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Fail of Your Day



  • That is the only way. Troll any of there services with the vuvuzela. That have a marching band timed to go past them when the protest.
    This was the sort of thing they were talking about. Sunday morning have a 4am -12 pm protest or something. Be loud. Have vulgar and insulting signs. Get as close as possible to make their lives miserable. Hold protests at obscene hours. Cause sleep deprivation. Have Anon rape their website (again, worse).
  • That is the only way. Troll any of there services with the vuvuzela. That have a marching band timed to go past them when the protest.
    This was the sort of thing they were talking about. Sunday morning have a 4am -12 pm protest or something. Be loud. Have vulgar and insulting signs. Get as close as possible to make their lives miserable. Hold protests at obscene hours. Cause sleep deprivation. Have Anon rape their website (again, worse).
    Or, just ignore them.
  • That is the only way. Troll any of there services with the vuvuzela. That have a marching band timed to go past them when the protest.
    This was the sort of thing they were talking about. Sunday morning have a 4am -12 pm protest or something. Be loud. Have vulgar and insulting signs. Get as close as possible to make their lives miserable. Hold protests at obscene hours. Cause sleep deprivation. Have Anon rape their website (again, worse).
    Or, just ignore them.
    If only. I have a feeling being ignored would just lead them to do something more ludicrous and insulting.
    Honestly, I wish they'd just escalate to violence and get it over with.
  • Or, just ignore them.If only. I have a feeling being ignored would just lead them to do something more ludicrous and insulting.
    Honestly, I wish they'd just escalate to violence DRINK THE PUNCH!!! and get it over with.
  • I support counter-trolling. And possibly vuvuzelas.
    Well, Fred has to be getting pretty old. I support Picketing his funeral.
  • I wish they'd just escalate to violence DRINK THE PUNCH!!! and get it over with.
    *slow clap*
  • Went to a talk today about selling virtual goods in Battlefield Heroes, and a little part of the ethical optimistic game designer in me died.
  • Still haven't completed a paper that I really need to get finished. My ass procrastinates too much, I need like...A Cattle-Prod Chip in my brain.
  • My ass procrastinates too much
    That's called constipation.
  • Or, just ignore them.
    I kind of see them as children. Sometimes its best to ignore them, and in doing so they learn a lesson. Sometimes though you have to chase them with a big stick still they stop making noise.
  • I was staying after school to wait for a play this evening when I realized that there was a McDonalds nearby, a McDonalds that (I thought) had MLP:FiM dolls ACTION FIGURES. However, some friends also stayed, and we wound up going to Burger King instead (thank god I chose my social life over ponies, I still have hope). After I got my food and sat down, a little girl at a table near mine asked her mom why I didn't get a toy. Her mom explained that I was older, so I didn't get toys. It really hit home.
  • That is such a sad story.
  • You see sadness. I see [Pause for effect.] opportunity.
  • What is that from?
  • Pretty much any kid's cartoon villain.
  • Pretty much any kid's cartoon villain.
    Wow, and here I thought you were quoting me for a minute there.
  • After I got my food and sat down, a little girl at a table near mine asked her mom why I didn't get a toy. Her mom explained that I was older, so I didn't get toys.
    Wait. Is that why people always look at me weird when I demand a toy with my food? Everything seems so clear to me now! :P
  • edited March 2011
    Fell asleep with my contacts two days ago and scratched my left cornea the fuck up. My left eye still hurts and is photosensitive. Either that or I've got pinkeye, and my school's health services are closed on weekends, so I can't get it checked.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Sony has somehow got a subpoena for at least the IP of everyone who visited GeoHotz website. It's worrying they could get something so broad.
    Pretty sure I visited that website.
  • edited March 2011
    As did I. Though, without a PS3, I'm not sure there's much I could do.

    I'm worried what will happen when they say "We need the IP addresses of everyone who visited this opposition political movement website.".
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • As did I. Though, without a PS3, I'm not sure there's much I could do.

    I'm worried what will happen when they say "We need the IP addresses of everyone who visited this opposition political movement website.".
    We should both be okay, we're outside the US, which should make it much harder to really do anything to us.
  • I just remembered I have a paper due tomorrow. Also, I'm changing my thesis, so I basically haven't started.
  • I just remembered I have a paper due tomorrow. Also, I'm changing my thesis, so I basically haven't started.
    That's okay. I have an exam on DNA topology and the Central Dogma on Wednesday and I'm just starting studying for that.
  • I'm playing a game called "Can I do a math problem set in the next 7 hours?" The prize is sleep, but I'll probably lose.
  • I'm beginning to think that I have a hairline fracture in my toe and not just a bad sprain. This is going to be fun to deal with. :/
  • Well, two pages done. How are the math and fracture going?
  • Well, two pages done. How are the math and fracture going?
    A third of the way done. I'm probably going to go to sleep and finish it tomorrow.
  • Well, two pages done. How are the math and fracture going?
    A third of the way done. I'm probably going to go to sleep and finish it tomorrow.
    Same here. Goodnight, internet.
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