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Fail of Your Day



  • PLAGUE!!!!
    Black pustules?
  • edited July 2011
    Me and my brother got in a pretty massive fight over cooking and temperature today, him arguing that using the oven heats up his tiny apartment, and he automatically has banned me using the oven. All because I made cookies that aren't his style, which only use the oven for like, 10 minutes. Because he refuses to install air-conditioning in his bedroom (It makes his lips all dry), the apartment will be hot as hell. So while cooking, he was raging pretty hard, and despite the fact I couldn't make a dish like the way he wanted. (He wanted me to make Aloo Saag (Spinach) and use Mustard Greens instead) He just couldn't tell me why he was that mad today.

    Later on, we had an online conversation of him explaining how he feels angry about me cooking there. That I make a mess and I'm lazier than he is when it comes to certain things. And that it's wrong for me to make desserts, because he has "no willpower" and will eat any remaining snack. And despite the fact that I acknowledge every mistake I make that makes him angry, I give him rather huge reasons why I don't like his anger. Because he's really intimidating (In voice and stature) and he seems like he lacks empathy. And while I think we came to an understanding of each other, it stills feels completely shitty.

    My ending response to him: Please, just talk through situations with me. I might not know a lot of things, but I'm not ignorant. I will fix the problems I have because now I understand.

    His ending response: You fix the stuff I asked for, and I'll fix that. I think I laid out a bigger list of complaints. I'm not nice when my personal space gets messed with.

    It's this lack of empathy that makes me fear for what he's going to do later in life. He's 26, living for my family's business with his apartment being the same building as the business, with our Mom as the boss. He cusses her out all the time. I don't want to think this way, but it just feels like my brother is gonna have a shitty future with getting jobs or having an early stroke. (Like my dad, who my brother shares a lot of traits with)
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • Listening to "Run This Town" by Jay-Z: Keep hearing Navi say "Hey!".
  • Because he's really intimidating (In voice and stature) and he seems like he lacks empathy
    My brother is the same way. My father treated my bro like shit growing up, and then my bro treated me like shit while I grew up. My brother is nearly abusive towards his dogs, but claims it is all part of the training. I told my mom that, should my bro ever find a woman that will spawn his seed, he will most likely treat them with the same hostility, shouting, and aggression he is so well known for. That will simply perpetuate the abuse down the generations and is unacceptable.

    For some reason, my mom never even thought of that. It isn't that my mom has any control over my brother, and if she does try to bring it up, he tells her curtly it is his business, but simply having the awareness spread amongst more of the family will help us try to prepare a future wife or something. Honestly, we know he'll never seek treatment for himself, so at this point it is about protecting others rather than him.
  • My company just gave me a 27 page document on installing windows 7 on my machine.
  • oh internet

  • I'm feeling lucky.
  • how likely is it to get pregnant during a zombie apocalypse?
  • how likely is it to get pregnant during a zombie apocalypse?
    Considering that a lot of people will just fuck like rabbits because hey, it's the end of the world, I think actually quite high.
  • My fail is that so many people are freaking out over Netflix's price increases.
  • My fail is that so many people are freaking out over Netflix's price increases.
    Yeah, I've been reading a lot of tweet/FB posts about it.

    There have been some decent reasons that people don't like it because 60% as a number in general is a huge increase. Also for the fact that Netflix isn't offering more things with the price increase.

    All I know is, I'm still happy with Netflix and I will more than likely continue to be.
  • edited July 2011
    My fail is that so many people are freaking out over Netflix's price increases.
    Yeah, I've been reading a lot of tweet/FB posts about it.

    There have been some decent reasons that people don't like it because 60% as a number in general is a huge increase. Also for the fact that Netflix isn't offering more things with the price increase.

    All I know is, I'm still happy with Netflix and I will more than likely continue to be.
    I understand the complaints; however, the percentage of the increase -while high- doesn't equate to the cost being high. Netflix's ability to add more content to "watch instantly" depends highly on the increased costs (which will provide a greater service in the long run). Also, over the years that I have been a Netflix customer they decreased their costs twice, so this increase doesn't hurt their image in my eyes.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Seriously, for the low price and unlimited bandwidth (assuming enough content existed to download), the price was unbelievable. It is becoming more believable, that's all.

    Speaking of Netflix...

    ST:TNG! How long will it take to watch all 177 episodes I wonder? This could be made much more bearable if all episodes involving Q were skipped.
  • This could be made much more bearable if all episodes involving Q were skipped.
    There are only like 3 or 4.
  • This could be made much more bearable if all episodes involving Q were skipped.
    There are only like 3 or 4.
    Doesn't change what I said. Q was just a miserable plot device.
  • I like Q...
  • I like Q...
    Q is awesome.
  • edited July 2011
    Are we talking the personality of Q (which I've never really got more than hehehaha I'm powerful and I like to screw with you of all the people in all the time in all the universe that I could be screwing with!), or are we talking about all the stuff Q does to mess with the ship in a test of classic (TOS) emotion vs logic?
    Post edited by Byron on
  • Q is awesome in general. He's basically Star Trek's GCU Grey Area.
  • I didn't like Q at first, and now I do. I don't know what happened in order to make that switch. This feeling sort of happened after Q Who?
  • Why the fuck did nobody remind me that Futurama was back on?
  • edited July 2011
    Q is my favorite "villain" on ST:TNG.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Q is my favorite "villain" on ST:TNG.
    I don't think he really counts as a villain.
  • The Q episodes tend to be the ones I like the most.
  • I don't think he really counts as a villain.
    He's an antagonist - that's why "villain" is in quotes.
  • "villain" is in quotes
  • Owchie.

  • I once almost lost the fleshy part of right ring tie due to me stepping and inserting my toe in a laundry basket hole. The plastic was so sharp that my pressure of my foot coming down made it cut into my toe.

    You could see the bone.

    That sucks, Nuri. Hopefully it won't hurt too much for you to walk.
  • I just watched Torchwood. Yeah that was some of Steven Moffats worst writing and he is fairly crappy.
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