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Fail of Your Day



  • edited March 2011
    Six-figure earning school superintendents are bitching that Cuomo wants to cap their salary. I'm sorry, when teachers are struggling to earn around 40k a year and you assholes seem to do nothing but decide what schools to shut down, and earn more than the goddamned governor, you deserve a cap. Plus, HOW HARD CAN IT BE TO LIVE ON SIX FUCKING FIGURES? And you know what? If you're upset that a principal could make more then a superintendent, then the principal is making too much at six fucking figures too. It's ludicrous to me that superintendents and principals make six figures and can COMPLAIN about it, but when a teacher asks to start at more than 34k a year, they're looked at like a crazy person.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
    Hey all those hookers and blow really add up as well as supporting all those illegitimate children.
  • hookers
    Why do you want to pay for a dead call girl?
  • edited March 2011
    What is it about American culture that says killing prostitutes is something you can make fun of?

    It's only Americans I've ever heard say that.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
    This is a legitimate problem I sometimes experience.
  • Why do you want to pay for a dead call girl?
    It's not the dead hooker that costs money, it's the sweeping it under the rug later.
  • We make jokes about dead hookers in the UK, they are often associated with lorry drivers though.

    Fail; just spend an hour long lecture being told that we are all stupid, can't do math and have no ability at literature. This was a history lecture. This is the second lecture in this modual that suffers from an inflated ego, but holds little to no teaching ability.
  • 50% of men have HPV
    So that means Rym is probably infected :-p
  • What is it about American culture that says killing prostitutes is something you can make fun of?

    It's only Americans I've ever heard say that.
    American Psycho? I don't know about everyone else but the book was hilarious.

    Then again I laugh at movies when the rest of the theatre is dead silent so take that for what its worth.
  • edited March 2011
    50% of men have HPV
    So that means Rym is probably infected :-p
    If that is the case, it doesn't matter, because I got all my shots. Also, I doubt it. He's not very promiscuous.
    What is it about American culture that says killing prostitutes is something you can make fun of?
    I think those joke are dumb and I hate them.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • If that is the case, it doesn't matter, because I got all my shots. Also, I doubt it. He's not very promiscuous.
    Yea, i was making a Rym and Scott joke with 50% plus Scott's lack of sexual contact. It was rather sophisticated :-p
  • I don't get the My Little Pony obsession that most of you have, but this may interest you.

    My Fail is hanging out with a bunch of late 20 somethings. That WILL NOT stop talking about this damn kids show.
  • edited March 2011
    I don't get the My Little Pony obsession that most of you have, but this may interest you.

    My Fail is hanging out with a bunch of late 20 somethings. That WILL NOT stop talking about this damn kids show.
    Fail: Had to evac my room today due to one horrible little beast of a child, and had to help break up another fight between some of the ghetto-est kids in the school. Awesome.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • My Fail is hanging out with a bunch of late 20 somethings. That WILL NOT stop talking about this damn kids show.
    I Agree. Glad I had super crazy work to do last week so I couldn't get involved.
  • My Fail is hanging out with a bunch of late 20 somethings. That WILL NOT stop talking about this damn kids show.
    Says the guy who keeps texting me questions about things his imaginary half-orc can or cannot do.
  • My Fail is hanging out with a bunch of late 20 somethings. That WILL NOT stop talking about this damn kids show.
    Best be prepared to deal with this at PAX!
  • Best be prepared to deal with this at PAX!
    Somebody should get the My little pony theme going during opening ceremonies :-p
  • Best be prepared to deal with this at PAX!
    Somepony should get the My little pony theme going during opening ceremonies :-p
  • 50% of men have HPV
    An infection rate of 50 percent for a virus that can cause cancer sounds scary. But knowing a few more facts about HPV helps put the risk in perspective.
    WHAT? A news article, and a HuffPo one at that, that isn't blowing the science all out of proportion? What is the world coming to?
  • WHAT? A news article, and a HuffPo one at that, that isn't blowing the science all out of proportion? What is the world coming to?
    I love how this is more shocking than MLP taking over the internet.
  • "Shut up all that talk about infliction of emotional distress," Phelps said of Snyder's claim after the decision was handed down. "When you're standing there with your young child's body bits and pieces in a coffin you've been dealt some emotional distress by the Lord your God."
    "He simply didn't follow his oath, he'll have to take that up with God," Phelps said of Alito. "I very much appreciate the fact that I get to be the mouth of God in this matter."
    Holy shit I hate these fucking people so fucking much. I really want there to be a Hell, expressly so that these miserable fucks can remain there.
  • Not even they deserve that.
  • Not even they deserve that.
    I know, but that doesn't mean I don't relish the thought.
  • edited March 2011
  • Holy shit I hate these fucking people so fucking much. I really want there to be a Hell, expressly so that these miserable fucks can remain there.
    In regards to the Phelps, they are mostly a family of lawyers.
    Eleven of Fred Phelps' 13 children have law degrees. Four are estranged from the family, and most of the rest live in the family compound and practice law.
    "They have a very well-respected law firm in Topeka," Sherman says. "People in town said, 'Well, we don't like them, but if we want to win a case, we'll go to them.' "
    The protests are in themselves a source of some income, according to Potok. Over the years the Phelpses have filed lawsuits against communities that try to stop them from demonstrating...

    When they win, they often receive tens of thousands of dollars in court fees. And their winning streak is likely to continue, now that the Supreme Court has decided that Westboro's right to free speech trumps the right of families to bury their loved ones undisturbed.
    I believe this may have been mentioned before in another thread, but I forget. While I think they are horrible people, they are smart.
  • They are horrible, they are smart, and they are essentially abusing a freedom that we have as far as they can possibly take it. However, I get the feeling that there will be consequences eventually. I've already spotted several small and pretty new groups congealing on the internet that are taking aim at the family, with the intent to create protests at the Westboro compound of equal or greater vitriol than the ones Westboro themselves create. It'll be interesting if they get enough people to do something big.
  • The Phelpses are a family of professional trolls. Pretty much all of them are lawyers and they're doing these protests mostly in order to get people to take a swing at them, or their property, so they can sue their pants off. Off course taking a swing at the trolls is never a good idea and there's only really 2 options left: Ignore, or troll harder back.
  • I support counter-trolling. And possibly vuvuzelas.
  • That is the only way. Troll any of there services with the vuvuzela. That have a marching band timed to go past them when the protest.
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