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Fail of Your Day



  • Have you asked him to slow the fuck down? Medical reports are serious business, and it sounds to me like he's not taking them very seriously, like he thinks they're a bother or something.
    I have, and I've been told he will. I'm still waiting for that to happen.
    As for venting frustration, I recommend beer.
    I prefer wine. I could use some now actually, they started drilling overhead and now I can't hear, well.. anything.
  • he thinks they're a bother or something.
    That's cause they probably are to him.
  • Hurricane Colette (Collette?) just knocked the power out on my whole block.Oh fuddie duddies.
  • I changed the admin password on the dev system because I forgot it was different than the test system. My coworkers were confused.
  • I just spent my whole morning at the courthouse to argue two parking tickets down from $90 to $20. That's less savings than the money I would have made if I had just worked instead. Pyrrhic win!
  • edited October 2010
    Monoculture is a MASSIVE issue from an evolutionary standpoint; we need to fix that. However, we also need to find out how to farm sustainably without using huge fucking fossil fuel inputs on every level. Vert farming, kangaroo farming, shit like that is going to help. GMOs help. Nuclear energy helps.

    The problem lies in convincing people that they've just been gobbling up "organic=superior" truthiness, instead of hard facts.
    This is what I am talking about. We just need to reevaluate the petroleum-based monoculture system we use, and evaluate it without a marketing spin. The things Windup mentions are all things I support. Like with energy, there is no single be-all-end-all green solution. We need to be tackling sustainable agricultural solutions from all different angles rather than just one. I happen to think that shopping at the farmer's market is kind of like putting a wind turbine in the backyard. You are not going to solve the world's energy needs with it, but it might provide a little bit of an offset. I try to be open minded about stuff, but, green-washing aside, the premise that there is no problem with America's current farming culture is a bit off if you ask me. (Also, keep in mind as well that most people who buy the aracana eggs at the farmers market, or grass-fed beef are also factoring in a number of other ethical concerns beside efficiency of production. However, we've had this discussion a number of times, so let's not and say we did, eh, Pete?)
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Possible Fail, could be Major: Just a question, again, it's related to my druggie roommates.

    One of them has a really cool ex-girlfriend who likes to hang out and is really cool to talk to. She's very socialble and quite friendly, compared to the roommates. However, once I came home from the class, she quickly explained to me, while holding a bag full of white powder, saying: "I don't want you to freak out. This is synthetic marijuana. It's not cocaine or any of that stuff. So I'm concerned. And I quickly told her, while her ex was in earshot, that I was concerned over him because of weeks ago because of the propane incident. She didn't know, and sounded a tad disappointed. The two then went off the concert.

    Again, I'm a bit concerned for my safety. But I'm wondering if I'm too worrysome about this, considering my old roommates smoked weed, and they were cool, relaxed, and really friendly and sociable guys. Is there such a thing as synthetic weed? I have a feeling if I get loud knocks on my door tonight, I'll immediately jump at the chance to switch apartments.

    Small fail: Had a headache that's lasted 2 hours.
  • I just spent my whole morning at the courthouse to argue two parking tickets down from $90 to $20. That's less savings than the money I would have made if I had just worked instead. Pyrrhic win!
    Being right is worth $70.
    aracana eggs
    I totally parsed that as "arcana eggs" and I was about to ask why we're hatching wizards.
  • To counter my fail: In turns out what they smoke, is basically pure THC. Which is legal apparently, it was just a little freaky. I think my roommate (Drew) wanted to talk to me quickly, because his ex knew I was feeling uncomfortable. I explained to him that I have a real fear of the police force, which I do, and he completely understands it. Again, fail on me for being too paranoid/worry-some about people, but sometimes you feel weird around people who know far too much about drugs.

    Somewhat other fail, that I don't believe has been touched on: Greg Giraldo Died. Shame. :X
  • Is there such a thing as synthetic weed?
    Yes, there is. It's sold as "k2" or "spice", which is made with synthetic cannabinoids. It's been legal, but some states have just started banning it. That may be what your roommates had.
    To counter my fail: In turns out what they smoke, is basically pure THC. Which is legal apparently
    I'm almost absolutely sure that actual pure THC would be illegal, since it would be derived from cannabis, and "analogues" to illegal drugs are illegal by default. Also, I hear that a pure THC high (like in the prescription drug Marinol) actually kinda sucks. CBD is the other main cannabinoid in cannabis (though there are over 60) and it apparently does a lot to kinda "balance" it out.
  • I totally parsed that as "arcana eggs" and I was about to ask why we're hatching wizards.
    Heehee! Wizard Eggs! So that's why they are green and purple!
  • edited October 2010
    Is there such a thing as synthetic weed?
    Yes, there is. It's sold as "k2" or "spice", which is made with synthetic cannabinoids. It's been legal, but some states have just started banning it. That may be what your roommates had.
    Yeah, it's a synthetic version that supposed to hit the same receptors. Honestly, it's a body high as compared to a head high, and it feels much less clean than a "normal" high. I prefer the real stuff, but you can buy this stuff for 10-20 a gram all day at real stores, hence the popularity.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • My body clock is fuuuuuuucked!
  • I gotta move out by the end of the month. Our roommate is moving thus we can't afford the rent we had. So me and Jed are gonna get a studio together, but this all collides with the rally on the 30th we want to go to. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
  • The people who made this ad can go die in a fucking fire. Killing people, especially children, for not thinking the same way you do is NEVER funny.
  • The people who made this ad can go die in a fucking fire. Killing people, especially children, for not thinking the same way you do is NEVER funny.
    Can i get a quick transcript? I get the feeling I really don't want to watch this, but I am still interested in the content contained therein.
  • Just watch it. It's some unfunny commercials about forcing people to reduce their carbon emissions.
  • Just watch it. It's some unfunny commercials about forcing people to reduce their carbon emissions.
    Oh, I thought it was advocating genocide, now I just don't care to watch it.
  • Ugh.

    So, I've been doing freelance web design in NYC for the past few months, and I've been just scraping by (I have almost zero professional contacts in this city). That being said, I've continued to look for fulltime work at a place I'd actually enjoy (I'm courting a few cool startups).

    I went in for two interviews with this one startup last week, and they seemed very promising. They actually have VC (instead of small investments), so we agreed that I'd start around $50k, and I could begin working Monday.

    I just found out today that, instead of $50k, their official offer is $28k. That amounts to about $10/hour, for Drupal development work. That's less than I made as a hardware store stock clerk IN MIDDLE SCHOOL. I'm still in a state of shock about this.

    Fuck verbal agreements.
  • edited October 2010
    Fail, the penultimate = Avast! antivirus pushed an update today that now makes it ID critical WoW files as MalWare and is blocking access. I am now batting off with sticks angry avast customers who cannot smoke their digital crack.

    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • image
    FAIL: I didn't notice it was in 1337 until panel four, where one character points it out. I am officially fluent in 1337. I've been on the internet too long.
  • Even while tapering my party habits, I still slept to two PM and woke up with that horrible dehydration stomachache. More extreme measures are needed.
  • Fail: Trying to find good food at 11:30pm on a Sunday in the industrial wasteland of Bushwick, Brooklyn. I might have to take the train back into civilization. Also, tonight is rainy and cold. Good weather for film noir, not so much for personal warmth and comfort.
  • I thought I was over my jet lag. I'm not. It's midnight in New York, and I'm still up and awake in Berlin.
  • edited October 2010
    I just got an email from the schools library system. A book that my sister took out a while ago under my card was just hit with a replacement fee. A $100 Replacement fee. However, I have the book in my hand to return tomorrow and I'll be damned if I'm not going to have them rescind it.

    EDIT: The book costs a little over $10 on amazon, including shipping.

    NEXT DAY EDIT: Book returned, Fee reduced to $10.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • EDIT: The book costs a little over $10 on amazon, including shipping.
    At this point that might as well hang you and leave your corpse dangling next to checkout counter as a warning to others who might be careless with library materials.
  • UIUC charges no less than $250 for a lost book. $750 to $1000 for a scholarly journal. You're lucky.
  • Guys, I'm absolutely scared out of my mind right now and I'm 100% sure I'm gonna call the cops.

    The two of them were talking about taking a combo of ambien and xanax and I had to hear them talk about it (Our walls are super thin) about how they were constantly forgetting stuff and how they woke up me up twice just to make sure I didn't take the pills or they were in my room. And to make matters worse, I can hear the sounds of one of them huffing propane again in the morning. It was goddamn terrifying. It was like he was screaming bloody murder at the top of his lungs and he sounded really distorted as well. And to make matters worse, I could hear glass being shattered and picked up in the final stages of him sucking up the propane.

    I don't care if I get in trouble...this is too fucking scary. @_@
  • Call the cops. Just do it. Ask it to be reported as an anonymous call.
  • I thought I was over my jet lag. I'm not. It's midnight in New York, and I'm still up and awake in Berlin.
    As far as I know, I don't even have a sleep cycle.
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