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Fail of Your Day



  • You have terrible luck with women. Not just in the relationship sense of that phrase, but also in the "random females in your life" sense of the phrase.
    This was hilarious, because when I got around to reading this, it was after I'd just had a rather terribly good date. Not with Vagina-duffyd, someone else entirely.
    He is already short and fat. Did she also wear a silly spandex outfit too? It would be difficult to take a lesbian separatist seriously if she was wearing Duffyd's outfit.
    I don't know her terribly well, but she's just a callow youth, yet, and I'd say only really came out in the last year or two as gay. A Lot of people go through that phase.
    Seriously, I never understood why feminism to some means "hating men." If they do the patriarchal things that harm progress, and are sexist twats, yes, by all means please hate that behavior. One must also acknowledge that as a class, they have privilege in our current society. However, hating someone for something they were born as is bad in any circumstance, and harms the quest for equality more than it helps it.
    Agreed, 150%. That's exactly what I was trying to explain to her - though, in the context of Gay rights, rather than gender.
  • I hate software testing, so much.
  • Fuck organic chem.
  • I hate image testing, so much.
  • Fuck organic chem.
    Fuck IB organic chem
  • The fucking hotel double charged me for my room during PAX. Bastards overdrew me.

    /sigh Time to call those fuckers and see what's up.
  • Fuck organic chem.
    Yeah. It doesn't really get better. At all. I recommend lube.
  • Fuck organic chem.
    Yeah. It doesn't really get better. At all. I recommend lube.
    Luckily, I don't have to take P-Chem. We just finished chirality, and R-Z symmetry was mentioned. I think I have maybe one more chem course to take past Orgo I. Hopefully not.
    Fuck organic chem.
    Fuck IB organic chem
    Do you also have a 4 hour lab weekly with a one hour lecture?
  • We just finished chirality, and R-Z symmetry was mentioned.
    Yeah, that part sucked. Actually, all of orgo sucked, and I do not regret forgetting 90% of it.

    Take biochem. It's like orgo except that it makes sense.
  • We just finished chirality, and R-Z symmetry was mentioned.
    Yeah, that part sucked. Actually, all of orgo sucked, and I do not regret forgetting 90% of it.

    Take biochem. It's like orgo except that it makes sense.
    I'm going to (I'm doing my MCB degree with a focus in molecular genomics and proteomics), but I have to take the orgo track for med school.
  • but I have to take the orgo track for med school.
    Good luck! Hopefully you'll do better than I did.
  • Do you also have a 4 hour lab weekly with a one hour lecture?
    I have mine split 3 lab, 2 theory.
  • With this community being of such diverse and useful skill, it's a wonder why we don't all just go take over a city.
  • edited September 2010
    With this community being of such diverse and useful skill, it's a wonder why we don't all just go take over a city.
    FRCF: Brain mercenaries.
    Do you also have a 4 hour lab weekly with a one hour lecture?
    I have mine split 3 lab, 2 theory.
    It's a bitch. I do 6 hours of theory study a week (not including self-study), and despite being a major research university, our science budgets got slashed first, so all my theory classes are online.

    It sucks dicks.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • With this community being of such diverse and useful skill, it's a wonder why we don't all just go take over a city.
    No one would want to do the menial labor that a city actually requires.
  • edited September 2010
    The hospital had me come back again today to pee in a cup. This is a fail because I was there yesterday taking off of work to get a bajillion pre-op tests done, and asked them SPECIFICALLY if I needed to pee in a cup. They told me no. Today they called me at work to try and get me to come in again at 2 pm to pee in a cup. I told them there was no way. So I had to drive into Albany city proper around 4pm and then deal with rush hour traffic getting back home with my back fucking killing me because I had to pee in a motherfucking cup.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • edited September 2010
    I think I'm a gmail spambot. My account received 95 deliver status failures sending a message I never sent.
    Edit: Also, my account was accessed from Japan.

    Is there a way to report this or do I just change my password, check for malware and move on?
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Change your password now.
  • edited September 2010
    Don't worry, I have. I've also scanned with Microsoft Security Essentials and Spybot S&D.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Don't worry, I have. I've also scanned with Microsoft Security Essentials and Spybot S&D.;
    Make sure it contains numbers and symbols as well.
  • My house(that i rent) burned down, about 2:30-5:00 this morning, and I've been up since on an hour of sleep. I am so tired right now.
  • My house(that i rent) burned down, about 2:30-5:00 this morning, and I've been up since on an hour of sleep. I am so tired right now.
    Ah shit. Sorry.

    FAIL: Some girl plugged her laptop into a power outlet across the aisle. I didn't see it and my rolling backpack pulled it down. Her screen got cracked and things got heated for a bit, but we eventually both took some responsibility; her over where she put her cord, me over watching where I was going. And, even though I feel her laptop is entirely her responsibility, I really do feel like this is partially my fault. Her hard drive wasn't clicking, so I told her I'd help her find a cheap replacement screen and, if I felt I could, I'd install the replacement myself. We both took pictures of the screen and exchanged contact information.

    I feel like I just described an auto accident.
  • If she left the cable across a walkway, not only is she guilty of reckless disregard for her property, but also endangering others. I wouldn't have given her a leg to stand on.
  • If she left the cable across a walkway, not only is she guilty of reckless disregard for her property, but also endangering others. I wouldn't have given her a leg to stand on.
    That was my original stance, but I have to spend an entire semester with the people in this class and they were decidedly on her side. My offer to lend her non-financial aid was more an act of diplomacy than actual caring.
  • Now that you have her info see how she feels about hypnosis.
  • Now that you have her info see how she feels about hypnosis.
  • Tried to setup a Windows partition on my Mac using bootcamp, didn't pay close-enough attention during the Windows setup and accidentally nuked my Mac partition! I had actually re-installed OSX about a month ago and had taken a very thorough backup of everything prior to it, but about 2 weeks ago I determined that the re-install was a success and didn't need to be taking up the space with the backup so I nuked it :(

    I did have a partial backup from about 6 weeks ago that included my documents and pictures, so the only thing I've really lost is all of my music. I've been cultivating this music collection (cleaning up names and titles, determining which music was of no use and deleting stuff, adding a few songs here and there) for the last 4 years.

    I am SO stupid.
  • Doesn't it say before you start the process something like "BACK THIS FUCKING SHIT UP OR ELSE YOU'LL BE FUCKING SORRY!!!!!!"

    That's what Time Machine is for. Idiot.
  • This morning I left my backpack at home without enough time before class to go back and get it.

    The real fail? I did the same thing last week.
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