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Fail of Your Day



  • Or maybe he plays it by just copying previous posts of mine. Zing!
    No, you're a touch more rational than his character.
    Just a touch, though. ;)
  • Just a touch, though. ;)

    That was an inside joke for my players.
  • edited February 2011
    Fail: I don't think I can take naps in the early evening or late afternoon anymore. Every time I do and wake up to an alarm instead of sleeping until I go through a REM cycle, I get a really bad stomachache and then fucking projvom everywhere a few hours later. Without fail.

    You know, the worst part of the bargle isn't actually the bargle itself. It's the clean-up afterwards.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • For the third day in a row, I'm dog tired just a few hours after waking up.
  • I took a 90 minute power nap at work yesterday and then left early.

    I'm basically the worst employee ever.
  • Commence Bullshit College Drama (though calling it College drama almost validates it too much, it feels like High School drama):
    One of my girlfriend's three roommates dislikes me. She's uncomfortable with me being in their room and with the things I do, apparently. But she hasn't told me this. No. Everyone else had to tell me. In addition, her two friends, who used to be friends of my girlfriend and I as well, think we're too cutesy, and they hate us now too. None of them told us this, they just started being mean to us and treating us like shit. For a month or so now my girlfriend and I have dealt with all this drama, and it's for the stupidest reasons I could've ever conceived.
  • If you confront them directly every time they attempt to passive aggressively make you feel unwelcome, they'll either cut that shit out or just become so uncomfortable at being continuously outed it'll come to a head and be resolved one way or another.
  • I thought about it, but they'll all deny it and act like nothing's wrong, just like EVERY other time we've asked my girlfriend's roommate if she had any problems. I really am so tempted to just ask her, very politely, if she has any issues with me being in their room, and if there's anything I can do that would make her more comfortable with me being there as often as I am, or if I just need to be there less, but I don't think she will tell me. I really think she just will tell me everything is fine, or rather bring up a lot of unreasonable things that are out of my control who's only solution is me never being there, which is unfair, because she had her boyfriend stay in their dorm for a WEEK, and the other girls are allowed to have their boyfriends. The fact of the matter is, they seemed to have singled me out, when I'd say, not to be rude to the other girl's boyfriends, I'm the least offensive (especially after this VERY girl who has problems with me had her boyfriend live with them for a week).
  • If someone's being passive aggressive, take them at face value. If they say "that's OK, do what you want," do what you want despite their body language. Treat their every word literally and act accordingly. They'll either explode or disappear.
  • If someone's being passive aggressive, take them at face value. If they say "that's OK, do what you want," do what you want despite their body language. Treat their every word literally and act accordingly. They'll either explode or disappear.
    She won't disappear, she's my girlfriend's roommate. I sort of need her to not hate me if I want to continue spending nights there throughout the week.
  • She won't disappear, she's my girlfriend's roommate. I sort of need her to not hate me if I want to continue spending nights there throughout the week.
    Just do it anyway. She's not the boss of your girlfriend.

    I never spoke to my freshman year dorm roomate. He just was a non-entity in my college life.
  • Commence Bullshit College Drama (though calling it College drama almost validates it too much, it feels like High School drama):
    One of my girlfriend's three roommates dislikes me. She's uncomfortable with me being in their room and with the things I do, apparently. But she hasn't told me this. No. Everyone else had to tell me. In addition, her two friends, who used to be friends of my girlfriend and I as well, think we're too cutesy, and they hate us now too. None of them told us this, they just started being mean to us and treating us like shit. For a month or so now my girlfriend and I have dealt with all this drama, and it's for the stupidest reasons I could've ever conceived.
    Dude, live you life and don't care what other people think. Unless you and your girlfriend are like Holly and Michel from the Office, if you are like them then: "Dude!"
  • Eh. I should probably ask her what her problem with me is directly. *Sigh.*
  • Eh. I should probably ask her what her problem with me is directly. *Sigh.*
    You gotta man up sometime. Confrontation is a part of life, how you choose to handle it only reflects how you will handle bigger things in the future.

    You should confront them and tell them if they don't like you then that's their problem. Whenever you're w/ your gf in her dorm, ignore them, and hopefully they will do the same.
  • Confrontation is like nerd kryptonite though.
  • edited February 2011
    She's not the boss of your girlfriend.
    And if your girlfriend lets this influence the relationship, she's not worth your time.

    Here's another vote for telling them to go fuck themselves. Use those words. Don't let this passive-aggressive tension hang around; deal with it or it'll eat you alive.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Confrontation is like nerd kryptonite though.
    This is true. While I realize that confrontation is the best solution, it still scares me.
  • Here's another vote for telling them to go fuck themselves. Use those words. Don't let this passive-aggressive tension hang around; deal with it or it'll eat you alive.
  • Here's another vote for telling them to go fuck themselves. Use those words. Don't let this passive-aggressive tension hang around; deal with it or it'll eat you alive.
    Alternatively, cut a bitch.
  • Here's a vote for freezing cans of shaving foam, cutting the cans open and extracting the frozen foam cores before putting several in a bucket and putting it in their rooms while they sleep.
  • ...As long as the dorm doesn't have any overnight policies that you happen to be in violation of. When I was in college, we weren't allowed to spend the night in someone else's room. Of course that only mattered if you got caught. Which only happened if there was a sting (yeah, they did that) or someone turned you in. If your GF's roommate hates you, and the dorm is one like this, then you're gonna get turned in.
  • Confrontation is like nerd kryptonite though.
    This is true. While I realize that confrontation is the best solution, it still scares me.
  • And if your girlfriend lets this influence the relationship, she's not worth your time.
    Very true, however seems they are young and they are learning the ways of the world and Axel is very fond of her.

    If she continues to let it affect your relationship, then it's not a good thing.

    I always refer to Jay-Z's 99 Problems when people have relationship issues. ^_~
  • She's not the boss of your girlfriend.
    And if your girlfriend lets this influence the relationship, she's not worth your time.
    She doesn't. We still do things the normal way, it just sucks because one of her roommates hates it. She even said last night that she just doesn't care anymore about trying to solve the problem because she's just too annoyed. I only want to solve the problem because I'm too much of a pansy.
    The one thing is, I'm not supposed to know that she secretly hates me, because she "confided" it in her other roommates, so I'm going to try and be polite and ask her if there's anything I do that makes her uncomfortable.
  • Courage Burrage would be appropriate here. Can't do it now. At work.
  • By definition a bitch is never one of my problems because I date fellows and they seldom provide any of the problems ladies do.
  • Confrontation is like nerd kryptonite though.
    This is true. While I realize that confrontation is the best solution, it still scares me.
    What are you scared of?
  • Confrontation is like nerd kryptonite though.
    This is true. While I realize that confrontation is the best solution, it still scares me.
    What are you scared of?
    I have no idea.
  • By definition a bitch is never one of my problems because I date fellows and they seldom provide any of the problems ladies do.
    Dudebroguyperson, you don't even want to know about some of the drama some of my gay/bi friends have dealt with. Between personal friends of mine all sleeping behind each other's backs, mono all around, and all that other nastiness, your girlDrama > guyDrama conclusion seems pretty damn one-sided.
  • Confrontation is like nerd kryptonite though.
    This is true. While I realize that confrontation is the best solution, it still scares me.
    What are you scared of?
    I have no idea.
    Obvious solution: Blast the shit out of some Amon Amarth, and when you feel sufficiently badass, tell the roommate(s) to go fuck themselves.
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