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Fail of Your Day



  • My cat, who we thought was getting better, probably now has liver cancer and probably won't be there the next time I go home from college. :'(
    Awwe. I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope for the best, even though it may not happen.
    Thanks, It means a lot.
  • After watching tonight's game between the Flyers and Senators on Rogers Sportsnet, I now understand the hatred Rangers fans feel for Denis Potvin. While I never had the opportunity to watch him play, the verbal pain he inflicted on me is enough that I am glad that I'll never have to. Fucker basically raped my ears for 2 and a half hours...
  • Could be 2012, could be 202012.
  • My cat, who we thought was getting better, probably now has liver cancer and probably won't be there the next time I go home from college. :'(
    Aw man, I know how it is to lose a cool cat, especially one you thought was healthy. I hope he'll be alright.
  • Recent episode of Stuff You Should Know about acupuncture. I'm listening to it all the way through just to hear it out.
    Were you as disappoint as I was?
  • About 3 1/2 sadbat.jpgs out of 5.
  • My 8:30 Friday class doesn't meet every week. This is one of those 'no meeting' weeks. I should start looking at that syllabus.
  • I hate giving presentations to other college students. None of them give a flying fuck about what you have to say and heaven help you if you try to involve them in any way. They'll just look at you like you have 4 heads and aren't wearing any pants.
  • I hate giving presentations to other college students. None of them give a flying fuck about what you have to say and heaven help you if you try to involve them in any way. They'll just look at you like you have 4 heads and aren't wearing any pants.
    Try teaching highschool sometime. ;)
  • I hate giving presentations to other college students. None of them give a flying fuck about what you have to say and heaven help you if you try to involve them in any way. They'll just look at you like you have 4 heads and aren't wearing any pants.
    Try teaching highschool sometime. ;)
    I had a much easier time with giving presentations in High School, actually. That was probably because they had to give feedback or they would fail the project. Grades are a wonderful incentive to pay attention.
  • I hate giving presentations to other college students.
    I used to love doing it. But my presentations were much like GeekNights live shows are today, and I was usually able to get people excited.
  • So, uploading your mind into a computer - essentially turning your hardware into software - turns out, not likely to be possible any time that we'll be alive, According to Timothy Lee, a Princeton Computer scientist.

    The one Sentence version - "You can't reduce a biological system usefully with mathematical models."

    The one Sentance and one paragraph version - The above, and then
    "Scientists have been trying to simulate the weather for decades, but the vast improvements in computing power in recent decades have produced only modest improvements in our ability to predict the weather. This is because the natural world is much, much more complex than even our most powerful computers. The same is true of our brains. The brain has approximately 100 billion neurons. If each neuron were some kind of simple mathematical construct (in the sense that transistors can be modeled as logic gates) we could imagine computers powerful enough to simulate the brain within a decade or two. But each neuron is itself a complex biological system. I see no reason to think we'll ever be able to reduce it to a mathematically tractable model. I have no doubt we'll learn a lot from running computer simulations of neurons in the coming decades. But I see no reason to think these simulations will ever be accurate (or computationally efficient) enough to serve as the building blocks for full-brain emulation."

    And finally, the article.
  • Tazmanian Devils are going extinct from face cancer, that they get from biting each other.

    This is the problem with lack of genetic diversity. The species is so similar that their immune systems don't recognize other's cancer cells as foreign.
  • edited January 2011
    So, uploading your mind into a computer - essentially turning your hardware into software - turns out, not likely to be possible any time that we'll be alive,According to Timothy Lee, a Princeton Computer scientist.

    The one Sentence version - "You can't reduce a biological system usefully with mathematical models."

    The one Sentance and one paragraph version - The above, and then
    "Scientists have been trying to simulate the weather for decades, but the vast improvements in computing power in recent decades have produced only modest improvements in our ability to predict the weather. This is because the natural world is much, much more complex than even our most powerful computers. The same is true of our brains. The brain has approximately 100 billion neurons. If each neuron were some kind of simple mathematical construct (in the sense that transistors can be modeled as logic gates) we could imagine computers powerful enough to simulate the brain within a decade or two. But each neuron is itself a complex biological system. I see no reason to think we'll ever be able to reduce it to a mathematically tractable model. I have no doubt we'll learn a lot from running computer simulations of neurons in the coming decades. But I see no reason to think these simulations will ever be accurate (or computationally efficient) enough to serve as the building blocks for full-brain emulation."

    And finally, the article.
    This is why I'm going to be a brain surgeon. Fascinating.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • This story is probably bullshit. Can someone explain exactly why?
    Because it's an article at the Huffington Post?
    Well, yes, but the same idea is on a bunch of other sources as well. I was looking for more of a scientific answer. :P
  • First Major Fail of 2011: Can't go to PAX because of school.
  • edited January 2011
    This story is probably bullshit. Can someone explain exactly why?
    Because it's an article at the Huffington Post?
    Well, yes, but the same idea is on a bunch of other sources as well. I was looking for more of a scientific answer. :P
    The onus is on them to explain why it isn't bullshit. Otherwise, it's bullshit by default.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • According to the people who live in the room three doors down, Jennifer's Body is the greatest movie ever made. That is all.
  • So, got written up at work Wednesday morning by my boss. Because of numerous complaints. I am allowed to see the complaints with the names taped over. Is it a coincidence that the complaints from different people in different departments were all on the same paper (in their own handwriting?)
  • So, got written up at work Wednesday morning by my boss. Because of numerous complaints. I am allowed to see the complaints with the names taped over. Is it a coincidence that the complaints from different people in different departments were all on the same paper (in their own handwriting?)
    What are the complaints? I find it strange that someone could take issue with you, unless there is some sort of bigotry involved.
  • So, got written up at work Wednesday morning by my boss. Because of numerous complaints. I am allowed to see the complaints with the names taped over. Is it a coincidence that the complaints from different people in different departments were all on the same paper (in their own handwriting?)
    What are the complaints? I find it strange that someone could take issue with you, unless there is some sort of bigotry involved.
    True that. You're one of the most chilled out, cool, level headed people I can think of.
  • Bitches be crazy I s'pose. Why they gotta be hatin' on J-Law is beyond me.
  • So, got written up at work Wednesday morning by my boss. Because of numerous complaints. I am allowed to see the complaints with the names taped over. Is it a coincidence that the complaints from different people in different departments were all on the same paper (in their own handwriting?)
    What are the complaints? I find it strange that someone could take issue with you, unless there is some sort of bigotry involved.
    True that. You're one of the most chilled out, cool, level headed people I can think of.
    *laughs* Two of the complaints are that I am not aggressive enough, I know the two because when they asked why I don't kick someone's ass I told them my nature is to use violence if no other options are available. The other two were about "abuse of power". Those two instances, from what I could infer in the writing, were a couple of employees I had to write up for not contacting Security about a patient being transported to the psych unit. I hate to sound paranoid, but I honestly think someone who didn't like me started going around seeing if there were other people that had grudges and wrote up "complaints". It was put in the company's suggestion box, which go to the vice-presidents (my Director's boss). Eh, Just frustrating more than anything...
  • *laughs* Two of the complaints are that I am not aggressive enough, I know the two because when they asked why I don't kick someone's ass I told them my nature is to use violence if no other options are available. The other two were about "abuse of power". Those two instances, from what I could infer in the writing, were a couple of employees I had to write up for not contacting Security about a patient being transported to the psych unit. I hate to sound paranoid, but I honestly think someone who didn't like me started going around seeing if there were other people that had grudges and wrote up "complaints". It was put in the company's suggestion box, which go to the vice-presidents (my Director's boss). Eh, Just frustrating more than anything...
    Well, I hope that everything works out in your favor.
  • *laughs* Two of the complaints are that I am not aggressive enough, I know the two because when they asked why I don't kick someone's ass I told them my nature is to use violence if no other options are available. The other two were about "abuse of power". Those two instances, from what I could infer in the writing, were a couple of employees I had to write up for not contacting Security about a patient being transported to the psych unit. I hate to sound paranoid, but I honestly think someone who didn't like me started going around seeing if there were other people that had grudges and wrote up "complaints". It was put in the company's suggestion box, which go to the vice-presidents (my Director's boss). Eh, Just frustrating more than anything...
    Man, those are some chickenshit complaints right there. You're doing your job to the best possible standard, by not using violence when not necessary.
  • If you don't have the balls to put your name on a complaint, don't complain.
  • People upwind of me on campus.
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