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Fail of Your Day



  • edited December 2010
    That was yucky and sad.
    And they wonder why more girls don't play on FPS servers.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • [Sad, sad, video]
    I was unable to watch that in the end it just was too painful.
  • edited December 2010
    It's already painful 30 seconds in.

    EDIT: Jesus, I skipped to where he started crying. Ugh. I can't take that.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • One way to get a standing ovation at the end of your juggling show: fall over on stage, knock yourself out, then get up and not be dead.
  • edited December 2010
    Oy, that was pretty awkward and painful. However, if the guy didn't have a clue and couldn't take no for an answer, I don't feel sorry for him.

    This guy reminds me of a guy who was in my guild back in Vanilla WoW and was hitting on a girl who was really cute and was in a relationship with an officer. He would constantly try to hit on her and flirt with her, and she was being just a nice person.

    One day shit hit the fan and in a similar situation he was crying on Ventrillo during a raid.
    Post edited by Rochelle on

    Thanks, Internet. >.<
  • Digsby added an ad bar to the chat window. Fuck this shit.
  • Fucking fuel line on the brushcutter got yanked off. I'm covered in petrol. Again. Fucking Lantana. Fucking trees. I'll concrete over the lot of you pricks.
  • Digsby added an ad bar to the chat window. Fuck this shit.
    Yea I noticed this, and I don't really care. Still useful.
  • Digsby added an ad bar to the chat window. Fuck this shit.
    Yeah, but you can just disable it in the settings. Tools>Preferences>Conversation
  • Digsby added an ad bar to the chat window. Fuck this shit.
    Yeah, but you can just disable it in the settings. Tools>Preferences>Conversation
    luv u <3
  • Fail: Student tried to shank me today.
    Fail: My only recourse is paperwork.
  • Whoa. That's crazy. At least you didn't get shanked.
  • edited December 2010
    Did you at least get to floor the punk ass?
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Fail: Student tried to shank me today.
    Fail: My only recourse is paperwork.
    What the hell? Who tries to shank an art teacher, honestly?
  • Fail: Student tried to shank me today.
    Fail: My only recourse is paperwork.
    What the hell? Who tries to shank an art teacher, honestly?
  • Ro wins today.
  • The awkward. It is unbearable.
    Didn't watch much but I feel really sorry for her, she seems so polite.
  • Fuck all you pussy ass democrats. I hate all of you.
    Bush tax cuts extended to everyone for longer.
  • Fuck all you pussy ass democrats. I hate all of you.
    Bush tax cuts extended to everyone for longer.
    Yea, I found this funny that they were blaming President Obama, when it was congress that punted the issue till after the election.. Gee lets not vote on this issue that most people agree with a month before the election... durrrrrrrrrrp. Well most of the people responsible for the delay lost so screw them :-p
  • Democrats should have conspired with Obama. Pass tax cuts, get to everything else, pass it all.


    Obama vetoes the tax cuts!
  • Democrats should have conspired with Obama. Pass tax cuts, get to everything else, pass it all.


    Obama vetoes the tax cuts!
    Let's hope they do the smart thing and veto his veto.
  • Obama vetoes the tax cuts!
    The Democrats really aren't good at playing politics.
  • Democrats should have conspired with Obama. Pass tax cuts, get to everything else, pass it all.


    Obama vetoes the tax cuts!
    Too bad the President doesn't have a line-item veto.
  • "Bills are hard to pass and harder to get rid of"
  • edited December 2010
    FAIL: D+ in Critical Reasoning and D in my biology Lab. I attribute both of these sub-standard grades to academic carelessness on my part.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • FarmVille for Dummies
    I think I've found a great gag gift.
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