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Fail of Your Day



  • Worse still are stuck (always-on) pixels. My PSP has two of those, and it just pisses me off to no end.
    That's a thing that exists?!
  • My monitor had those but I fixed them.
  • Ruffas, isn't your laptop still within the 2 week "turn it in and get a new one of the same model back no questions asked" period? Run a color-flashy thing, see if it works, if not, get a new one.
  • Worse still are stuck (always-on) pixels. My PSP has two of those, and it just pisses me off to no end.
    That's a thing that exists?!
    Yep. Worse still are zombie pixels, which are infectious.
  • Ruffas, isn't your laptop still within the 2 week "turn it in and get a new one of the same model back no questions asked" period? Run a color-flashy thing, see if it works, if not, get a new one.
    It is. I'm going to see if I can fix it myself. If not, I'll make them fix it next week, after classes are over (cause I'm sure as hell not going to get much work done in class).
  • I guess one of the blog-comments summed up the following story best: "A total woo-head teaching a course in critical thinking? What's next? Lindsay Lohan signing up as a substance abuse counselor?"
  • The weak dollar isn't doing me any favours at the moment. This morning I got an email telling me I've just been paid for my last gig, and I checked to see what the dollar amount would be once it reached my euro bank account. It's really low!

    In May last year, for exactly the same gig at the same fee, I made over 300 euros more than I just did in July.
  • I hate the DMV. So, so much.

  • Watch this video until the very end to witness some of the worst out of context editing I've ever seen. Someone needs to be fired for this.
  • *Turns into the HULK of Journalism rage*GRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HULK SMASH MISREPRESENTING JOURNALISTS!!!
  • Man. SSH is awesome, and every time I use it, I feel like I'm using a supercomputer to play Pong.
  • That's not a "disturbing reaction!" The kid is acting brave and saying that when he gets older he will be a policeman and use his gun to stop crimes! They should have put that in the story, because I think it would have made people happy, but instead it presents this narrative of "the cycles of ghetto violence continues with the next generation!" What stupid reporters!
  • Man. SSH is awesome, and every time I use it, I feel like I'm using a supercomputer to play Pong.
    How is this fail? SSH is awesome. Once you master forward and reverse tunnels, you are likened unto a Net God!
  • Watch this video until the very end to witness some of the worst out of context editing I've ever seen. Someone needs to be fired for this.
    LOL you've never seen A Current Affair or Today Tonight. Your fucking head would explode.
  • I listen to a podcast called "Control Point" which is about Team Fortress 2. I listen to it during work (along with other podcasts, like GeekNights). Last week they talked about something they had linked on their blog, so I went and looked it up there. Today I wanted to do the same, only to find it blocked by my work intranet :/
  • Man. SSH is awesome, and every time I use it, I feel like I'm using a supercomputer to play Pong.
    How is this fail? SSH is awesome. Once you master forward and reverse tunnels, you are likened unto a Net God!
    Because I don't know how to do those things. I just use it to start the TF2 server.

    Fuck, I just barely figured out how to use Screen.
  • edited August 2011
    Fuck, I just barely figured out how to use Screen.
    That's the Global Thermonuclear War of our analogies.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • My grandmother died early this morning.
  • Ouch. My Condolences.
  • My brother has Mono. God. Damn. It.
  • edited August 2011
    A client just ripped me off three grand. I'm not a happy person right now. Or rather, the next person who so much as thinks of fucking with me is going to get fucking eviscerated.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Oops, I just thought about fucking with you.
  • edited August 2011
    Oops, I just thought about fucking with you.
    I'll be over after the afternoon peak-hour traffic. Be sure to set an extra place at the table, please, I hate committing horrible, horrible crimes on an empty stomach.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Students in my classroom had the radio on. Station was awesome. Played Sympathy for the Devil. One student said the music wasn't violent enough for him, another girl thought it was about Michael Jackson.
  • Students in my classroom had the radio on. Station was awesome. Played Sympathy for the Devil. One student said the music wasn't violent enough for him, another girl thought it was about Michael Jackson.
    *Grabs Sail, packs him in a rocket, and aims it at New York* INCOMING! *FOOOOSH!*
  • Oops, I just thought about fucking with you.
    I'll be over after the afternoon peak-hour traffic. Be sure to set an extra place at the table, please, I hate committing horrible, horrible crimes on an empty stomach.
    I don't know how yas done it, but I know yas done it! You must've managed to curse me somehow, because I'm pretty sick now.
  • edited August 2011
    I don't know how yas done it, but I know yas done it! You must've managed to curse me somehow, because I'm pretty sick now.
    Really? Shit, I ended up just trying to set you on fire with my very thoughts - because I didn't want to have to go put more petrol in the van right now - but I suppose I'll take what I can get. Fear me, Puny humans, I can make people somewhat ill! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I don't know how yas done it, but I know yas done it! You must've managed to curse me somehow, because I'm pretty sick now.
    Really? Shit, I ended up just trying to set you on fire with my very thoughts - because I didn't want to have to go put more petrol in the van right now - but I suppose I'll take what I can get.
    Clearly I'm lucky I'm not a spider.
  • edited August 2011
    Clearly I'm lucky I'm not a spider.
    I really, really fuckin' hate spiders, with the power of a thousand suns. Or at least, one petrol can and a lighter.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Westboro is going to Norway. They intend to protest at the funerals of the teenagers killed in the right-wing psycho murderer's rampage and blame Norway for the incident. What is additionally notable, and phenomenally stupid on their part, is that they now have signs that specifically target Anonymous. Considering Anon already fucked them up once and told them to stop making noise or there'd be repercussions, I really hope that Anon takes notice of this intentional poke in their eye and unleashes another hacking torrent in their direction.
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