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Fail of Your Day



  • Fuck anyone who thinks that purposefully infecting your kids is a bad idea.
    But there's a vaccine now...

    On an unrelated note, is there a way to quote part of a post with highlighting and backspace?
  • Fuck anyone who thinks that purposefully infecting your kids is a bad idea.
    But there's a vaccine now...
    Hey, look. Another typo that I missed that will forever go uncorrected due to the limited edit time.
  • Colombia tied against Venezuela. Fail.
  • I've had a cold for three days now. Feels like its getting worse. I realize that's nothing compared to some peoples fails of the day.
  • Today I realized that all my heroes are dead.
  • edited November 2011
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • edited November 2011
    Worm found in milk powder in China. And there was the milk scandal in 2008. It seems the more I learn about China the more I regret studying Chinese.
    In the recording, distributor said they were willing to accept return but only for a smaller pack since the powder had been opened and used. When Wang questioned why there was worm at all in the powder and requested higher compensation, the distributor changed tone: “our original packing milk powder are completely manufactured in Netherland, can you prove that the worm in the powder is from Netherland? Prove it to me! I will fulfill your requested compensation as long as you can prove that!”
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • You can still use it to talk to all sorts of people. I wish I knew Mandarin, it would be useful in my job.
  • Look at the bright side, you can say "Wow, that Wang is a giant douchebag" in his own language.
  • TV Fail: NBC fails on scheduling Community for its mid-season line up :(
    Please NBC do not pull a Fox, how can you cancel this!

  • edited November 2011
    PETA does not like Mario in a Tanooki suit.

    Also no new Castle tonight. (╯‵Д′)╯彡┻━┻
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited November 2011
    So I have a huge crush on a girl. I led into The Aristocrats and stopped cold because I'm drunk and can't do it justice. She demands I continue and I refuse, but I cut her a deal: If she can answer my question from Thursday ("Do you want to get dinner with me?"), either way, yes or no, I'll tell her the joke once I'm sober. She agrees, hesitates momentarily (I assume because she doesn't want to make things weird between us), and then the following exchanges occurs:

    Me: "Look, it'll be fine."
    Her: "How do you know?"
    Me: "Because we're adults. I'm an adult. Are you an adult?"
    Her: "Yeah." *We shake on it*
    Me: "Cool, let's go."

    We walk to a club, at which point she is flirtatiously physical, demands to see some of my poetry by Wednesday, and asks why I don't just travel around Europe. I say, "Fine, I will," to the last two points. At the club I'm flying high the entire time. I'm even so happy I turn down another girl who comes onto me (why.jpg).

    In the last 30 minutes, she meets a group of people from her art program. I am observant, but not threatened. Then she starts dancing provocatively with some hipster motherfucker. I am on my guard. Then she starts making out with him, at which point she stops several times, makes direct eye contact with me, and continues. I play the wallflower for twenty-odd minutes considering the social and legal implications of grabbing this fucker by the throat and jawing him cold, and then I thought better of it and left alone. She likely left with said hipster cunt.

    I'm stone cold fucking furious, not only because I was led on, but because it appears that this girl took deliberate pleasure in watching me squirm. I can handle the former. The latter, no one gets away with.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Sometimes bitches be bitches.

  • I'm stone cold fucking furious, not only because I was led on, but because it appears that this girl took deliberate pleasure in watching me squirm. I can handle the former. The latter, no one gets away with.
    Here you go friend, enjoy. ^_^

  • I nearly forgot about that. How is it legal? Also, why do you have to order via live chat? That's super sketch.
  • edited November 2011
    How is it legal?
    We here at take no responsibility for any actions taken by our customers in their quest for revenge. Our product is only a prank item and therefore it should be treated as such. You are joking? Then so are we? Our product is not meant to be taken seriously. Everything on this site is for entertainment value much like our product itself. Please be aware that the secret ingredient in our product is no more than a novelty item and should be used responsibly much like you would an item bought in a joke shop. Due to legal reasons we cannot state the exact nature of our product but please be aware that it is a novelty item and should be used with caution. All media references are opinions of the person or persons speaking and are in no way related to our site. Note that they are shown on our site for entertainment purposes only. For further information please contact our support team before purchasing. Please be aware that we cannot delve into the nature of our product nor can we give instructions for use
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • My university's parking meters run on "different clocks" (lady at the parking office's words) and they think I should be the one paying for their inability to tell time.
  • Sorry to read that, WindUp. She isn't worth it at all. Ice cold treatment: start upload.
  • edited November 2011
    Just found out that the reason Pogo cancelled his show here in LA, which I was pretty upset about, was because he was locked up in jail and deported from the US because his travel agency failed to get him the correct paperwork for his tour, and thus he is now banned from the country for the next ten years. What. The. Fuck.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Just found out that the reason Pogo cancelled his show here in LA, which I was pretty upset about, was because he was locked up in jail and deported from the US because his travel agency failed to get him the correct paperwork for his tour, and thus he is now banned from the country for the next ten years. What. The. Fuck.
    Whoa. I feel like there should be something that can be done - the mix-up can be cleared and all that.

  • Just found out that the reason Pogo cancelled his show here in LA, which I was pretty upset about, was because he was locked up in jail and deported from the US because his travel agency failed to get him the correct paperwork for his tour, and thus he is now banned from the country for the next ten years. What. The. Fuck.
    Whoa. I feel like there should be something that can be done - the mix-up can be cleared and all that.

    US Customs is super anal about commercial endeavors. You can't bring promotional materials of any kind, even ones you intend to give away, let alone engage in any commercial activity, without declaring it. A ConnectiCon guest was denied entry for having too many copies of his own book on him and for being on his way to a convention to engage in promotion.

    All of this is very clear on customs forms entrants are obligated to sign at entry.

  • Whoa. I feel like there should be something that can be done - the mix-up can be cleared and all that.
    As far as I can see, Customs and Immigration never clear up anything like this, and if you accidentally cross them, you're fucked forever with no recourse.

  • edited November 2011
    Yeah, if there is one thing you don't want to do, it's to mess with immigration or customs of pretty much any country. If they say jump, you don't waste time asking silly questions like "How high?", you goddamn jump. They will fuck your life up with zero mercy or remorse, and there is very rarely anything you can do about it.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Yeah, if there is one thing you don't want to do, it's to mess with immigration or customs of pretty much any country. If they say jump, you don't waste time asking silly questions like "How high?", you goddamn jump. They will fuck your life up with zero mercy or remorse, and there is very rarely anything you can do about it.
    Trufax. The hoops I jumped for the UKBA...goddamn.

  • That is really rotten! He should have checked beforehand, though. I don't trust other parties 100% when arranging my international visas. I have to put a little research into it myself, and check up on what I am and am not allowed to do. It is a pain, and totally not Pogo's fault that he didn't, but he may have caught their fail sooner and saved himself some jail time.
  • Yes. I think it's stupid to punish someone so severely for an obviously unintentional and minor paperwork mistake.

    But, at the same time, my sympathy is limited, because the reality of the world is that things like this suck and require a good deal of due diligence.
  • I wanna go home, but I-66 is fucked.
  • I wanna go home, but I-66 is fucked.
    Blame it on an accident on route 29. I am glad I got our of work at 3:30 :P
    Fail: I got home by 5:30 :(

  • Fail of the day, not for me but for an entire country: We lost to Argentina 1-2. Laaaaame. And infuriating.
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