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Fail of Your Day



  • From the google translate of the article:
    Church Community West Boro Baptist Church, which largely consists of founder Fred Phelps family members, according to almost all tragedies in the world is linked to society's growing acceptance of homosexuality, but also condemn Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Swedes and Canada.
    The last part made me laugh a little. For some reason, Canada does it.
  • Well, of course Canada.
  • Westboro is going to Norway. They intend to protest at the funerals of the teenagers killed in the right-wing psycho murderer's rampage and blame Norway for the incident. What is additionally notable, and phenomenally stupid on their part, is that they now have signs that specifically target Anonymous. Considering Anon already fucked them up once and told them to stop making noise or there'd be repercussions, I really hope that Anon takes notice of this intentional poke in their eye and unleashes another hacking torrent in their direction.
    I would love for them to all get arrested because they don't understand the nuisances of Norway law like they do American law.
  • My cousin lost two classmates and a close friend to those bombings.

    I hope they realize that there are Norwegian elements who will not hesitate to attack them, and that they have no rights to practice law in Norway. If they had any sense at all, they'd realize that they're putting themselves in perhaps mortal danger, with absolutely no hope of recourse if they get harmed. What Norwegian lawyer would represent them?
  • My cousin lost two classmates and a close friend to those bombings.

    I hope they realize that there are Norwegian elements who will not hesitate to attack them, and that they have no rights to practice law in Norway. If they had any sense at all, they'd realize that they're putting themselves in perhaps mortal danger, with absolutely no hope of recourse if they get harmed. What Norwegian lawyer would represent them?
    They will probably just be denied entry to the country.
  • My cousin lost two classmates and a close friend to those bombings.

    I hope they realize that there are Norwegian elements who will not hesitate to attack them, and that they have no rights to practice law in Norway. If they had any sense at all, they'd realize that they're putting themselves in perhaps mortal danger, with absolutely no hope of recourse if they get harmed. What Norwegian lawyer would represent them?
    They will probably just be denied entry to the country.
    Likely the case.
  • Not gonna lie, but I kinda want to see violence happen to them.
  • Not gonna lie, but I kinda want to see violence happen to them.
    I thought the same, but then I realized that I'd rather not see people have to suffer their insults and hate just so those of us who've already seen it could have the chance to witness some vigilante justice.
  • Not gonna lie, but I kinda want to see violence happen to them.
    I thought the same, but then I realized that I'd rather not see people have to suffer their insults and hate just so those of us who've already seen it could have the chance to witness some vigilante justice.
    You make a good point, but I'd still rather see some comeuppance.

    The world needs more of it.
  • edited August 2011
    Not gonna lie, but I kinda want to see violence happen to them.
    That's why they didn't come here, and why they suddenly started saying Australia was this horrible nation of sin that will burn in hellfire blah blah blah. Because they announced they were coming down here to protest the funerals of the victims from a massive, massive bushfire down here, and the government, federal police, general public and many organizations besides said "No fucking way" and a number of Bikeie gangs said "Keep Talkin', keep talkin', and you can be sure we'll be seeing you soon."

    They very quickly rescinded the announcement, and created their "God Hates Australia" campaign.

    However, the flag they made for it is possibly the most fabulous thing I've ever seen.

    Here, watch this little bit from The Chaser's war on everything, where they found Fred Phelps and Co over in the states, and had one of their guys start cracking onto a male member of the church.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • That flag = Lulzy
    Those bikers would have pounded them into the desert dust.
  • That flag = Lulzy
    Those bikers would have pounded them into the desert dust.
    No question - They are not nice fellas. The WBC would - for the first time ever - have been good for the world. Because their various bits would have been found in various crab pots being used as bait, I'll wager. I did mention they're not terribly nice sorts of people, those bikers.
  • That flag = Lulzy
    Those bikers would have pounded them into the desert dust.
    No question - They are not nice fellas. The WBC would - for the first time ever - have been good for the world. Because their various bits would have been found in various crab pots being used as bait, I'll wager. I did mention they're not terribly nice sorts of people, those bikers.
    Jesus Christ. The American Hells Angels are an extremely frightening bunch as is; as Hunter S. Thompson would attest, some of those men are the type who will beat you into a near-coma for a remark about the dubious morality of beating your wife. Now, move a band of them to Australia? I'd imagine it's like IRL Mad Max.
  • Only eaten two bowls of food in 48+ hours. Feeling fatigued but eating feels like I'm trying to push wallpaper paste into my mouth.
  • edited August 2011
    I'd imagine it's like IRL Mad Max.
    Fun Fact - The bikers in Mad Max were from an actual biker gang down here called "The Vigilantes." They're not outlaws, generally, like the Gypsy Jokers, Coffin Cheaters, Bandidos, The Black Uhlans, the Finks or the Rebels(One of the better stories about them - cops raided one of their clubhouses in Queensland, during which they seized drugs, firearms and a crocodile), but they're not fellas you want to fuck with all the same.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited August 2011
    My Japanese was upstaged by a nine year old.

    Not so bad though, nine years with it as your daily language is probably a lot more studying that I've ever got.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • My last wisdom tooth is coming in. I'm somewhat lucky with them anyway, since it doesn't hurt at all and all my wisdom teeth have come in rather nicely. However, the way the tooth has come in has me rather peeved. It first punched through on each side, so a thick string of gum span across it. Now one of the ends (the one at the tooth side) finally came lose and I have the string in the back of my mouth and it is rather annoying :X

    I guess it's better than the screaming agony a lot of other people have with their wisdom teeth.
  • edited August 2011
    Bought tickets to go see college humor live. Just remembered it while I was in the shower. It was tonight. Didn't go. EPIC FAIL. All because it wasn't on my Google calendar.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Seasons 1-3 of "H2O: Just Add Water" are rated 4.5 on Netflix. The Cowboy Bebop movie has a 4.1.
  • H20? That show was the stupid one with the mermaids, if I'm not mistaken...
    Also, PLEASE tell me this is out of 5...
  • H20? That show was the stupid one with the mermaids, if I'm not mistaken...
    Also, PLEASE tell me this is out of 5...
    Netflix ratings are out of 5, but they change from subscriber to subscriber. The algorithms are based on subscriber preferences.

    Since I almost never rate things 5 stars, Netflix rarely has recommendations for me above 3 full stars.
  • Wet dog on my lap. Not much fun to say the least.
  • Netflix ratings are out of 5, but they change from subscriber to subscriber. The algorithms are based on subscriber preferences.
    These are the actual ratings, not the adjusted ones.
  • My razor decided to have a go at me today for no reason I can suss out. It just felt wrong and cut me like I was in a very friendly knife fight.
  • This is so full of fail:
  • ... According to the YouTube timer in the corner there, that video is 6:66 long. Which doesn't... even... make...
    * Neito played Goddamnyou
  • The loading ring didn't look right, but I didn't realize that for a bit.
  • I realized it when I saw the time. I didn't actually read the time, mind you, just noticed that it was blurry.
  • Bullshit politics and security issues at the EJC makes HULK RAGE MAD!!!
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