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Fail of Your Day



  • That sucks, Nuri. Hopefully it won't hurt too much for you to walk.
    It's actually not too bad. The worst was cleaning it. It got the thickest possible callous on my foot, so most of what it gouged was dead skin anyway. It's in the recessed part of the toe leading up to the crease, but not actually ON the crease. If you have to get a foot injury, it's a pretty good place for it. After it finally stops bleeding (I think it's almost done, 24 hours after it actually happened... grr) it'll be no problem except that I will be wearing closed-toed shoes until it fully closes.

    Just for fun, here's what I actually stepped on:
  • Nuri I feel your pain. Feet are super painful when they want to be.
  • edited July 2011
    Steven Moffat... he is fairly crappy.
    Bite your tongue.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Never! Trust me when you watch it you will understand that this is one of his worst.
  • Never! Trust me when you watch it you will understand that this is one of his worst.

  • Moffat at his worst doesn't even come close to the worst Doctor Who episodes.
  • I'm sure it was but this episode of Torchwood was terrible, his writing of Dr Who has been lack luster and pretentious. there are far better writers than him but for some reason the popular opinion is that the sun sines from his arse.
  • edited July 2011
    Somehow, while no one was touching it, the screen on my laptop cracked right in the middle, making a three inch strip of my screen unusable.


    The only way I can use it right now is to have it hooked up to the flatscreen in the living room
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • My Macbook's power connector thingy (on the computer, not the cord itself) decided it hates the world and doesn't want to accept power from anything. Which renders it useless because the battery lasts all of five minutes.
  • Moffat at his worst doesn't even come close to the worst Doctor Who episodes.
    Torchwood is really really really really painfully bad.

    In fact, I've pretended it doesn't exist.

    So in my world, Moffat is still a flawless god of writing. I like my world. It's nice here.
  • Moffat is still a flawless god of writing.
    Really? I feel like I might be the crazy person in the village but I've felt that his writing in Dr Who was pretty weak. Sherlock was good but he just strikes me as trying to hard or just being a dick.
  • Moffat is still a flawless god of writing.
    Really? I feel like I might be the crazy person in the village but I've felt that his writing in Dr Who was pretty weak. Sherlock was good but he just strikes me as trying to hard or just being a dick.
    I kinda agree that the writing he has been associated with isn't as laudable as many people insist. However, you talk to a WhoFan, and good luck not getting [insert some Dr Who related inside joke about a way people famously die in that show].
  • I feel like I might be the crazy person in the village but I've felt that his writing in Dr Who was pretty weak.
    Are we watching the same show? "Empty Child/The Doctor Dances," "Blink," "The Girl in the Fireplace," and "The Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead" are all written by Moffat. These are "lack luster" episodes?
  • Moffat is the reason we have Timey Wimey Detectors. They go ding when there's stuff.
  • edited July 2011
    That sucks, Nuri. Hopefully it won't hurt too much for you to walk.
    It's actually not too bad. The worst was cleaning it. It got the thickest possible callous on my foot, so most of what it gouged was dead skin anyway. It's in the recessed part of the toe leading up to the crease, but not actually ON the crease. If you have to get a foot injury, it's a pretty good place for it. After it finally stops bleeding (I think it's almost done, 24 hours after it actually happened... grr) it'll be no problem except that I will be wearing closed-toed shoes until it fully closes.
    This is going to sound really bad to anyone who doesn't know about Dermabond and other skin glues already, but superglue (cyanoacrylate) and a bunch of its derivatives are actually biocompatible. Vietnam War trauma docs actually used standard hardware store Krazy Glue to "suture" tissue after liver operations (needle-thread suturing was almost impossible). I'd recommend putting a drop on the top of your hand, waiting 30 minutes to ensure it doesn't itch or redden, and then add a few drops into the cut on your toe. It'll seal debris out and keep the tissue closed up, and it'll disappear as your cut heals.

    EDIT: Don't apply it near cotton, gauze, or wool. That's a recipe for minor burns. However, once it dries, it'll be fine to return to your regularly-scheduled fiber duties.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited July 2011
    This is going to sound really bad to anyone who doesn't know about Dermabond and other skin glues already, but superglue (cyanoacrylate) and a bunch of its derivatives are actually biocompatible. Vietnam War trauma docs actually used standard hardware store Krazy Glue to "suture" tissue after liver operations (needle-thread suturing was almost impossible). I'd recommend putting a drop on the top of your hand, waiting 30 minutes to ensure it doesn't itch or redden, and then add a few drops into the cut on your toe. It'll seal debris out and keep the tissue closed up, and it'll disappear as your cut heals.
    It's exactly what I do. But people always give me weird looks when I pull a tube of Tarzan's grip (Aka, a grip of Tarzan's tube) from my first aid kit. The reason - I've sewed myself up on a few occasions, and it really fucking hurts, I'm not enormously good at it, and I always sew it up cock-eyed. The scar on my hip wiggles like it was put in by a moron. Owait...
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Moffat at his worst doesn't even come close to the worst Doctor Who episodes.
    Torchwood is really really really really painfully bad.

    In fact, I've pretended it doesn't exist.

    So in my world, Moffat is still a flawless god of writing. I like my world. It's nice here.
    I may have missed something but Moffat doesn't write Torchwood, Russel T Davis does.
  • I may have missed something but Moffat doesn't write Torchwood, Russel T Davis does.
    Actually, you're right. Moffat isn't involved with Torchwood.

    That doesn't change the bulk of the discussion though.
  • He wrote the latest episode, not sure if its come out in the US yet. I totally agree that the Girl in the fire place was a good ep. But what about the others that aren't like that they kinda fall into the shitty river of bad Doctor Who. Having said that I do feel that the Who series has spiraled down hill. Hell anyone involved in the creation of River Song needs to have a couple of toes removed.
  • Hell anyone involved in the creation of River Song needs to have a couple of toes removed.
    I'm not entirely sure of what you're trying to say, but I really like River Song.
  • River Song was a badly acted badly written character that sat like a horse with acute bowel problems over a rather nice cake. Again its all personal opinion but I just felt that she just didn't bring anything good to the series. Amy sort of faded off a bit Rory stayed awesome. The Doctor was well the Doctor.
  • sat like a horse with acute bowel problems over a rather nice cake.
    I disagree with you completely regarding Moffat and River Song, but this amazingly bizarre simile has left me in awe. +1
  • sat like a horse with acute bowel problems over a rather nice cake.
    I disagree with you completely regarding Moffat and River Song, but this amazingly bizarre simile has left me in awe. +1
    +1 from me as well.
  • Really she was dreadful! the actress was rubbish, the story seemed just wrong and the climax was utter utter shit. She sums up the worst of what doctor who has become. I will coincide that Rory defiantly came to the front but the others just fell part. I will not talk to Matt Smiths Doctor, it is a tetchy subject. Sufficed to say that I feel that the series has been in decline in reason seasons.

    Thank you I do try :)
  • They are remaking The Thing and Footloose and Fright Night.
  • They are remaking The Thing and Footloose and Fright Night.
  • The Thing isn't a remake, it's a prequel about the Norwegian base, I think...

    But, Footloose? Seriously?
  • I realized that the phrase "we need to talk" has scarred me psychologically to the point that the near thought of it makes me cringe and tighten up horribly.
  • I realized that the phrase "we need to talk" has scarred me psychologically to the point that the near thought of it makes me cringe and tighten up horribly.
    In my first year of college we heard that phrase so much that we basically made a tabletop RPG system based on D12s to combat it called "Don't play this game (oh wait you don't have a choice)". It got to the point where we would start carrying dice wherever we went since it came up so much due to drama.
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