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Fail of Your Day



  • You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away. You mustn't run away.
  • Courage Burrage would be appropriate here. Can't do it now. At work.
    Kiss the room mate of your girlfriend!
  • Courage Burrage would be appropriate here. Can't do it now. At work.
    Kiss the room mate of your girlfriend!
    And then break her heart later!
  • edited February 2011
    Courage Burrage would be appropriate here. Can't do it now. At work.
    Kiss the room mate of your girlfriend!
    And then break her heart hymen later!
    I'm a horrible person.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Confrontation is like nerd kryptonite though.
    This is true. While I realize that confrontation is the best solution, it still scares me.
    What are you scared of?
    I have no idea.

    Thrust the Pony!
  • Confrontation is like nerd kryptonite though.
    This is true. While I realize that confrontation is the best solution, it still scares me.
    What are you scared of?
    I have no idea.
  • Dudebroguyperson, you don't even want to know about some of the drama some of my gay/bi friends have dealt with. Between personal friends of mine all sleeping behind each other's backs, mono all around, and all that other nastiness, your girlDrama > guyDrama conclusion seems pretty damn one-sided.
    I was talking about adults.
  • Courage Burrage would be appropriate here. Can't do it now. At work.
    Kiss the room mate of your girlfriend!
    And then break her heart later!
    After the 3 way of course...
  • Dudebroguyperson, you don't even want to know about some of the drama some of my gay/bi friends have dealt with. Between personal friends of mine all sleeping behind each other's backs, mono all around, and all that other nastiness, your girlDrama > guyDrama conclusion seems pretty damn one-sided.
    I was talking about adults.
    We're not. ;-)
  • edited February 2011
    After the 3 way of course...
    Damn it, Luke and Wyatt got to my statements first....

    Clearly the roommate secretly likes you and is jealous of her relationship with you, the best way is to ask her if she wants to get more involved.... :-p


    The best way.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • edited February 2011
    We're not. ;-)
    I was : )
    Post edited by Kaptain K on
  • South Dakota GOP is attempting to make it legal to murder doctors who perform abortions.
    I wish I was exaggerating.
  • Nobody needs South Dakota anyway.
  • I wish I was exaggerating.
    You are. Here ya go
  • ...As long as the dorm doesn't have any overnight policies that you happen to be in violation of.
    OK, yes, double-check this one first.

    THEN cut a bitch.
  • edited February 2011
    Here's a vote for freezing cans of shaving foam, cutting the cans open and extracting the frozen foam cores before putting several in a bucket and putting it in their rooms while they sleep.
    Just FYI to everyone, Mythbusters tried this and it was much less spectacular than we've been lead to believe. You'd honestly just end up with a bucket of shaving creme and maybe get a little on the carpet.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Oh well, fireworks in the heater it is then.
  • Do an upper decker.
  • ...As long as the dorm doesn't have any overnight policies that you happen to be in violation of.
    OK, yes, double-check this one first.

    THEN cut a bitch.
    It doesn't. The only policies are one's established by the roommates at the start of the year, and they established that boyfriends would/could stay, especially since her roommate had her boyfriend stay in their dorm for a whole week.
    I may or may not confront her. My girlfriend probably wouldn't want me to, and honestly, it's negatively affecting us mentally, and only because we let it. If I just ignore it and do my best to be polite, should she ultimately bring up any problems with me, I can simply point out that she had this entire time to tell me that she had an issue and that she could've kicked me out, but chose not to, and that it's her own fault for not dealing with this sooner. Asking her about it directly will just be awkward for everyone involved, and I don't want to make it any more awkward for my girlfriend and her other roommates.
    Then again, I may just have to if it gets out of hand any more. If things stay the way they are right now, then it won't really matter.
  • Just FYI to everyone, Mythbusters tried this and it was much less spectacular than we've been lead to believe. You'd honestly just end up with a bucket of shaving creme and maybe get a little on the carpet.
    Filler foam, however...
  • edited February 2011
    My girlfriend probably wouldn't want me to, and honestly, it's negatively affecting us mentally, and only because we let it.
    So talk to your girlfriend about it. Saying "probably" isn't a good idea here. Figure it out for sure. At the very least, sorting it out between the two of you will prevent any possible relationship drama.
    If things stay the way they are right now, then it won't really matter.
    In my experience, things tend to escalate. It's a good practice to get on it before it gets out of hand.

    But I also break up fights at concerts. I'm no stranger to confrontation.

    This will be a learning experience. We've all dealt with shitty, petty roommates at some point. Chin up and so forth.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • This forum is so good about offering advice and genuinely attempting to be helpful.
  • edited February 2011
    This forum is so good about offering advice and genuinely attempting to be helpful.
    Yeah, that's why I stay here. People are pretty cool.

    In response to Pete, yeah, I think I will ask her about it, although maybe not immediately, since we have school-related things to worry about, and she has enough to think about at this particular moment.
    Post edited by Axel on

  • In response to Pete, yeah, I think I will ask her about it, although maybe not immediately, since we have school-related things to worry about, and she has enough to think about at this particular moment.
    There is another option, you can totally ingratiate yourself to this person. Ask her lots of questions about herself and generally be extremely friendly and helpful... You usually can't continue to be angry with someone being so gosh darn nice and friendly.
  • edited February 2011
    You usually can't continue to be angry with someone being so gosh darn nice and friendly.
    I punch people like that.
    This forum is so good about offering advice and genuinely attempting to be helpful.
    We also give lots of troll advice.

    For example: bang the roommates. Sway them with the powers of your penis.

    See that? I'm being helpful!
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • To be perfectly honest that IS good advice in a lot of situations.
  • For example: bang the roommates. Sway them with the powers of your penis.
    They all have boyfriends. Who are all bigger than me. One of them goes to this school. One drives a truck and probably owns a gun, and lives close to the school. The other is ridiculously tall and lives in Jersey. Trust me, bad idea.
  • They all have boyfriends. Who are all bigger than me. One of them goes to this school. One drives a truck and probably owns a gun, and lives close to the school. The other is ridiculously tall and lives in Jersey. Trust me, bad idea.
    Your girlfriend lives with the cast of The Jersey shore?
  • They all have boyfriends. Who are all bigger than me. One of them goes to this school. One drives a truck and probably owns a gun, and lives close to the school. The other is ridiculously tall and lives in Jersey. Trust me, bad idea.
    Your girlfriend lives with the cast of The Jersey shore?
    One of the girls is from Jersey (the one who dislikes me), but seems to be nothing like the Jersey Shore (aside from general bitchiness). One of them is kinda preppy, but not in a terribly mean way. The other is the opposite of the Jersey Shore.
  • They all have boyfriends. Who are all bigger than me. One of them goes to this school. One drives a truck and probably owns a gun, and lives close to the school. The other is ridiculously tall and lives in Jersey. Trust me, bad idea.
    At least you've considered the possibility and have assessed the situation. +1 ball.
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