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Fail of Your Day



  • Just read on Shit Otaku Say that someone thinks that anime is "at least 5% of the economy." I did the math, and depending on whether he means the Japanese or US economy, s/he is insinuating that anime is either a $253 billion or a $710 billion dollar industry respectively. At the height of the Dragon Ball Z/Pokemon boom including merchandise it was about 2 billion in the US. That puts the estimated percentage at 0.014164305% for the US. Economics strikes again!!!
  • edited May 2011
    KDE, vampire of cpu cycles.
    It's a headless ubuntu server, no KDE installed as far as I know. The internet is also decidedly uninformed as to what this process is, but I am not alone.
    I just assume any process that starts with K is something related to KDE.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited May 2011
    I just found out about a particular nutbar named Sandra Harding. She was fond of calling one extremely important book in particular a "Rape Manual".

    Which book, you ask?

    Issac Newton's Principa.

    I'm not kidding. In her own words -
    “Why is it not as illuminating and honest to refer to Newton’s laws as ‘Newton’s Rape Manual,’ as it is to call them ‘Newton’s Mechanics’?”
    I honestly wish I was making this shit up. The very existence of idiocy like this is the fail of my day.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • So... I have been in this "relationship" for like 2 months now. I have been having sex with this girl 2-3 times a week. I wanted it to elevate to a realrelationship, So I tried that... She said no, and I tried to end it by telling her it was over. She didnt like that and called me like 2 days later and I couldnt say no. And we fucked. Well not only did I fuck her I was also her ride places since she had a dwi. Well tonight she wanted a ride somewhere. I told her I couldn't. Well. She called me a loser an asshole and a piece of shit and told me she was just using me for rides and sex.. I guess I can take something from that by the fact she was using me for sex.. It must mean Im good at it.. Still it hurts because I really liked her and hoped she would devlope feelings for me. But whatever. Im going to go cry now. So.. ttyl,`
  • Holy shit, dude. I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope things go better for you next time.
  • Jesus wept, man, that's fucking cold. I genuinely feel bad that this bullshit happened to you, you're not a bad guy, and you deserve much better than that fuckery.
  • Yeah... So to top it off COPS just came to my house.... Aparently she was kinda fucked up. And she told her parents that she was leaving. She told them that she was going away with me... (note she is well over 18. She is 25) Her parents called the cops and said she was taken away with out her will. Since she mentiolned my name her parents told the cops that I took her. So they came to my house and had top search my house looking for her. AWESOME!!! Well I am glad I have nothing to do with her from now on,
  • Is anyone willing to talk to me on the phone to make me feel better? Please... Im begging. Anyone in the USA. Private Message me.
  • edited May 2011
    Don't beg; It's unbecoming. Read the story of Bass Reeves. Would some shit like this get him down? Don't think so.

    Think of it this way. Needing a ride aside, this chick would not break up with you because the sex was that good. Not only that, but in her strange crazy state of running away, she fantasized about running away with you. She could have said Tom Selleck, but she chose you to fantasize about. Thats some funky shit right there. And you don't need to get broken up about her. She was crazy. You ain't crazy, and "crazy" and "not crazy" don't mix. Man, forget issues, that girl sounds like she's got subscriptions. Her family too. And you know what, the cops the searched your house? They're totally with you on this. They're all like, "Man, that dude was lucky he broke it off with that crazy chick."
    Trust me man, this was for the best.

    For whatever reason, I wrote that with the voice of Black Dynamite reading it in my mind.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I am now doing that with every finals essay that I write. It makes it so much more bearable.
  • edited May 2011
    Shit hath rained from the skies, and you're hurting like a motherfucker. But you're still alive, Hurt goes away, and everything Sonic said is dead on the money - You're not the asshole here, you're in no way at fault. You know why she's doing this shit? Because It represents a loss of control, and she feels bad about it being cut off when it's not her doing the cutting off. She's trying to regain control by shifting her hurt about her losing control of the situation, and make you feel bad and fuck up your day, so that she can regain control. Just the same as how she's saying "Aww, I was just using you for rides and sex, blah blah bollocks I'm a horrible person" - I would bet my bottom dollar that none of that is true, and she's just saying it to try and flip it back on you, and put her back on top. "Of COURSE" she thinks erroneously, "I'm the one on top here, if I was just using him, and if he cuts it off, he's the one taking a huge loss, not me, I'm not hurting at all no sir I'm drinking this fifth of cheap vodka out of triumph, not to numb my emotional death-spiral at all, god no."

    Hear Me, Boyo? She doesn't give that much of a fuck if you believe it for real, or long term - in fact, I'd say she's betting on that you won't - because she's not trying to convince you, she's trying to convince herself to try and mitigate the He-just-broke-up-with-me suckage. And don't you get any fool ideas about how you hurt her - No, she's the one hurting herself, you did everything you could do short of bending to her wishes in the long term, and bending to her wishes in the long term would just be unacceptable. You stood up for yourself, and you did the right thing. I'll bet too, that she's hoping, if she's fuckin' mental enough(and it appears she is, considering the evidence) that you'll "See the error of your ways" - By the way, you won't see those, because you have not made any fucking error here. Take it from an expert, DON'T STICK YOUR DICK IN THE CRAZY NO MATTER HOW GOOD THEY WRIGGLE - and when you do see these fictitious errors, you'll take her back. But Blokes like you and me through either smarts or experience are clever enough not to play that fucking game now are we, Hooah? Goddamn fucking right, and if you didn't just at least say Hooah, do it now. Makes you feel better, serious. Give it some mongrel, push from the diaphragm, there's a good lad.

    You're in for a battle, Nobody here is going to lie to you about that, but the battle is already half won, and you're gonna fucking take it home decisive.

    Also, I'm not so good at this being comforting thing. But, y'know, hope It helps.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I love this forum so much :)
  • In the words of a wise woman: "Argle bargle." (Third day of medication.).
  • Old but relevant:
  • That poor guy. Being in a relationship with someone with multiple sclerosis can definitely be tough.
  • That poor guy. Being in a relationship with someone with multiple sclerosis can definitely be tough.
    What guy?
  • KDE, vampire of cpu cycles.
    It's a headless ubuntu server, no KDE installed as far as I know. The internet is also decidedly uninformed as to what this process is, but I am not alone.
    I just assume any process that starts with K is something related to KDE.
    So kworker is something related to the lid close event of the laptop I happen to be running ubuntu on. Solution: don't close the lid.
  • I either am having a miniature nervous breakdown, or psyching myself out.
  • I needed another hour to complete the most important paper for one of my classes this term, which I didn't get. Probably going to get a C on it.
  • I swear my body must have some stupid internal trigger that tells my immune system to shut down right before a vacation. I can't remember the last time I went on vacation without some kind of illness, and this week's vacation is no different. Seriously. Every. Fucking. Time.
  • The wires in the spool of Cat 6 I bought won't fit in the Cat 5e connectors I have. :(
  • That poor guy. Being in a relationship with someone with multiple sclerosis can definitely be tough.
    What guy?
    The stick figure guy.
  • Are you talking about the curvy female stick figure? I get your joke, but I think you meant to say scoliosis, not MS.
  • That poor guy. Being in a relationship with someone with multiple sclerosis can definitely be tough.
    What guy?
    The stick figure guy.
    The stick figure guy is Luke.
  • That poor guy. Being in a relationship with someone with multiple sclerosis can definitely be tough.
    What guy?
    The stick figure guy.
    The stick figure guy is Luke.
    Didn't know that. but look at the girl. Her back all bent like that.

    And yes, I know that was supposed to represent her boobs. I was trying to make a clever joke but it seems it failed.
  • edited May 2011
    Didn't know that. but look at the girl. Her back all bent like that.
    Yeah, you meant scoliosis, not MS.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • The guy is me. The curvy stick figure was my attempt to represent a female in stick form. Back in 2003, talking about relationships with stick figures was the hot new thing. Thankfully XKCD soon turned up, and found a way to do stick figures without feet. That's next level shit.

    Nice joke though. I see where you were going with it.
  • I've spent several days preparing for this physics final, and I still feel sickeningly unprepared.
  • edited May 2011
    I've spent several days preparing for this physics final, and I still feel sickeningly unprepared.
    You'll do fine.

    EDIT: That said, I have a physics final in three hours, and have spent about an hour total studying. Seeing as the class is introductory E&M;, I'm feeling pretty prepared.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
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