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Fail of Your Day



  • But they weren't saying silly things like 'fush n chups' they were talking about serious business earthquake stuff and I couldn't help but laugh.
    Like how Red Dwarf is twice as funny for non Britts because we get the comedy AND the funny accent :)

    Wonder if that is how a lot of US TV is for Americans. You take out the accent factor, and perhaps even the settings like big cities etc (as you are used to it) and what you are left with is just a solid core of a program?

    Lol, NZ TV if it ever managed to get syndicated in the US would probably crack you the fuck up. Although you got a small taste I guess with Flight of the Concords. The accent for sure.
  • Fucking NullPointerExceptions when using java Strings!
  • Fucking NullPointerExceptions when using java Strings!
    meh, i have no trouble with those.

    The real fail of today however is I seem to have spent the entire day coding in a circle. I have to throw out pretty much all my work.
  • image
    possible solution:
  • XKCD: Sorta good jokes with lazy art.
  • Dwayne McDuffie passed away today.

    A writer for comics and animation. He created and wrote Static Shock for Milestones and TV and the Damage Control series at Marvel. He also wrote and produced numerous animated series like Justice League Unlimited and wrote the scripted for the animated All Star Superman that came out today.
  • edited February 2011
    Has the strep. Not fun, however on the bright side of things I start my new job Thursday evening. Moneyz, here I come!
    Post edited by Loganator456 on
  • I think my computer's power supply is broken.
  • One of my oldest childhood friends posted this on Facebook.
    "Loves how "Atheists" are just ignorant Christian haters. Hey, if you're gonna bash on a religion, how about you bash them all considering you claim not to believe in any of them. Face it, you're not an Atheist. You just an hate Christians."
  • Becaue if you say negative things about judaism then you are an anti semite. Against islam, then you are well. An republican? No thats not quite right. A red neck? Still not right. Ignorant? Not the word im looking for.... Help me out here.
  • I hate all religions that try to beat me over the head with their message equally.
  • One of my oldest childhood friends posted this on Facebook.
    "Loves how "Atheists" are just ignorant Christian haters. Hey, if you're gonna bash on a religion, how about you bash them all considering you claim not to believe in any of them. Face it, you're not an Atheist. You just an hate Christians."
    To be fair, a lot of less intelligent Atheists will only criticize Christianity, and leave all other religions alone in their criticisms. That doesn't give this person the right to say what he does, because, well, it's a pretty big assumption, but still, as a Christian, it can feel like you're being targeted.
  • edited February 2011
    but still, as a Christian, it can feel like you're being targeted.
    I don't walk outside my door and get flooded by Islamic(Jewish, Buddhist, other religion) literature on a daily basis. I don't see other religious groups actively fight against gay rights on a daily basis in my government. I don't see other religious groups actively protest dead soldiers with "God hates fags" signs on my campus. I don't see other religious nuts come to my campus to speak about how evolution is "just a theory" or how climate change is a scientific hoax. I don't see other religious groups actively lobby the government to prevent Sunday liquor sales in my state. I don't see other religious nuts yell on my streets that while AIDs is bad, condoms are worse. I don't have other religious nuts accost me as I walk around campus about how I need to be saved and that I will lose my soul if I don't repent.

    Christians, you reap what you sow.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • but still, as a Christian, it can feel like you're being targeted.
    I don't walk outside my door and get flooded by Islamic(Jewish, Buddhist, other religion) literature on a daily basis. I don't see other religious groups actively fight against gay rights on a daily basis in my government. I don't see other religious groups actively protest dead soldiers with "God hates fags" signs on my campus. I don't see other religious nuts come to my campus to speak about how evolution is "just a theory" or how climate change is a scientific hoax. I don't see other religious groups actively lobby the government to prevent Sunday liquor sales in my state. I don't see other religious nuts yell on my streets that while AIDs is bad, condoms are worse. I don't have other religious nuts accost me as I walk around campus about how I need to be saved and that I will lose my soul if I don't repent.

    Christians, you reap what you sow.
    Umm...Because you're in America. If you lived somewhere else, it could potentially be a different religion trying to force things on people.
    Also, that's not all Christians. That's not even a large percentage of Christians. That's a very vocal minority, maybe 20-30% of Christians. So, no, not all Christians deserve that amount of criticism whereas other religions are let off. If you're an Atheist critiquing religion, direct it at religion in general, not Christianity. We're not that different. All religions actively claim you have to do things their way. Even if they don't say you have to be a part of their religion, they still require you to uphold their moral standards to be considered good enough.
  • Umm...Because you're in America. If you lived somewhere else, it could potentially be a different religion trying to force things on people.
    Also, that's not all Christians. That's not even a large percentage of Christians. That's a very vocal minority, maybe 20-30% of Christians. So, no, not all Christians deserve that amount of criticism whereas other religions are let off. If you're an Atheist critiquing religion, direct it at religion in general, not Christianity. We're not that different. All religions actively claim you have to do things their way. Even if they don't say you have to be a part of their religion, they still require you to uphold their moral standards to be considered good enough.
    As Christians, you need to reign in that vocal minority.
  • They may be a vocal minority, but they affect my life in a very real way. Also, religious moderates give power to the extremists.
  • Umm...Because you're in America. If you lived somewhere else, it could potentially be a different religion trying to force things on people.
    Also, that's not all Christians. That's not even a large percentage of Christians. That's a very vocal minority, maybe 20-30% of Christians. So, no, not all Christians deserve that amount of criticism whereas other religions are let off. If you're an Atheist critiquing religion, direct it at religion in general, not Christianity. We're not that different. All religions actively claim you have to do things their way. Even if they don't say you have to be a part of their religion, they still require you to uphold their moral standards to be considered good enough.
    As Christians, you need to reign in that vocal minority.
    Yes, because people totally listen to other people.
  • Umm...Because you're in America. If you lived somewhere else, it could potentially be a different religion trying to force things on people.
    Also, that's not all Christians. That's not even a large percentage of Christians. That's a very vocal minority, maybe 20-30% of Christians. So, no, not all Christians deserve that amount of criticism whereas other religions are let off. If you're an Atheist critiquing religion, direct it at religion in general, not Christianity. We're not that different. All religions actively claim you have to do things their way. Even if they don't say you have to be a part of their religion, they still require you to uphold their moral standards to be considered good enough.
    I'm certain that if Andrew, or I for that matter, were living in another country with a different dominate religion that tried to force itself upon those who don't believe, that those who don't believe there would complain just as loudly against the dominate religion there.

    Christianity is an easy target here because it is so close. For me, and I would hazard that I speak towards the feelings of most atheists, it is nothing more than that. Your chosen believe just happens to be the most prevalent where we live and as such it is spoken towards more often than not. That does not mean I, and again I hazard others as well, don't feel the same way towards wiccans or buddists or muslims or jews or any other tribal belief system. I feel the same about Christianity as I do about the ancient Greek religions and the ancient Norse religions.

    Nothing at all.

    But no one every rings my door bell at 7am on Sunday morning praising the greatness of Odin and how he sacrificed his eye for the wisdom to guide my life.
  • But no one every rings my door bell at 7am on Sunday morning praising the greatness of Odin and how he sacrificed his eye for the wisdom to guide my life.
    But if they did, I would convert right away. That's awesome.
  • Umm...Because you're in America. If you lived somewhere else, it could potentially be a different religion trying to force things on people.
    Also, that's not all Christians. That's not even a large percentage of Christians. That's a very vocal minority, maybe 20-30% of Christians. So, no, not all Christians deserve that amount of criticism whereas other religions are let off. If you're an Atheist critiquing religion, direct it at religion in general, not Christianity. We're not that different. All religions actively claim you have to do things their way. Even if they don't say you have to be a part of their religion, they still require you to uphold their moral standards to be considered good enough.
    I'm certain that if Andrew, or I for that matter, were living in another country with a different dominate religion that tried to force itself upon those who don't believe, that those who don't believe there would complain just as loudly against the dominate religion there.

    Christianity is an easy target here because it is so close. For me, and I would hazard that I speak towards the feelings of most atheists, it is nothing more than that. Your chosen believe just happens to be the most prevalent where we live and as such it is spoken towards more often than not. That does not mean I, and again I hazard others as well, don't feel the same way towards wiccans or buddists or muslims or jews or any other tribal belief system. I feel the same about Christianity as I do about the ancient Greek religions and the ancient Norse religions.

    Nothing at all.

    But no one every rings my door bell at 7am on Sunday morning praising the greatness of Odin and how he sacrificed his eye for the wisdom to guide my life.
    I understand this. I'm just saying, as a result of this, people do tend to unfairly criticize Christianity in the US more than any other religion (except maybe Islam), and so it wasn't the stupidest thing ever for a Christian to call a bunch of Atheists Christian-haters, because that's the way it can feel sometimes.
  • Thanks for a random graph of non-factual basis that has the entire point of making Christians look bad, when that's not quite so true as you want to make it seem.
    Just sayin'.
  • Thanks for a random graph of non-factual basis that has the entire point of making Christians look bad, when that's not quite so true as you want to make it seem.
    Just sayin'.
  • Sorry, I read the graph wrong. I thought it was saying that these are the percentage of people saying "We're being oppressed," and that the largest percentage was Christians.
    In short, yes, I'm dumb.
  • While it is a graph of people who claim to be from each of the religions, the point that the majority is claiming to be oppressed it pretty clear. Take a listen to any major conservative outlet and you get things like 'war on Christmas' or how evil (others) are trying to bring down Christianity in America.
  • I think what you all haven't realized is that by pointing out that of course you're going to attack Christians because they're the most numerous, you're proving my point. My point is, quite simply, that most Atheists do in fact not address other religions. I was simply saying that this person on Facebook has just probably experienced that all of the Atheists he knows bash on Christianity when they're bashing religion, and none of the more general problems they probably all have with religion. That doesn't make his statement right, or even not a fail, I just don't think it's the most unfounded thing in the world, because as a few people here have said, Christians, as a majority, are attacked more often.
  • Your opinion is wrought with confirmation and selection bias.
  • Your opinion is wrought with confirmation and selection bias.
    Yes. I'm saying that it's not unfathomable that someone could experience all the Atheists around them simply bashing Christianity very specifically and not putting any criticism on any other religion, but it's still wrong to run around saying that all Atheists are just Christian-Haters. I wasn't agreeing with him, just saying I understand what led him to that point, probably a lot of frustration in being constantly criticized for being a Christian.
  • I wasn't agreeing with him, just saying I understand what led him to that point, probably a lot of frustration in being constantly criticized for being a Christian.
    I think he's just religionist against Atheists.
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