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Fail of Your Day



  • For reasons I do not understand I am up before 5 am today.
  • For reasons I do not understand I am up before 5 am today.
    Is the cold dude! :O
  • edited January 2011
    According to the people who live in the room three doors down, Jennifer's Body is the greatest movie ever made. That is all.
    A newly possessed cheerleader turns into a killer who specializes in offing her male classmates. Can her best friend put an end to the horror?
    That sounds either hilarious or horrifying.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Jennifer's Body is actually hilarious and campy.
  • edited January 2011
    Rush Limbaugh on healthy eating:
    With great fanfare, it was reported last week that the current health advice about eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day is outdated, and that scientists now believe that eight portions is more beneficial." And with no more than that, people will believe it because it shows up in the media. And scientists wouldn't lie about this, why would they anyway? Jack LaLanne was a vegetarian, look what happened to him? He died. Jack LaLanne was a vegetarian exercise freak and look what happened to him. He passed away. It's amazing, isn't it? "While many people grumbled about how on earth they would manage those extra portions, I allowed myself a wry smile." This is Zoe Harcombe writing. "For more than two years I’ve known that the 'five-a-day' mantra we’re all so familiar with is nothing but a fairytale. Of course, they are tasty, colorful additions to any meal. But in terms of health and nutrition, fruit and veg have little to offer, and telling us to eat eight portions a day is compounding one of the worst health fallacies in recent history.
    Nothing like an obese, Oxycontin abusing asshole to be a self-declared expert on a subject he knows nothing about.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • You know who else was a vegetarian? Hitler. And HE died too. Coincidence? I think not.

    I fucking hate so many people.
  • limbaugh picture
    That's perfect. The cochlear implant is a nice touch.
  • The additional fail is that the transcript cut out the parts when he refers to government health agencies as "Nazis".
  • edited January 2011
    Nothing like an obese, Oxycontin abusing asshole to be a self-declared expert on a subject he knows nothing about.
    In his the defense of non-veggy eaters, what are you getting from fruits and veggies that you can't get from carbs and a multivitamin.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Nothing like an obese, Oxycontin abusing asshole to be a self-declared expert on a subject he knows nothing about.
    Inhisthedefenseof non-veggy eaters, what are you getting from fruits and veggies that you can't get from carbs and a multivitamin.
    Nutrition I don't immediately pee out.
  • Nothing like an obese, Oxycontin abusing asshole to be a self-declared expert on a subject he knows nothing about.
    Actually, that's a very good place to get advice. Just do the exact opposite of what he tells you.
  • Nothing like an obese, Oxycontin abusing asshole to be a self-declared expert on a subject he knows nothing about.
    Inhisthedefenseof non-veggy eaters, what are you getting from fruits and veggies that you can't get from carbs and a multivitamin.
    The methods by which the body absorbs vitamins and minerals from food are far more efficient than the way it gets them from a multivitamin. Also, you get lots of pigments! They're awesome for you.

    Jack LaLanne was 96. He died because he was old, not because vegetables killed him.
  • Google contacts, y u suck so much?

    Seriously. Google, you're a multibillion dollar company, and Contacts works like THAT?
  • Google, you're a multibillion dollar company, and Contacts works like THAT?
    Like what? I rely on them pretty heavily, and I have yet to run into any issues.
  • Google, you're a multibillion dollar company, and Contacts works like THAT?
    Like what? I rely on them pretty heavily, and I have yet to run into any issues.
    Android issue. I reset my phone, and couldn't get rid of my GApps contacts without deleting them individually, because it was the "main account", and had already synced.
  • Because I have no instinct towards self preservation, I'm still watching that dumbass kid's movie reviews to see it they'll get any worse. They do... here's his top ten for this year.
    10) Tie between The Social Network and True Grit. That's fine, a low in my opinion, but an alright start.
    9) Knight and Day "Best action movie of the year" ... lol wut?
    8) Shrek Forever After "Best Shrek movie since the origenal" WRONG SIR. WRONG WRONG WRONG!
    7) Extrodinary Mesures Never saw it.

    The rest are family movies, although I doubt that he even understood the innuendo for his number 2 pick Morning Glory.

    Notable Omissions:
    The King's Speech
    Harry Potter 7 (If we're going by family movies, that has to go up.)
    Inception (I know he gave this a bad review, but seriously)
    Scott Pilgrim (ditto)
    Every other good movie is rated R. This is why an eleven year old film reviewer is a bad idea.
  • There is a clicking hard drive in my computer. There are four hard drives in my computer, I don't know which one is making the noise.
  • There is a clicking hard drive in my computer. There are four hard drives in my computer, I don't know which one is making the noise.
    Have you opened the case and used your ears?
  • Have you opened the case andused your ears?
    It's intermittent. Like once an hour, maybe.
  • Have you opened the case andused your ears?
    It's intermittent. Like once an hour, maybe.
    As useless as SMART is, its worth looking at. Use speedfan or something to look at your drive's SMART info.
  • Have you opened the case andused your ears?
    It's intermittent. Like once an hour, maybe.
    As useless as SMART is, its worth looking at. Use speedfan or something to look at your drive's SMART info.
    I know what I should do...but everything I want to keep is on a RAID 1. I really don't give a fuck enough to actually trouble shoot this.
  • one of my facebook friends thinks that there were no dinosaurs and the bones were planted by scientists to disprove christianity.
  • one of my facebook friends thinks that there were no dinosaurs and the bones were planted by scientists to disprove christianity.
    As much as I should be scientists.
  • one of my facebook friends thinks that there were no dinosaurs and the bones were planted by scientists to disprove christianity.
    As much as I should be scientists.
    Pirate Scientists?
  • That's a complete lie. They were actually planted by the dinosaur empire to make us believe that they were extinct.
  • That's a complete lie. They were actually planted by the dinosaur empire to make us believe that they were extinct.
    I was just waiting for someone to mention the dino-empire.
  • You see! The undeniable truth!
  • I've heard of it. I also hear that bigger problem is that "chocolate product," or "chocolate candy," which is flavored like chocolate but is not truly chocolate, is the major consumer version of "chocolate" in the US. US candy bars, however delicious they may be, are slowly gnawing away at the market for true chocolate. Same thing with Hershey's Kissables.
  • I've heard of it. I also hear that bigger problem is that "chocolate product," or "chocolate candy," which is flavored like chocolate but is not truly chocolate, is the major consumer version of "chocolate" in the US. US candy bars, however delicious they may be, are slowly gnawing away at the market for true chocolate. Same thing with Hershey's Kissables.
    I don't understand how people can stand that shit. Send them to me so that they can try some of my Belgian chocolate I got right with me.
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