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Fail of Your Day



  • Call the cops. Just do it.
  • edited October 2010
    This doesn't make sense:
    how they woke up me up twice just to make sure I didn't take the pills or they were in my room
    Could you clarify?
    Call the cops. Just do it.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I just found out today that, instead of $50k, their official offer is $28k. That amounts to about $10/hour, for Drupal development work. That's less than I made as a hardware store stock clerk IN MIDDLE SCHOOL. I'm still in a state of shock about this.

    Fuck verbal agreements.
    Two things:
    1. get the offer AND the contract in writing. Offer does not equal contract.
    2. If they broke their side of the agreement, you can legally break yours. Find another job ASAP and tell 'em to fuck off.
  • Call the cops. Just do it.
    I call the people who owned basically run the apartment complex about every detail of what was happening. They know I'm not coming back until this is sorted out. The more I talk it over with my brother, the more it sounds like they were preparing to set up a meth lab.

    I'm glad I have a family who loves me and supports me...I'll be staying with them for the time being. I'm glad they are only 35 minutes away.
  • Moe (my roommate) got a THIRD Droid X because the first two had screen problems. The first phone had a bad screen that visibl warbled in the center anytime you touched anywhere on the screen. The second phone got a dead pixel on the screen within the first week of use. The newest replacement phone is ghosting - it does things by itself. You can watch it go through actions as if someone was tapping selections on the screen, even though no one has touched it. The best part? When it's doing this it won't take actual input from the screen. We are 3 for 3 on defective Droids. My 1st gen iPhone works WAY better than this piece of shit. It's like Verizon is purposely fucking with her.
  • Two things:
    1. get the offer AND the contract in writing. Offer does not equal contract.
    2. If they broke their side of the agreement, you can legally break yours. Find another job ASAP and tell 'em to fuck off.
    Yeah, I'm going over the contract today. The terms are horrible, but it's a buyer's market right now. I'm basically trying to do what Rym mentioned and get into the more creative side of IT (web development), because I've been bored silly doing tech support. Problem is, I don't really have enough experience to excuse my lack of overwhelming brilliance.

    I'm basically just working this job to spend time I'd otherwise be searching Craigslist for one-off projects, so I suppose I get a net benefit, slight as it may be.
  • Moe (my roommate) got a THIRD Droid X because the first two had screen problems. The first phone had a bad screen that visibl warbled in the center anytime you touched anywhere on the screen. The second phone got a dead pixel on the screen within the first week of use. The newest replacement phone is ghosting - it does things by itself. You can watch it go through actions as if someone was tapping selections on the screen, even though no one has touched it. The best part? When it's doing this it won't take actual input from the screen. We are 3 for 3 on defective Droids. My 1st gen iPhone works WAY better than this piece of shit. It's like Verizon is purposely fucking with her.
    Jesus, just get the Droid 2. 3/3 for the Droid X is a bad bad sign.
  • When it comes to technology, I wouldn't be so sure. I had two of the same hard drive go bad on me, which is a super fluke.

    Sample sizes, people.
  • Jesus, just get the Droid 2. 3/3 for the Droid X is a bad bad sign.
    Or the Incredible. Mine is pretty damn stable, and they have very similar specs (d-inc has a slightly smaller screen and less powerful GPU).
  • I'm being strongarmed by someone higher up in an organization than me who is oblivious as to the nature of what I'm doing and how it will help our bottom line, and is blatantly politicking. Fuck this noise. If I didn't have a particularly good weekend with the possibility of dinner with a beautiful girl in the future, I would likely be descending into an impossible wave of horrific rage.
  • Guys, I'm absolutely scared out of my mind right now and I'm 100% sure I'm gonna call the cops.

    The two of them were talking about taking a combo of ambien and xanax and I had to hear them talk about it (Our walls are super thin) about how they were constantly forgetting stuff and how they woke up me up twice just to make sure I didn't take the pills or they were in my room. And to make matters worse, I can hear the sounds of one of them huffing propane again in the morning. It was goddamn terrifying. It was like he was screaming bloody murder at the top of his lungs and he sounded really distorted as well. And to make matters worse, I could hear glass being shattered and picked up in the final stages of him sucking up the propane.

    I don't care if I get in trouble...this is too fucking scary. @_@
  • I would likely be descending into an impossible wave of horrific rage.
    You can descend into horrific rage anyhow. It can give you focus on a date. I find that I'm a better conversationalist when I'm pissed off about something. Of course, YMMV.
  • I would likely be descending into an impossible wave of horrific rage.
    You can descend into horrific rage anyhow. It can give you focus on a date. I find that I'm a better conversationalist when I'm pissed off about something. Of course, YMMV.
    The rage is on. Oh, and I'm an excellent conversationalist when enraged. I get really nonchalant and witty. Also, mildly self-deprecating in a cute way, from what I'm told.
  • edited October 2010
    Allowing the thought "You know, this tea would taste better with a pinch of salt." to come into existence. Maybe I should make some kind of salt liquorice tea.

    I also have this growing sense of desperation as I head into my fourth winter of depression and feel the coming of me passing beyond the point of no return, i.e. the point at which I will be unable to muster enough effort next summer to turn my life around. It's do or die time.

    This summer, I felt I'd almost gotten free but then it all tumbled down and I don't think I'll be able to do it again.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • So I comment sometimes on the Slog, the blog of Seattle's The Stranger, the alt-weekly paper that you might or might not know as the home of Dan Savage and the column Savage Love. Anyway!

    It being a blog, and the internet being a place where you can say anything and never be held accountable (note irony), I wrote a cranky comment on a piece about state tax policy and an upcoming income tax initiative. Taken as a whole, the comment was irritable and somewhat dumb, but relatively moderate. If you choose to emphasize one particular sentence in it, however, it makes me look like a flaming teabagger (note: I am basically politically opposite the Tea Party).

    Guess which quote one of their columnists - Jonathan Golob, a guy I like who writes the "Dear Science" column - chose to quote and emphasize in a separate piece earlier today?

    Goddammit. I deserve this for shooting off my mouth, I guess, but still, I am not a Glenn Beck-watching idiot. I was just tired and cranky and a little distrustful of Washington's revenue and spending policies. Ugh.
  • Guess which quote one of their columnists - Jonathan Golob, a guy I like who writes the "Dear Science" column - chose to quote and emphasize in a separate piece earlier today?
  • Goddammit. I deserve this for shooting off my mouth, I guess, but still, I am not a Glenn Beck-watching idiot. I was just tired and cranky and a little distrustful of Washington's revenue and spending policies. Ugh.
    You should write him and say as much. Most journalists, especially in New Media and especially the liberal ones will be pretty understanding.
  • Also I had a bad weekend because my girlfriend is sick and I spent it all helping her clean her house so her nosy, meddling, patronizing ass of a landlord would stop harassing her and her roommate, and I caught her cold and have a headache, and this morning I went to try to pay my rent and the post office's computers crashed while I was trying to get a money order so I had to go haring off after the cash to pay the small remainder of the bill while they just held the fuck on to $680 of my money that had already gone through electronically. That took two extra hours so I was late to work.

    And my head still hurts.

    This is not my best day ever.


    Man, I love this thread. It's cathartic.
  • In terms of what happened with me and my situation...

    I'm at my family's house at the time being, and I'll be here until I get a response back from my apartment complex. The management was contacted several times about the issue and if anything, they are going to take action with moving me to a different part of the complex. They can't automatically make assumptions about arresting the roommates, but they did explain that they would send maintenance people to basically test the waters. If things are awry, like if the propane smell is still in the air, they can get busted.

    In terms of the police, the management did contact them several times over the issue, and when I went to the department, I did file out a police report. An officer talked to me over what I can do, but it depends on how much I want to get involved. If I don't get involved, it's perfectly fine and the police will still escort me through the premises so I can retrieve all of my possessions. If I DO get involved, then I would have to stay in police interviews to testify about everything that happened, and this would mostly be done to put those two roommates behind bars. But I care more about my safety than anything, so I won't get involved. Plus, I'm pretty sure the two will get caught on their own accord or blow up or overdose.

    So right now it's turned into a waiting game. Again, thanks to the people at the forum who've given me advice.
  • Guess which quote one of their columnists - Jonathan Golob, a guy I like who writes the "Dear Science" column - chose to quote and emphasize in a separate piece earlier today?

    Goddammit. I deserve this for shooting off my mouth, I guess, but still, I am not a Glenn Beck-watching idiot. I was just tired and cranky and a little distrustful of Washington's revenue and spending policies. Ugh.
    I saw this post earlier. And I agreed with your comment. Granted Golob also makes a good point that in relative terms, Washington is pretty good about spending. But I laughed my ass off when he even dared to compare wasteful government spending to that of a company (assuming that's what he meant by private, for profit organizations). If businesses really spent money the same way government does, there wouldn't be many of them out there. Anyway, you're right to question how the government spends our money, cause it's our damn money. As far as I'm concerned, they have more to prove to us, not the other way around.
  • In terms of what happened with me and my situation...

    I'm at my family's house at the time being, and I'll be here until I get a response back from my apartment complex. The management was contacted several times about the issue and if anything, they are going to take action with moving me to a different part of the complex. They can't automatically make assumptions about arresting the roommates, but they did explain that they would send maintenance people to basically test the waters. If things are awry, like if the propane smell is still in the air, they can get busted.

    In terms of the police, the management did contact them several times over the issue, and when I went to the department, I did file out a police report. An officer talked to me over what I can do, but it depends on how much I want to get involved. If I don't get involved, it's perfectly fine and the police will still escort me through the premises so I can retrieve all of my possessions. If I DO get involved, then I would have to stay in police interviews to testify about everything that happened, and this would mostly be done to put those two roommates behind bars. But I care more about my safety than anything, so I won't get involved. Plus, I'm pretty sure the two will get caught on their own accord or blow up or overdose.

    So right now it's turned into a waiting game. Again, thanks to the people at the forum who've given me advice.
    Good luck, I hope this turns out to your benefit.
  • FUCK. Man, my brain feels like hamburger, I've had six hours of sleep, and I have no clue if I need the maximum percent yield for this fucking recrystallization experiment. God fucking dammit.
  • Allowing the thought "You know, this tea would taste better with a pinch of salt." to come into existence. Maybe I should make some kind of salt liquorice tea.
    Salt + Liquorice? You and Nine are getting to be more like a married couple every day.
  • edited October 2010
    My insomnia is starting to spiral out of control. It's 4:30am here. I don't feel remotely tired. But, my eyes are starting to burn and I'm feeling a bit out of touch. I need a hard reset on my sleep patterns.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I need a hard reset on my sleep patterns.
    It's called beer.
  • My coworker came into work sick and proceed to cough and sneeze over the entire lab. I avoided contact the best I could, but I'm less then thrilled about this. We work at the Health Department. She should know better.
  • Members of one of the other forums I frequent seem ready to give up the presumption of innocence to lock up one perceived scrum bag.
  • Went to jump a dead battery in our Mazda today, which resulted in smoking, flaming jumper cables.
    Yes I put them on correctly.
    Attempted with a different set, just to make sure, and pulled them off in about two seconds after they got hot.
    AAA said there was a short in the battery and we had to purchase a new one. Balls.
  • Went to jump a dead battery in our Mazda today, which resulted in smoking, flaming jumper cables.
    Shitty, but AWESOME.

    Did you keep the killer battery for sinister purposes?
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