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Fail of Your Day



  • I realized that the phrase "we need to talk" has scarred me psychologically to the point that the near thought of it makes me cringe and tighten up horribly.
    Yeah, it's not just you. That phrase should always be followed by a general statement of the topic, or at least a hint. Even if you don't wanna talk about it at the time, it helps to give the other person some direction so they don't immediately assume it's the worst thing possible. Which is what we all do when someone says that!
  • SOMEONE's been reading a little too much MLP fanfiction... :3c

    Middle-aged fundie basement-dwelling thinly-veiled opinions on lesbian horses and proper happy rainbow time serious business rant ahoy.
  • The Thing isn't a remake, it's a prequel about the Norwegian base, I think...
    That's what I hear, its got the actress who played Ramona as the lead.
  • Going to Magic Kingdom again. For the third time in 6 months. I am not excite. At least it's free.
  • They are remaking The Thing and Footloose and Fright Night.
    They're also remaking Total Recall.
  • They're also remaking Total Recall.
  • They're also remaking Total Recall.
    If it's not Ahnold, it's not Total Recall.
  • I heard that they changed almost everything about the story and it resembles neither the original movie nor the Phillip K. Dick novel it was based upon.
  • I heard that they changed almost everything about the story and it resembles neither the original movie nor the Phillip K. Dick novel it was based upon.
    I hope that it's now heartbreaking drama about hard everyday life of three breasted hooker.
  • I heard that they changed almost everything about the story and it resembles neither the original movie nor the Phillip K. Dick novel it was based upon.
    I hope that it's now heartbreaking drama about hard everyday life of three breasted hooker.
    Actually, it's about peanut butter and bean sprouts.
  • I heard that they changed almost everything about the story and it resembles neither the original movie nor the Phillip K. Dick novel it was based upon.
    I hope that it's now heartbreaking drama about hard everyday life of three breasted hooker.
    Actually, it's about peanut butter and bean sprouts.
    Actually, its a tear jerker documentary-style social commentary on the life and working conditions of mutants.
  • edited July 2011
    I heard that they changed almost everything about the story and it resembles neither the original movie nor the Phillip K. Dick novel it was based upon.
    I hope that it's now heartbreaking drama about hard everyday life of three breasted hooker.
    Actually, it's about peanut butter and bean sprouts.
    Actually, its a tear jerker documentary-style social commentary on the life and working conditions of mutants.
    No, Vic. I think you're thinking of X-Men: Second Class. Total Recall is a documentary about people with unusual memories: those with amnesia, and those with perfect memory.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Going to Magic Kingdom again. For the third time in 6 months. I am not excite. At least it's free.
    That shows an inherent difference between the two of us. I would go every week if I could.
  • Going to Magic Kingdom again. For the third time in 6 months. I am not excite. At least it's free.
    That shows an inherent difference between the two of us. I would go every week if I could.
    The first time I went recently I had a great time. I hadn't been in 16 years, everything was magical. Now it's just Disney overload. Were were there for almost 12 hours and the only things I was looking forward to were the castle and the fireworks. Disney does damn good fireworks.
  • edited July 2011
    Facebook Reacts To Japan Winning The World Cup

    Sorry to say, but that kind of attitude (the one in the link) sums up what most people who don't have friends from the US think of Americans. So there, double fail for you :D
    Post edited by MrRoboto on
  • edited July 2011
    Barf. It is also so hypocritical, there is one kid who has a sign in his picture that says "save darfur" and he says "I hope another tsunami strikes." What a poser of a humanitarian.
    Sorry to say, but that kind of attitude (the one in the link) sums up what most people who don't have friends from the US think of Americans. So there, double fail for you :D
    You can dislike a country's politics, but you should not hate all it's people. This is what drives me nuts when stupid people say stuff like "nuke Iran!" On top of all the problems inherent in that statement they fail to realize that most people are quite similar the world over: Not good, not bad, just trying to live their lives. One should not blame every citizen of a country for the fails of that country's government. Also, to says that a horrible natural disaster is punishment for a war over half a century ago, perhaps they forgot the millions killed in the firebombings and the TWO NUCLEAR BOMBS America dropped. These fools need a smack over the head.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Sorry to say, but that kind of attitude (the one in the link) sums up what most people who don't have friends from the US think of Americans. So there, double fail for you :D
    Fail Of My Life
  • There were similar things said after the tsunami and earthquake. Seriously is there some American schools that forget to mention the nuclear bombs, or do people just have really selective memory?
  • edited July 2011
    No, there are just many idiots. I went to school with people who couldn't tell the difference between Japan and China.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I do love how people on there seem to think that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor without any provocation from the US at all. Some people need to learn history.
  • No, there are just many idiots. I went to school with people who couldn't tell the difference between Japan and China.
    I was IN JAPAN with at least three people who didn't understand the difference between Japan and China.
  • Welp. Megaman Legends 3 got canned.

    It should have been obvious from the start, really: it was being developed for 3DS, after all! *rimshot*
  • edited July 2011
    It is also so hypocritical, there is one kid who has a sign in his picture that says "save darfur" and he says "I hope another tsunami strikes." What a poser of a humanitarian
    Meh, he didn't have a sign saying "I'm a humanitarian." Obviously, he feels that Africans are more deserving of his affections than Asians. That isn't hypocritical, it's just arbitrary.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • edited July 2011
    Welp. Megaman Legends 3 got canned.

    It should have been obvious from the start, really: it was being developed for 3DS, after all! *rimshot*
    First of all, the 3DS does not suck.

    Post edited by Axel on
  • It is also so hypocritical, there is one kid who has a sign in his picture that says "save darfur" and he says "I hope another tsunami strikes." What a poser of a humanitarian
    Meh, he didn't have a sign saying "I'm a humanitarian." Obviously, he feels that Africans are more deserving of his affections than Asians. That isn't hypocritical, it's just arbitrary.
    Maybe he likes Darfur ironically.
  • edited July 2011
    No, there are just many idiots. I went to school with people who couldn't tell the difference between Japan and China.
    I was IN JAPAN with at least three people who didn't understand the difference between Japan and China.
    Do you mean that they didn't know the difference between Chinese and Japanese culture (I've taken 3 years of Mandarin and don't know shit about Chinese culture) or that they literally thought they were the same country?
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • No, there are just many idiots. I went to school with people who couldn't tell the difference between Japan and China.
    I was IN JAPAN with at least three people who didn't understand the difference between Japan and China.
    Do you mean that they didn't know the difference between Chinese and Japanese culture (I've taken 3 years of Mandarin and don't know shit about Chinese culture) or that they literally thought they were the same country.
    I mean they kept asking where the obviously Chinese things were while we were in Japan. IE: saying he couldn't wait to try real Mandarin chicken.
  • I mean they kept asking where the obviously Chinese things were while we were in Japan. IE: saying he couldn't wait to try real Mandarin chicken.
    Hibah... zhabut.... himina... that's not even...

    I'm sorry, I seem to be exploding right now. Pardon me.
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