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Fail of Your Day



  • edited July 2011
    I only have DSL.
    Post edited by Snickety-Snake on
  • Lucky.
    Honestly, I'm really one to talk about "only", being raised on 56k until after high school!
  • 56k
    That reminds me... I was once forced to use an old windows 98 laptop to access the internet when my 56k modem was fried by lightning. The upgrade to a 3G card quickly ensued. That was about three years ago.

    If only I could have actually gotten 56kbps from AOL. "A 2MB download? Time for solitaire!"
  • edited July 2011
    kill me
    /facepalm. Cannot wait to finally move to teh college.
    edit: on second thought... maybe I have it pretty good... sorry Zombie Joe Boomer

    Also, I made an omelette this morning. I tried to go all out- I had green peppers, cooked up some onions, had tomatoes, made some bacon- it was great. After I finished, I realized I had forgotten the cheese, which I had set aside specifically... FFS!!!!!!! oh well.. the tomatoes had good flavor anyways. (and no.. we didn't have any hot sauce or salsa in the house for it.)- yeah not that much of a fail... but I felt pretty sad about it.
    Post edited by remix3211 on
  • Cannot wait to finally move to teh college.
  • You guys come down here where the central air is.
    After last night, driving 12 hours to sit in central air is an attractive option.
  • I dropped my car off today to get its new springs and shocks installed and oh man it's gonna be a scorcher today.
    After last night, driving 12 hours to sit in central air is an attractive option.
    You're still welcome if you want. ;)
  • Minor fail that could turn major: my body has figured out that if it turns off my alarm before I notice, I won't wake up...

  • Several times in college, I fell asleep with my arm on the alarm snooze button and didn't wake up for another hour or so.
  • Minor fail that could turn major: my body has figured out that if it turns off my alarm before I notice, I won't wake up...

    Solution: Place your clock far enough out of arm's reach that you HAVE to get out of bed to shut the alarm off.
  • Meanwhile in Edmonton:
    An Edmonton mother is outraged after members of a local church approached her daughter on a playground - offering a Bible verse, candy and a promise that if she memorized the passage they would give her more treats.

    Kathleen Crowe says her nine-year-old daughter Angeline was playing in MacEwan park last week when she was approached by a couple from the Victory Christian Center who gave her candy and a Bible verse. Angeline was also promised more candy if she memorized the verse.
  • Minor fail that could turn major: my body has figured out that if it turns off my alarm before I notice, I won't wake up...
    I tried this trick in college: put the alarm on the other side of the room. That way, I have to get up to hit the snooze button.

    Turns out, I don't need to be awake to walk over and hit the right button.
  • Minor fail that could turn major: my body has figured out that if it turns off my alarm before I notice, I won't wake up...

    Solution: Place your clock far enough out of arm's reach that you HAVE to get out of bed to shut the alarm off.
    I did this myself. But my mom got me a fancy clock with a "wave sensor", which detects motion and goes to sleep. It was a little past the foot of my bed, so I quickly learned how to kick my leg up into the air and wave it around in my sleep.
  • The A/C is definitely struggling now. It's been on constantly for a while.
  • The A/C is definitely struggling now. It's been on constantly for a while.
    What will you do if it FAILS.. You'll dieeeeeeeee
  • I only have DSL.
    That looks like a pregnancy test.
  • That looks like a pregnancy test.
    The blue "a" means positive, and it's a boy.
  • What will you do if it FAILS.. You'll dieeeeeeeee
    I have back up, it's called living 6 feet under.
  • So, in case you all missed it, a huge fucking car bomb went off this morning in Oslo: Bomb blast near Norway prime minister's office.
  • I have been trying to install OSX Lion since 9 AM, according to my computer, the hard drive is damaged to a point that the OS can't be installed. I might have to erase the hard drive and start fresh, but I'm not going to do that until I go to the Apple Store and get someone there to look at it.
  • So, in case you all missed it, a huge fucking car bomb went off this morning in Oslo: Bomb blast near Norway prime minister's office.
    Augh! This sucks. I guess it shows that no matter where you go, there is the possibility for terrorism.
  • So, in case you all missed it, a huge fucking car bomb went off this morning in Oslo: Bomb blast near Norway prime minister's office.
    Augh! This sucks. I guess it shows that no matter where you go, there is the possibility for terrorism.
    CNN is reporting there was also a gunman opening fire at a Labour party youth camp.
  • Yeah, that was in the article. I sort of wonder if that means it is crazy right-wingers or skinheads or something.
  • So today I visited a friend of mine to discuss a couple of things. Unfortunately, the timing wasn't quite right as he was just being visited by his mother and sister. His 15-year-old sister was having a problem with a computer virus that she supposedly got of facebook, and of course she is not tech savvy enough to fix it herself and has to ask her brother to do it for her. Since however, the problem is on her laptop and as she didn't bring the power supply with her, he can't really do enough to fix it either. So they decided to fix it when he visits them on the weekend.

    Then his mother and sister leave to drive home. But about a minute after that, his sister comes back and asks if the virus can do any harm "if the computer is turned off"!
  • Then his mother and sister leave to drive home. But about a minute after that, his sister comes back and asks if the virus can do any harm "if the computer is turned off"!
    You should have answered with, "Will a the cold or flu virus harm your body when you're dead?"
  • Then his mother and sister leave to drive home. But about a minute after that, his sister comes back and asks if the virus can do any harm "if the computer is turned off"!
    They're the most dangerous when it's off! With the hard drive no longer spinning it's much easier for the virus to move around the platter infecting other files.
  • Then his mother and sister leave to drive home. But about a minute after that, his sister comes back and asks if the virus can do any harm "if the computer is turned off"!
    They're the most dangerous when it's off! With the hard drive no longer spinning it's much easier for the virus to move around the platter infecting other files.
    Wow, I thought I was the only one to use that!
  • Wow, I thought I was the only one to use that!
    I thought I came up with it on the fly just then.
  • I've got fruit flies in my living room. What the hell? I don't even have any fruit!!! They just seem to like to fly into my face. Bloody pests. >:[
  • edited July 2011
    Shit got really bad in Norway. 80+ dead on the island alone from the gunman. Probably more...
    Post edited by Andrew on
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