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Fail of Your Day



  • RymRym
    edited February 2011
    Pleasant? Didn't you bitch about BO for half your podcast?
    It wasn't that bad. It was one gamer dude with BO. We bitched because people shouldn't have BO in public, but it wasn't actually bad. I just have no tolerance for smelly people in public places.

    Bolt bus is cheaper than gas to get to pretty-much anywhere we ever travel except Albany and Seattle. It's fast, more comfortable than a car, and requires no effort on our part. I've decided that driving anywhere for purposes of getting there (as opposed to traveling for the pleasure of travel itself) sucks ass. I even take the bus to Hunter Mountain now.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Pleasant? Didn't you bitch about BO for half your podcast?
    Rym likes the smell of BO, because Rym likes to bitch, and BO gives him something to bitch about.

    It's sort of how I like having Glenn Beck around, so that I can figure out who the smart people are.

  • It's sort of how I like having Glenn Beck around, so that I can figure out who the smart people are.
    I still say simple provocation of the far right into violence is a fine way to get them off the streets. Get Obama to espouse how awesome communism is and they'll froth over into open (fat, pasty, old) revolt.
  • A Minnesota Republican lawmaker does not believe in resource depletion.
    "God is not capricious. He's given us a creation that is dynamically stable," Beard told MinnPost. "We are not going to run out of anything."
  • edited February 2011
    It's fast, more comfortable than a car, and requires no effort on our part.
    Completely disagree on your first two points. I can get from my place to your place in just over 4 hours on a good day. The same trip via public transit and bolt bus took 6 hours once. As for comfort, I'll take the car any day. My saab was infinitely more comfortable than the bus. My MX-5 isn't quite as nice, but it's still better by virtue of being master of my own destiny for the trip. I can stop when I'm hungry and get food and delicious Starbucks.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • A Minnesota Republican lawmaker does not believe in resource depletion.
    "God is not capricious. He's given us a creation that is dynamically stable," Beard told MinnPost. "We are not going to run out of anything."
    Wow. Just wow.
  • Can someone be removed from office due to diminished responsibility?
  • Can someone be removed from office due to diminished responsibility?
    If only.
  • Fail #1
    Say you have a business-related page on Facebook that you maintain with a handful of other admins.

    Say one of those other admins falls for the old "see who has viewed your profile" facebook scam links and actually allows the app access to their profile.

    You lose admin access to said page. All your other admins lose access too.

    Nice Admin Fail, way to go admin!

    Fail #2
    Facebook will not restore your access to the page. For legal reasons. Oh, Facebook...
  • A Minnesota Republican lawmaker does not believe in resource depletion.
    "God is not capricious. He's given us a creation that is dynamically stable," Beard told MinnPost. "We are not going to run out of anything."
    Sweet! Because it is now on the Internet it, his statement is now true!!! I am soo looking forward to the drop in price of gas and electricity.
  • Finally broke down and bought a new fan from my laptop. The right fan is making a terrible grinding noise and is running at ~1000rpm compared to the left fan's 6000rpm.
  • Ah shit. That's three days in a row now that I've forgotten to go to the bank before it closes.
  • I have unfortunately come to the depressing realization that I could learn more from reading books than I did going to lectures today. That is to say that although very knowledgeable about their areas, my lectures really cant convey it to well.
  • image
    Saw this image and my first thought was "Why has that guy got chain over plate?".
  • Saw this image and my first thought was "Why has that guy got chain over plate?".
    To stop it from getting scratched by arrows.
  • Saw this image and my first thought was "Why has that guy got chain over plate?".
    To stop it from getting scratched by arrows.
    It is a collecter's addition.
  • To stop it from getting scratched by arrows.
    After saving up for all that fancy plate, it's all he had left of his old chainmail. He used to hang it over his junk.
  • edited February 2011
    Saw this image and my first thought was "Why has that guy got chain over plate?".
    To stop it from getting scratched by arrows.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • It saddens me that I see pictures like that and the historian in my goes crazy :S
  • To stop it from getting scratched by arrows.
    After saving up for all that fancy plate, it's all he had left of his old chainmail. He used to hang it over his junk.
    You should have seen the STDs back then. That's where the dragons of myth come from.
  • Ah syphilis the Noble STD.
  • Cable rates have increased arbitrarily without notice. Way to be assholes, Time Warner.
  • Cable rates have increased arbitrarily without notice. Way to be assholes, Time Warner.
    You think THAT'S bad?
  • I seem to have grossly underestimated the amount of effort required to finish out my last task of the month. Gonna be a late night.
  • edited February 2011
    Dirty big earthquake down here in NZ.

    "Multiple fatalities have been reported at several locations in the central city, including two buses crushed by falling buildings. A doctor and emergency services are attending," police said. There have been reports of fires in buildings and people trapped inside buildings.
    Post edited by InvaderREN on
  • Dirty big earthquake down here in NZ.
    As bad as the earthquake seems to have been, I couldn't help but giggle a little when Triple J News played some sound clips. I can't hear someone from NZ (I'm even reading it as En Zed now) without thinking of Beached Az.
  • "Fush n chups" usually gets most people when they hear it spoken by a true kiwi :)
  • But they weren't saying silly things like 'fush n chups' they were talking about serious business earthquake stuff and I couldn't help but laugh.
  • Fucking java Strings!
  • I cannot go to PAX East due to having shit-all money and that is terrible.
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