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Fail of Your Day



  • edited July 2011
    Several prominent members of the anti-allergen movement, judging by her followers.
    That is clearly her intention, but for all that, she doesn't seem to tweet that much about that stuff. It's mostly about ridiculous statements like this one.
    Teachers need to stop complaining so much. Um yeah, hi, you get the whole summer off.
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • Teachers need to stop complaining so much. Um yeah, hi, you get the whole summer off.
    I almost replied to her in rage. Then I calmed down and realized it was useless, though I still mad.
  • Who's Whtey Boldger?
  • Reddit has her pegged as a confirmed troll. S/he jacked the profile pic from someone's corporate photo on another website.
  • edited July 2011
    Spent the last hour fetching my drunk parents and a mutual friend from an inn, and then subsequently trying to get them to go to sleep rather than stay up and continue drinking. 2nd weekend in a row this has occurred. Ugh.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited July 2011
    Finally have enough days off to adjust my schedual to see my girlfriend. She works days and I work nights, which combined with a degree of geographical seperation means that we have not seen each other in over a month. I phone her up, and it looks like she's in BC for 3 days.

    So ronery...
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • My family had to leave the Independence Day BBQ before the fireworks show, because my grandmother (w. Alzheimer's) was getting anxious about how dark it was getting. I've dealt with this for a while, but my younger brother (11) was *crushed*, and my parents were clearly distressed as well. Sucks.
  • Ordered my new phone today complete with the plan I will be on for the next two years... except I somehow stupidly ordered a plan that costs $10 more than the one I actually intended on buying. To make things better, all contact methods are closed right now for the holidays. Guess I'll be staying up until 3 AM because that seems to be when real people run the phone lines again.
  • Discovered that my entire family is a bunch of Adirondack hipsters. We went to an island on Cranberry Lake and had a number of other people descend upon the same island, it being a big vacation weekend. We lamented how much nicer it was when we were usually the only people on the island, and didn't like how it had become "mainstream."
  • Discovered that my entire family is a bunch of Adirondack hipsters. We went to an island on Cranberry Lake and had a number of other people descend upon the same island, it being a big vacation weekend. We lamented how much nicer it was when we were usually the only people on the island, and didn't like how it had become "mainstream."
    Are you guys from the Adirondacks originally?
  • My family is a bunch of Martha's Vineyard hipsters in much the same way. When we started going, it was a little fishing island that was pretty inexpensive. But soon, the Clintons and Kennedys came, and there went the neighborhood. The prep school kids and the wealthy yacht-owning parents managed to pretty much ruin two of my three favorite hole-in-the-wall places for seafood and ice cream in the course of a single summer.
  • edited July 2011
    I got five hours of bad sleep last night because I stayed up late working on a school project that I thought was due to today, but isn't. The sleep was bad because I was worried for my friend, who is pretty much convinced (and not entirely unreasonably) that certain people want him dead, and that they plan on murdering him today. I was late for school, half asleep, and so cramped that I had to leave the room three times to use the toilet. Between classes I sat with a beautiful, wonderful woman who I think is falling for me. She is also 24, has a 3-year-old kid, and I'm probably leaving town for good in six months or less. Lecture was OK, but afterwards I went to the parking lot to find that my car has died (again). Thankfully somebody else in the class offered to drive me home in exchange for picking up his truck, which lead to following his 10-cylinder down a busy freeway in a VW bug for an hour just as I crashed on the caffeine from that morning. Now I'm stuck at home hoping I can get a ride to school tomorrow morning, where the last project of the semester and a final exam are due.

    On the upside, I have tea.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Are you guys from the Adirondacks originally?
    We're from Rochester, but have had a cottage in the Adirondacks since the 1950s.
  • Facebook's "Umm Product" announcement.
  • edited July 2011
    Not being at ConnectiCon.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Still no sign of my DS Lite. Both worrying and frustrating.
  • Someone just got shot and killed literally just outside my house, luckily I was with my lights off...but I still hear the shot, the cracking and the screaming, which eventually died down. I'm still in a bit of a shock, I'm a coward for these things....and I thought I lived in the nice, safe suburban neighborhood...
  • Someone just got shot and killed literally just outside my house, luckily I was with my lights off...but I still hear the shot, the cracking and the screaming, which eventually died down. I'm still in a bit of a shock, I'm a coward for these things....and I thought I lived in the nice, safe suburban neighborhood...
    Jesus, dude, that's scary as shit.. I'm pretty sure you're still safe, though - If it seems like a safe neighborhood, that probably wasn't just some random shooting.
  • edited July 2011
    I done fucked up.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • I done fucked up.
    Somehow, the short, vague descriptions of failure imply infinitely more bad stuff than their highly detailed cousins.

    Also, consequences will never be the same.
  • Yeah, I know vague is bad. I'm still a bit drunk and mostly angry at myself. There are a bunch of French students at my University's intensive English programe now for one month. I'm supposed to be in charge. Another guy at the English program had a birthday tonight. I got too drunk (not very drunk, but too drunk to take charge of the situation). One of the students lost their phone, and at the end a Saudi guy was all Saudi and not knowing how to deal with women (in quite a bad way). Long story short, I'm trying to be angry and nobody's letting me (with i know is a good thing, but I don't appreciate right now). And I lost my phone charger.
  • For lunch today I was acoustically stuck between the infernal squealing of my nephew, and absolute garbage locally produced "party" music with which you could have chased me out on any other location. Welcome to my personal hell.

    Well, at least lunch was free.
  • God. Fucking. Damn it.

    I checked the requirements. I Googled it to see if it was possible. I guess I'm just an idiot when it comes to buying games for the computer.

    I can't play Portal 2 on my laptop. That makes 3 games I have bought on Steam that I can't play until I get a new laptop.
  • That makes 3 games I have bought on Steam that I can't play until I get a new laptop.
    I wonder when Steam will go the Microsoft route and make hardware sales recoup all the software sales losses. I might buy the SteamMachine console, sure.
  • edited July 2011
    That makes 3 games I have bought on Steam that I can't play until I get a new laptop.
    I wonder when Steam will go the Microsoft route and make hardware sales recoup all the software sales losses. I might buy the SteamMachine console, sure.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Was in the city, wanted food.

    Saw White Castle.

    Remembered Rym saying White Castle is actually tasty, and remember thinking it was, years and years ago.


    Fuck you, Rym.

    Fuck you.
  • You have committed heresy against the Castrum Sanctae Album. Heresy is punishable by torture and death. The Castellan Inquisition will arrive shortly to disappear you.
  • I done fucked up.
    You were at a play and ended up killing Lincoln with a hammer?
  • I am not sure if I have food poisoning or con-flu, but every time I attempt to eat or drink it ends badly.
  • edited July 2011
    I am not sure if I have food poisoning or con-flu, but every time I attempt to eat or drink it ends badly.
    Eek! Feel better soon, Kate!
    Post edited by Johannes Uglyfred II on
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