Oh, like Starbuck? Who was a dude originally? So many of my favorite SciFi girls are literarily transgendered. (Firefly has good female characters, though)
2004 Starbuck and Original Starbuck are COMPLETELY different characters in terms of motivation, persona, beliefs, etc. You can't even compare them, and not just because of their sex. (ALSO SPOILARS: 2004 Starbuck? Probably not even a chick. Do angels/otherwordly avatars have a gender?)
Also, yeah, pretty much every other Galactica Gal. And the ladies of Firefly.
I just bought some Carmex for the first time ever. I got curious about the ingredients, because it is the single most soothing thing to ever touch my lips. It contains 0.7% phenol. So I looked up the MSDS for phenol. Turns out Carmex contains a Class 3 Mutagen! Also Camphor, which can cause hepatotoxicity and is readily absorbed through mucous membranes (the lips) and flesh.
Fuck, guess I have to find a new and better lip balm. T_T
Yeah, I looked at their ingredients for Burt's Lifeguard's Choice (my lips chap like crazy) and it looks awesome and dangerous-chemical free. I hate the feeling of most lip balms and chapsticks, but I really like Burt's Bees Aftershave and Men's Soap, so hopefully it'll be a winner.
My asshole roommate went on my xbox (that we both use) and apparently bought the xbox live family pack for $100 with MY debit card. I don't think it was on purpose but I'm fucking pissed either way, and he's giving me that fucking money somehow. I didn't even have that much in my checking account!
My asshole roommate went on my xbox (that we both use) and apparently bought the xbox live family pack for $100 with MY debit card. I don't think it was on purpose but I'm fucking pissed either way, and he's giving me that fucking money somehow. I didn't even have that much in my checking account!
My asshole roommate went on my xbox (that we both use) and apparently bought the xbox live family pack for $100 with MY debit card. I don't think it was on purpose but I'm fucking pissed either way, and he's giving me that fucking money somehow. I didn't even have that much in my checking account!
Sexual favors.
I hope you mean prostituting himself in order to make enough money to pay me back, and not just giving me sexual favors.
Fail: I saw this one comming but I won't be getting the $39.99 PS3 ;P
Yeah, I'm not terribly bummed about it though. My first assignment this semester was to "buy myself something nice" and write about the experience. Now I can write about the heartbreak of not getting my $40 PS3.
Final Fantasy XIII-2: A likely shitty sequel to an already shitty game. Thought things couldn't get worse than FFX-2? Think again. I'm expecting clones, shitty voice acting, and Lightning to sing a pop song mid-game.
I would certainly play an RPG set in Finland. In seriousness, though, I think that now, more than ever, Square could do with putting out a broad appeal game. F132 could be a real improvement, but many might not even give it a look.
Also, yeah, pretty much every other Galactica Gal. And the ladies of Firefly.
Fuck, guess I have to find a new and better lip balm. T_T
/o____o\ fuck.
But thats all the good news.
Also, isn't Comcast one of the companies that drug MGM into bankruptcy?