proper response: "Yeah, let's have dinner together sometime. I need a laugh." You've got to be arrogant as fuck and prepared to send her a drink for this to work.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited September 2010
    I'm just glad that at this moment, with the only girl I was in this kind of situation with, I already outed myself. Of course the result wasn't what I wanted, but I'm over it now, and we're still talking to each other, so... not too bad overall.

    When it comes right down to it, I've come to the conclusion that right now, with my current abilities, it is okay to wait. Yes, it is very likely that nothing will ever come, I mean, nothing has come so far. I'm okay with that. I'm content with trying to improve my life to the best of my ability, and if that leads to better chances at relationships, all the better.
    Post edited by theknoxinator on
  • Yes, it is very likely that nothing will ever come, I mean, nothing has come so far. I'm okay with that.
    What the FUCK? Listen up you sorry piece of shit, Get a GRIP. Don't be such a pansy. So what if SHE didn't feel anything romantically about you? SO WHAT? Doesn't mean NOONE will. Just take a deep breath and get some self confidence.

    By the way, girls like self confidence.
  • Yeah, man. Seriously, self-actualize a bit.
  • edited September 2010
    Yes, it is fairly likely that nothing will come anytime soon, I mean, nothing has come so far.
    That's what I meant to say. My mind was wondering a bit. I think much more highly of myself than that.

    EDIT: The point was I trying to make, and failed to do so, is that I'm in a situation where I'm not taking an active role in meeting girls, and as such, I don't expect anything to happen. If something does, great, you won't see me complaining. I just have no reason to expect that anything will be different from what the past has shown.
    Post edited by theknoxinator on
  • Man up, all of you. I just read two pages of boys whining about being put in the friend zone. If all you are going to do is talk to girls, it's no wonder they only see you that way.

    How about going out of your way to making yourself more attractive. Flirting works. So does taking them out for dinner. Don't ask them for a date, just surprise them with a good time. Then, at the end of the night, do the "Initiate kissing leading to fucking" line, and it'll all work out. Not the line, just do the initiate kissing bit.
  • Man up, all of you. I just read two pages of boys whining about being put in the friend zone. If all you are going to do is talk to girls, it's no wonder they only see you that way.

    How about going out of your way to making yourself more attractive. Flirting works. So does taking them out for dinner. Don't ask them for a date, just surprise them with a good time. Then, at the end of the night, do the "Initiate kissing leading to fucking" line, and it'll all work out. Not the line, just do the initiate kissing bit.
  • I found this not too long ago and it surprisingly helped. Get-a-Girl-to-Like-You
  • edited September 2010
    I found this not too long ago and it surprisingly helped.Get-a-Girl-to-Like-You
    That article should be one point: You can't. She either likes you or she doesn't.

    Now, you can do things to make it more likely that a girl will like you, and that article is probably good for that. But she doesn't like you now? She's probably never going to.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Everyone needs to read moredating/relationship advice from Dan Savage.
    Nothing against Savage, I have a lot of respect for the man and his work, but that's not the first place I'd go to for advice when it comes to getting into relationships. 95% of his stuff is for people who are already in them. His focus is on dealing with relationship problems and how to have every kind of sex under the sun safely, with a smattering of dealing with people who have much worse problems than anyone on this forum does.
  • I'm starting to dislike my roommates more and more as time goes by. They feel anti-social and they really seem to have trouble talking to me about casual things. I like to be talkative and enjoy listening to conversations, but these guys I think prefer just passing out and staring into space with how much they drink and smoke. They might be locked into their rooms because they are seniors and want to graduate as soon as possible, but I wish I could bond with them more.

    But the Fail that really got to me, was having the smoke alarm go off at 4 AM. So I dashed out of my room, hoping there wasn't a real fire...and nothing. I don't think my roommates came out of their roommates. It sucks when they don't have the courtesy to tell the non-smoker of the apartment that the alarm going off was a fluke. @_@
  • Totally, got outbid on a dream house. No stream in the backyard with the house on a hill that doesn't flood.... :-(
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