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Fail of Your Day



  • The word on the internet is that Net Neutrality has died.
  • The word on the internet is that Net Neutrality has died.
    Yeah, I'm sorta not thrilled about that. I mean, I don't even have my Cr-46 yet. By the time I get it, all my porn is going to be slow!
  • The word on the internet is that Net Neutrality has died.
    Except not so much.
  • edited December 2010
    @ Wyatt: I honestly don't see that as any more or less crazy or nonsensical than most other religious origin stories, just more detailed.
    Two weeks ago, I ordered a gift for my Dad. Many days went by and it was still "processing," despite the website saying that it usually ships in one-to-two days. After five days I emailed the company to find out why it wasn't shipping. Two days later the company responded and told me that the item was back ordered indefinably, despite the website showing it as "in stock." I ordered the gift from a different vendor that I already confirmed has the item, but there is no way to get it to him before Christmas. It isn't a big deal, but it stinks.
    Amazon just informed me that my Dad's gift is back-ordered as well, despite saying "In Stock" when I placed my order. GAH. I will just have to pay more at a brick an mortar store. Poop.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I honestly don't see that as any more or less crazy or nonsensical than most other religious origin stories, just more detailed.
    QFT. That, for reference, is basically the exact line I use on Fark each and every time I want to start a religion flamewar. ;^)

    GAH. I will just have to pay more at a brick an mortar store. Poop.
    Print the Amazon page and see if they'll match or offer a discount. I've gotten smaller retailers to do that in the past. Not likely, but worth a shot.
  • If you're going to follow a cult, it may as well be one with aliens and ray guns.

    Though I am yet to see the use of sexy cat-girls (Though Shintoism might have that covered.).
  • edited December 2010
    I fear I have done something stupid. I did "rm *" in a server logs directory and now I can't get the server to start again.

    EDIT: nevermind, the hardware is just old and cranky.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Whelp. My contract didn't get renewed. Time to scramble over the holidays and nab a job for the new year.
  • Just missed the deadline on a stupid-easy programming assignment by *one* minute, thanks to spending an hour trying to get ONE Java development environment working on the family Mac. I ended up giving up on that and doing the rest in a text editor on an Ubuntu netbook, for christ's sake, and compiling using javac in the command line.

    Don't ever use a Mac for Java development, good fucking god.
  • Don't ever use a Mac for Java development, good fucking god.
    I use a Mac for Java development at work every day. It works just fine and flakes out less for me than most of my co-workers who all use Ubuntu.

    But it does sound like in this case, using an IDE may have been overkill if you could easily do it in a terminal. IDEs in general are complicated beasts.
  • Promoted to customer...
  • Ifrogz has dick for selection now for iPod classics. It's all about the iPod touches, iPads, and Blackberries. Boo.
  • I hear ya, iPod classic generally gets dicked. Not everyone ditches their hardware to be one of the new trendy people, dammit.
  • Yeah, I'm one of the holdouts on the iPod classic. I need that big hard drive and I don't need the apps or anything because I have a smartphone.
  • I hear ya, iPod classic generally gets dicked. Not everyone ditches their hardware to be one of the new trendy people, dammit.
    I would if the iPod touch had 100GB of space. Right now 64 isn't enough for me to upgrade.
  • Yeah, I'm one of the holdouts on the iPod classic. I need that big hard drive and I don't need the apps or anything because I have a smartphone.
    I've got a classic, and an Iphone - Iphone is with me ALL the time, so I put podcasts on that, and Music is on my ipod, for when I want music when I don't have access to my computer, and in such situations, I'll invariably have my bag with me, which contains(among other assorted stuff) my iPod..
  • I just ran into a 'well what if I don't want to upgrade?' issue on my new computer. Turns out Cannon abandoned my Canoscan and didn't make drivers for Windows 7. I had to dig for special software to get it to run. Is it old? Yeah, sure. but it's less than an inch thick, scans at a good res, uses USB power, and STILL WORKS. Why would I go buy another one?
  • So, my laptop fan just stopped working yesterday. I took it into the BestBuy where I got it, and now it's gone so that they can I assume replace the fan and do any other diagnostics tests. Now I will be laptop-less until January 7th at the latest. *sigh*
  • edited December 2010
    I just ran into a 'well what if I don't want to upgrade?' issue on my new computer. Turns out Cannon abandoned my Canoscan and didn't make drivers for Windows 7. I had to dig for special software to get it to run. Is it old? Yeah, sure. but it's less than an inch thick, scans at a good res, uses USB power, and STILL WORKS. Why would I go buy another one?
    Gee, that sounds familiar.

    I do have serious love for my new laptop, but I'm irritated that I now have $1500 less to spend elsewhere. My printer kicked it a day after I bought the new laptop though. Which figures, since there was a deal on buying a printer at the same time and I could have gotten a decent one for cheap.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • Because I broke my iPhone, I bought myself an iPod Nano to listen to audiobooks and podcasts and music until I get a new phone (maybe I'll go Android this time?). The newNano is soooo cute! It's super tiny, perfect for clipping to my clothes while juggling, rather than having to have something in my pocket.

    Now all I want is something this size which also has an alarm clock and access to my diary, and I'll be happy. Or an update to the software on the Nano as it is now, although an alarm would need a speaker, not just headphones. Then I'd only ever have to carry my phone if I want access to email and internet and phone calls.
  • When I saw Black Swan today, I saw it with my friend Mandy. The guy who was sitting a few seats over from us was making all kinds of moaning and shuddering noises, rustling around a lot, and being generally creepy. We are pretty damn sure that he was pulling a Paul Reubens.
  • Some guy did that when I saw Half-Blood Prince. Older men who are into Emma Watson are totally creepy.
  • Some guy did that when I sawHalf-Blood Prince. Older men who are into Emma Watson are totally creepy.
    Not uncommon, apparently.
  • edited December 2010
    After coming back from a pre-christmas get together at a relatives house, I find that my main laptop had rebooted.
    "Okay...It usually doesn't do that..."
    So I log in and a window comes up for some software called Whitesmoke Translator asking for my email address and it wont let me close the window without giving it to it. I kill it with task manager.

    I never installed this program. I never even HEARD of this program before. But google had. Right next to the word VIRUS. I hadn't been to any sketchy sites in a LONG time and I haven't torrented anything recently except for some anime. I can only guess that it manage to hit my computer through the forwarded port in my router and got in via an exploit. I don't know HOW, considering I always keep my computer up to date. Maybe a zero-day.

    Anyways, I ran MalwareBytes in safe mode and it said it removed it. Now when I reboot into normal mode, it either blue screens during boot or soon after. System restore doesn't help. The bluescreen was an "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" which, according to technet, means a kernel mode driver is attempting to access a resource that it doesn't have permission to use. The solution was to remove all third-party drivers (those not signed by MS). Did that and it didn't help.

    I'm at a loss. I'm running spinrite to see if its a harddrive problem, but it looks like I'll have to re-do my machine.

    On Christmas.


    EDIT: Apparently this is hitting a lot of people recently the exact same way it hit me. They're getting BSODs too. Nice to know I'm not alone.
    EDIT2: I have a lead... I'm gonna get you you son of a bitch...
    EDIT3: Bulls eye. Motherfucker was hiding a rootkit in mah motherfuckin MBR. Lil fucker never stood a chance one I found em.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited December 2010
    The following video is not my fail of the day. However, it expresses almost perfectly why "The War on Christmas" is perhaps the most brain retarding, stupid, idiotic, and the 2nd most arrogant thing I've ever heard about. And since it's Christmas for some, "The War on Christmas" is what truly deserves the fail of the day.

    Before you ask, the most arrogant thing I've ever heard about is creationism, since it is the believe that the universe was specifically designed and dedicated to humanity and all those stars in the sky are simply there for our personal enjoyment as they don't actually have any useful or practical purpose.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Got way too drunk, lost my glasses.
  • Got way too drunk, lost my glasses.
    Welcome to me six months ago. It sucks.
  • Glasses have been found and are in route. Stone's Double Bastard is aptly named.
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