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Fail of Your Day



  • I've read on numerous occasions reports that most people who claim to have a specific food allergy or, suprisingly particularly, gluten or lactose intolerance, especially if said claim is made by a parent on behalf of a child, are not correct. Peanut allergies and dairy issues seem to be the most commonly fabricated by parents.

    I haven't seen anything about non-food allergies though.
    I read the argument. The lady seems to have had a needle panel or similar done at an immunologist, if I'm reading into her post correctly. Most people know fuck-all about what's in vaccines, but she seems to be up on it.
  • edited February 2012
    I can see folks bashing either political party for one reason or another, but when you ridicule someones beliefs like that, that's just hateful and shows an amazing amount of disrespect and a vast amount of arrogance.......just sayin.
    I want to respond, but I really don't have the energy.
    Last time I checked, evangelical christians were all for bashing everyone who is not them. That's just hateful and shows an amazing amount of disrespect and a vast amount of arrogance........just sayin.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • I've read on numerous occasions reports that most people who claim to have a specific food allergy or, suprisingly particularly, gluten or lactose intolerance, especially if said claim is made by a parent on behalf of a child, are not correct. Peanut allergies and dairy issues seem to be the most commonly fabricated by parents.

    I haven't seen anything about non-food allergies though.
    I read the argument. The lady seems to have had a needle panel or similar done at an immunologist, if I'm reading into her post correctly. Most people know fuck-all about what's in vaccines, but she seems to be up on it.
    In particular, egg allergies are problematic, in the case where the vaccines have chicken egg as part of their contents. I know this is the case with the flu vaccines.
  • Yeah, I actually had that in my super-long reply, but I decided not to go off-topic. Most problems with vaccine allergies actually stem from the growth media we use for a given vaccine and not the stabilizers and other chemicals that rustle the jimmies of all the antivax freaks.
  • edited February 2012
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited February 2012
    In particular, egg allergies are problematic, in the case where the vaccines have chicken egg as part of their contents. I know this is the case with the flu vaccines.
    My dad has that so he's never been able to get the flu shot. Which is super frustrating since no one else in my family gets it either despite one brother being immune compromised and the other brother getting the flu without fail every year. -_-

    Post edited by Dr. Zibbelcoot PhD on
  • edited February 2012
    While driving to work yesterday, I got cut off by a lady with a bumper sticker that said, "2012 - Only elect evangelical Christians to the White House"
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • I'm pretty sure our benchtops are made of granite. And I'm pretty sure I just slammed my hand into the corner of one really fucking hard.

    Holy hell does this hurt. Took 5 minutes before I had feeling and grip strength again. Ow.
  • edited February 2012
    While driving to work yesterday, I got cut off by a lady with a bumper sticker that said, "2012 - Only elect evangelical Christians to the White House"
    Hopefully one that believes fully in the New Testament. Especially 1 Timothy.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • I just got this text message.


    Seems legit, right?
  • While driving to work yesterday, I got cut off by a lady with a bumper sticker that said, "2012 - Only elect evangelical Christians to the White House"
    Evangelicals are a good argument for only letting priests own copies of the Bible again.
  • In particular, egg allergies are problematic, in the case where the vaccines have chicken egg as part of their contents. I know this is the case with the flu vaccines.
    My dad has that so he's never been able to get the flu shot. Which is super frustrating since no one else in my family gets it either despite one brother being immune compromised and the other brother getting the flu without fail every year. -_-

    Isn't the flu shot attenuated? I thought immunocompromised individuals can't get attenuated vaccines.

  • edited February 2012
    The shot is inactivated, the FluMist is live attenuated. When the new shots rolled out late last summer/fall my brother was still recovering from other infections, major GI surgery, in addition to medication complications. Doctors just didn't want to tax him anymore at that point. My mom, and two remaining healthy brothers could've gotten their shots then (you'd think they'd listen to their daughter who got her PhD in flu work right?) but I guess they didn't care enough to set up their own mini-herd immunity for it. My dad and one of the normally healthy brothers got the flu this year, could've easily been prevented. :(
    Post edited by Dr. Zibbelcoot PhD on
  • After I left for class this morning, someone tried to break into the house before my parents left, and I came home to a locked up house on the one day brought my spare key which didn't have the house key on it...Since it's been snowing and I knew my parents wouldn't be home for a while, I decided to find a way into my house. I had to get in and out of my shed through a window after stacking bricks to be able to reach, grabbed the tall ladder and a few other things. Afterwards I climbed up to my room's window on the second floor (since I knew it was unlocked), removed the screen, and then finally got into my house. When I was finally done putting everything back, my sister came home after class 5-10 minutes later...

    And yes I tried opening every window and door on the first floor first...
  • The shot is inactivated, the FluMist is live attenuated. When the new shots rolled out late last summer/fall my brother was still recovering from other infections, major GI surgery, in addition to medication complications. Doctors just didn't want to tax him anymore at that point. My mom, and two remaining healthy brothers could've gotten their shots then (you'd think they'd listen to their daughter who got her PhD in flu work right?) but I guess they didn't care enough to set up their own mini-herd immunity for it. My dad and one of the normally healthy brothers got the flu this year, could've easily been prevented. :(
    Ah, alright. Sorry to hear that.

    Also, I knew you did a PhD in virology, but I didn't know that your work focused on the flu. Way cool.
  • Well PETA kills 95.6% of the animals in their shelters (in one state). Not sure I really need to add more than that. Sometimes those people make me not want to say that I am a vegan.
  • edited February 2012
    I hate that people conflate PETA with animal rights activism. I am a member of volunteer groups that help animals, and the issue of animal rights is an important one to me. PETA is often ridiculous and hypocritical, obnoxious (and even, on occasion, anti-feminist.) Just like people in any fandom or activist issue when they share the interest with a crazy group, I often worry that people will take a negative view of what I am doing because of groups like PETA.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I and some friends arranged to grab dinner together at a dining hall this evening. I was the one who took the initiative of deciding on the time and meeting place.

    ...And then I fell asleep in the late afternoon and missed it entirely. I feel like an idiot.
  • Just realized Randall Munroe does not know how to draw Orion over the constellation. He thinks Orion's hips are Orion's legs. This, of course, is what leads him to conclude Orion's sword is actually a penis.
  • I hate that people conflate PETA with animal rights activism. I am a member of volunteer groups that help animals, and the issue of animal rights is an important one to me. PETA is often ridiculous and hypocritical, obnoxious (and even, on occasion, anti-feminist.) Just like people in any fandom or activist issue when they share the interest with a crazy group, I often worry that people will take a negative view of what I am doing because of groups like PETA.
    My Favorite? PETA says that we shouldn't use insulin, because it's taken from pigs. Head of PETA? Type-1 Diabetic, uses insulin, and says it's okay essentially because...Drumroll please...She's the head of PETA.

  • I started watching White Collar to procrastinate my work a little. It's now 1:30 in the morning, fuck.
  • Hehe. It took me a while to warm up to Neil Caffrey because, well, he's a bit of a douche on "Chuck". Still, it's a good show.
  • Hehe. It took me a while to warm up to Neil Caffrey because, well, he's a bit of a douche on "Chuck". Still, it's a good show.
    I have a thing for detective shows. They're my favorite kind of show after anime and Top Gear UK.
  • In 4 Hours, my faith in my fellow students will be questioned, as we will be doing an presentation about rhetoric, where the other people in the group have been either unresponsive or were not allowed to work.

    Also, gotta turn in a paper...still worried about grades.
  • Walking into the garage and realizing that you forgot to close the garage door last night.

    Thankfully nothing got stolen, that would suck.
  • edited March 2012
    Working my ass off trying to get my lab accomplished, I send a text message to subtly gives me shit constantly about my study habits and considers medicine the end-all-be-all of human existence. She is, due to extremely unfortunate circumstances, my lab partner. I'm having difficulty graphing something in excel, so I ask for help on how to graph it. Her response is basically: "[Our other partner] just sent me her excel sheet, which I used instead of doing the work myself, so I can't help you. Despite it being 11pm, I will not help you figure it out, since despite my flagrant cheating, I like to hold myself to a standard of integrity that allows me to cheat like this, but not pass on other people's work. You should ask our other partner for help."

    I hope she gets caught and they flunk her. Christ.

    EDIT: For the record, I am attempting to figure this out myself; unlike that bitch, I actually have integrity. Due to the fucking retarded way Excel graphs this data, it appears that I can't just set the X axis to time (the common variable here) and have it draw vertical bars to indicate where my fractions occured; instead, the X axis is locked to the number of the vertical cells in the spreadsheet.

    I don't know what's worse: Excel, or the way GE's AKTA platform exports data. Goddamn.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Hey, if you still need some help with Excel I might could help you, depending on what the issue is.
  • It's alright, I'm just manually drawing the lines in, which is what one of my friends did. It's a pain in the ass and it's going to take an hour to manually pencil these in, but hey, I guess it's not like I need sleep or anything.
  • edited March 2012
    If I didn't want to kick him in the groin before, I would certainly want to do so now.

    Limbaugh: Contraception advocate should post online sex videos
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited March 2012
    Man, Breitbart wasn't even that bad (relative to Rush). Can we cut a deal with Death to put him back and take Rush instead?
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
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