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Fail of Your Day



  • Fail: Dream Act did not pass the senate :(
  • What is it about the holidays that makes people forget how roads work?
  • What is it about the holidays that makes people forget how roads work?
    They're too busy thinking they sound like Bing Crosby/Mariah Carey.
  • I have been home for less than a day and my dad has already started going on about how much of a colossal fuckup I am.
  • I left my charger for my laptop in my dorm room. This might end up being a relatively costly mistake.
  • I left my charger for my laptop in my dorm room. This might end up being a relatively costly mistake.
    If you haven't already, just buy a second charger. It's a lot more convenient to have a charger at your desk and a charger that stays in your laptop case/backpack.
  • An old friend from elementary school died last night in a car crash. He was alone, and his car hit a tree. It's still unclear what caused the crash. We went our separate ways because we developed different interests - no hard feelings or anything. We haven't talked in years, but it's still really sad. Reading his Facebook wall is tough. It's clear that he was one of those people that loved every minute of his life, and that's somewhat consoling, I suppose. This is hitting his family really hard.

    Sorry if this post reads like gibberish. Just needed to get it out, I guess.
  • I had a Minecraft dream where my friends and I were defending a fortress from giant spiders.
  • On the bright side, at least none of them had skeletons riding them.
  • On the bright side, at least none of them had skeletons riding them.
    We woulda been fucked.
  • I woke up feeling like shit, laid in bed thinking about death for an hour, got up, had a panic attack, broke something, and went back to bed. So much for the holiday spirit.
  • Been there dude, it's not a nice place (Ice cream is good though.).
    On a serious note, you'll feel as though you want to isolate yourself (Just being around people seems an imountable challenge.). If someone's around, see if they'll hang around in the same room for a while, even if you're doing something else, being around others is a good way to snap out of feeling down.
  • laid in bed thinking about death for an hour, got up, had a panic attack,
    I hate that.
  • edited December 2010
    I upgraded to the new version of Evernote and now it gets stuck on underline, meaning that I can't only underline part of a line. Also, Windows is being really annoying by saying I can't uninstall it because it's open, but it's not open in task manager. If Windows thinks it's open, why can't Windows close it?

    Edit: I'm using the Evernote web interface now and it got stuck bold. Grr.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • edited December 2010
    I don't know which is more fail: The Giants choking away a 21 point lead to the Eagles, or the Giants fan exclusively scapegoating the Punter after he kicked the ball to DeSean Jackson who returned it for a touchdown with nothing left on the clock to win the game.

    As a hardcore Flyers fan with a lot of Eagles fans as friends, and me bandwaggoning with the Eagles when the Buccaneers invariably fuck things up (like today, losing to the goddamn Lions, ugh), all I can say is:
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Last week was not my week.

    Thursday before last, my back started aching something fierce. It got worse over the weekend, and I had to work from home Monday because I could barely get out of bed. Tuesday I was feeling a little better, and went to the office, where I got a bunch of stuff done, then had to deal with drunk bosses at our company Christmas party. That was...weird.

    Wednesday, it seems like the alcohol and the cold left me susceptible to a nasty bug (which I may have gotten from my boss), which made the rest of the week a living hell. I started running a fever Thursday night, so I worked from home Friday. After working from home two days that week, I feel like things aren't so copacetic with my bosses, even though I was still working when at home. I finished some extra work over the weekend, but spent up until Sunday (today) feverish and in bed (it may not have been my best work, I'll admit). Now that I'm feeling a little better, I'll have to go into the office tomorrow and do damage control.

    Friday can't come fast enough. California sunshine, warm weather, and not having to constantly stress about work until the new year.
  • I'm done with physical data media. We watched a Netflix DVD (instead of a stream), and I forgot how much of a pain it is, nevermind the scratches.

    The fail, however, is for every other freaking person in the world who has DVDs. What the fuck do you do to them to scratch them up so badly?! No DVD I own has even a single scratch (excepting ones I've lent to the jackasses), yet most every DVD I borrow or run across is basically fucked to death.

    Do people just leave them out? Use them as coasters? What the fuck?
  • I have used DVD-R's I no longer needed as coasters.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm done with physical data media.
    Let me know how that works out. ~_^
    I have used DVD-R's I no longer needed as coasters.
    Me too. I keep an old spindle in my living room at the Geekflat, actually.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Let me know how that works out. ~_^
    This was the first DVD I've watched in a long time, and SSFIV is the only physical game I've ever bought for my Xbox. It's been working out well for some time.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm done with physical data media. We watched a Netflix DVD (instead of a stream), and I forgot how much of a pain it is, nevermind the scratches.
    The fail was also: It was Pan's Labyrinth, a really good movie, and it kept freezing near the climactic end scenes.
    This was the first DVD I've watched in a long time
    Also, that is a lie, we just watched (and bought) Trigun.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Also, that is a lie, we just watched (and bought) Trigun.
    We finished it a while ago. ;^)

    Sadly, my only other option would have been to pirate Trigun. Going forward, I plan to rip the few DVDs I own and be done with them.
  • Going forward, I plan to rip the few DVDs I own and be done with them.
    Welcome to the plan I've had for a while now.
  • We finished it a while ago. ;^)
    As in a few weeks ago, yeah.
  • It was Pan's Labyrinth, a really good movie,
    Ugh...wait, I feel like we've had this argument before.
  • We watched a Netflix DVD (instead of a stream), and I forgot how much of a pain it is
    Do you have any idea how ridiculous this statement sounds? I mean, I understand where you're coming from, but putting this into words makes it sound amazingly absurd. Back in my day, we didn't have DVD's; we had VHS tapes that we had to rewind, and we were happy!

    Technology really is a funny thing.

    Fail: I decided to have a cookie for breakfast this morning. When my blood sugar completely crashed 45 minutes later, I remembered why I eat a high-protein diet.

    Goddamn cookies and their tempting frosting.
  • edited December 2010
    Your other fail Rym is that Pan's Labyrinth is on Netflix on-demand ;-p Get a movie that is not there!
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Goddamn cookies and their tempting frosting.
    I tend to ignore anything with frosting, but I took a bit of the holiday cookies that my boss made and will gradually eat them at home throughout the week.

    Chocolate covered peanut butter balls are delicious.
  • Your other fail Rym is that Pan's Labyrinth is on Netflix on-demand ;-p Get a movie that is not there!
    I had it in my instant queue and then it went away! I thought it expired!
  • Do you have any idea how ridiculous this statement sounds? I mean, I understand where you're coming from, but putting this into words makes it sound amazingly absurd. Back in my day, we didn'thaveDVD's; we had VHS tapes that we had torewind, and we were happy!
    Ahh, but that was a world where alternatives did not yet exist that were viable. If you only have gruel, and no one else has anything better, gruel is a godsend. If gruel-free me is suddenly forced to eat gruel, knowing full well the joys of non-gruel, it is difficult to swallow.

    Besides, forget media. Remember when Scott was the only one at RIT with a cell phone? Remember having to plan meeting times at conventions? Remember when, if someone didn't show up at the diner, there was no way to know where they were? If someone wasn't at RWAG or Gracies, they were basically impossible to contact?
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