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Fail of Your Day



  • That was exactly my reaction to every other thing that kid said.
  • edited July 2011
    Wow, just wow.
    In other fail news the Salutatorian of our graduating class asked me, as a 9th grader, if Japanese people still chopped of heads with swords and boiled people after she watched the made-for-TV movie "Shogun." Book smart does not always mean smart.
    Luckily, the guy who took Valedictorian was a sorta-pal of mine. He gave a great speech where he said "go out into the world and explore and high school doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things." He didn't rip it to shreds, but he said exactly what I would have wanted. Dopey girl was super mad because she wanted to praise the high school.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I gave a "High school doesn't matter" speech to a bunch of kids touring the campus a little while ago. The tour guide was mad, but some of those kids seemed genuinely relieved. Of course I prefaced that with "If you're not planning on going to an Ivy League school".
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  • edited July 2011
    That's like my dish internet when there was a tree in the way lol.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Malcolm and Zoe were accosted by hornets that had made nests underneath the bottom of the railing on our deck. Poor little guys. Malcolm's snout was all puffed up from the sting he got on his nose.
    All hornets and nests have been exterminated.
  • That's like my dish internet when there was a tree in the way lol.always.
  • All hornets and nests have been exterminated.
    Wasp suitApproves.
  • All hornets and nests have been exterminated.
    Good job Hitler.
  • All hornets and nests have been exterminated.
    Good job Hitler.
    I defy you to look at Malcolm's sad I-was-just-caused-pain-because-of-nothing-but-my-adorable-curiosity-and-now-my-snout-is-all-swollen face and not want to murder the cause.
    Alternatively, I was just following orders.
  • Alternatively, I was just following orders.
    I see what you did there...
  • There is nothing worse than having a fever of 102 on a hot day.
  • We've got a bunch of high-schoolers at my Uni for a computer science campy thing. One would assume they'd be fairly intelligent, but I'd swear they'd never seen a toilet/urinal before. They can't seem to work out where the waste goes or what that handle sticking out of the top is for.
  • edited July 2011
    Applying for a UK Tier 4 Visa under the PBS is the most horrific thing I have ever encountered. It's like a gang of Marquis de Sade clones decided to run an immigration service when they realized rape stories were out of vogue. It's like being fucked with an orbital sander while lying on a bed of salt and razor wire.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited July 2011
    More of a rant of my day, but there is some fail involved...

    So I was riding the A train to Penn Station earlier. There are these three Hispanic kids on the subway. They were all wearing white wife-beaters and khakis, which was sort of weird, and one was sleeping across three seats, but they weren't bugging anyone, and I didn't pay them any mind. All of a sudden, indignant, seated, middle aged white guy raises his voice to performance levels (I actually thought he was about to beg) and he says "Doesn't it bother you that your friend is taking three seats from these poor people? There are women and children on this train who need a seat!" The kids respond quietly (and probably not honestly) saying their friend has a stomach virus, and that "you don't want to wake him up." The seated man said "I'm not afraid of you! No one on this train is afraid of you!" And was then joined by seated indignant woman reading an iPad and no one else. At this point, the kids complied, and someone took the seat.

    I didn't say or do anything during this, even though I really wish I called the guy out. He really seemed to just be relishing the glory of picking on a punk kid (and said nothing to me, who was probably the same age as the others). The fact is, no one who needed a seat asked the kids, so who cares what they did with their 5 collective seats. Let the guy sleep. On the plus side, I did politely mention to indignant ipad lady that her Poland Spring bottle was leaking, she nearly jumped from the shock of being acknowledged.

    What do you think, forum, should I have entered the fray on the punk kids' side?

    PS: A real fail has been trying to type this long post on my work blackberry. Sorry for any mistakes, Mr. Period, but I really wanted to get this out.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • What do you think, forum, should I have entered the fray on the punk kids' side?
    Here's my solution to all subway related questions:
  • edited July 2011
    I bought a high-quality headset, but it's uncomfortable (the smallish cups press on my ears and make them hurt) and the sound quality is still worse than my good pair of headphones (sadly, one of the things that holds them to my head broke off so now I use them with a towel on my head to give them the leverage needed to sit on my head properly). It seems that the $150 headset I bought is now destined to sit on my neck as a platform to hold the microphone in place. It's a pity, but my friend tells me it works far better than the desktop mic I was using before. I do wish I'd thought of having one on my neck before I bought the headset, then I would've just bought a cheapass headset for that purpose.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited July 2011
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I.
  • Wahm tah-dae. Wahm yesta-dee. Even wahmah tamarra.
    Nice knowing George.
  • edited July 2011
    [ranting that is either a joke or somebody is seriously unbuckled]
    This person is not trying to incite revolution by manipulation, nor is this person acting for reasons of personal glory or power. This person is either making an ironic joke, or is mentally unstable and quite believes that what is being said is the correct path for humanity's salvation. You see this personality type a lot in religious zealots who really believe what they are spewing out and genuinely believe they are trying to save people.

    This isn't worthy of your hate. As a joke, it's complicated and kind of humorous. If not a joke, this should be worthy of your pity. This person needs help understanding the world he or she lives in and quite possibly suffers delusions that alter his or her internal perception of that world.

    I think hate should be reserved for those who act with intentional malice.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • Nice knowing George.
    pffffft, I have central A/C and I live in a basement. I fear no heat wave.
  • Nice knowing George.
    pffffft, I have central A/C and I live in a basement. I fear no heat wave.
    These Yankees don't understand that this weather is nothing special in the South. Where we all have central air. People are asking how I keep cool, and I just give them a look and say, "I stay in the room with the AC in it. Like a sane person." My house is not like Pete's where the AC doesn't work for shit.
  • Wahm tah-dae. Wahm yesta-dee. Even wahmah tamarra.
    I fear no heat wave.
    These Yankees don't understand that this weather is nothing special in the South. Where we all have central air. People are asking how I keep cool, and I just give them a look and say, "I stay in the room with the AC in it. Like a sane person." My house is not like Pete's where the AC doesn't work for shit.
    LOL, Americans.
  • I'm sorry that our country isn't something like 75% desert.
  • edited July 2011
    I'm sorry that our country isn't something like 75% desert.
    That's why we all live by the sea. Well, Most of us, anyway. It's not a huge amount better, but hey, the ocean is right there, just go swimming.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • These Yankees don't understand that this weather is nothing special in the South. Where we all have central air. People are asking how I keep cool, and I just give them a look and say, "I stay in the room with the AC in it. Like a sane person." My house is not like Pete's where the AC doesn't work for shit.
    Exactly, this is fucking par for the course here in Virginia. Summer is hot and balls humid. It's a shitty walk to work, but that's the worst of it. This year I decided I wasn't going to visit Albany in the summer. You guys come down here where the central air is.
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    kill me
  • Whaaaat? What VZN you got? My FiOS test to the same server (and also <50 miles) is posted above somewhere.
  • I don't have FiOS, I only have DSL. Can't afford anything better.
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