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Fail of Your Day



  • image
    Seems like a reasonable chap.
  • That kitten scares me. No kitten should stand that straight.
  • That kitten scares me. No kitten should stand that straight.
    I'll give you a hint. The skeleton in the background? That's not Death.

  • edited March 2012
    <3 Death.</p>
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Is that Pratchett's Death?
  • Is that Pratchett's Death?
  • Is that Pratchett's Death?
    As drawn by Paul Kidby.

    Specifically the employment application...

  • Signing with italics? HAHAHAAHa ha
  • It's only seven extra characters.
  • Not only is that conceptually stupid, it's technologically impossible unless they implement a WYSIWYG text field with rich formatting (which they haven't). I'm trying to think of something stupider than that, but I just can't.
  • I'm trying to think of something stupider than that, but I just can't.
    You need to watch more Republican Primary debates.
  • edited March 2012
    Stage Managing is already long hours of stress and I'm frustrated with not having enough hours in the day. I was really hoping to go visit my dad this weekend, but that plan was dashed because my roommate (the awesome one) left to go to a con to sell art and things and only trusts me to watch her dog. It's Spring Break and I'm stuck alone in college-town with my crazy roommate while she has her boyfriend here.
    I want a break that's actually a break, please.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • edited March 2012
    Got into a car accident yesterday. Everybody involved is fine but my car is almost certainly a write-off and currently undriveable; which effectively sunk my plans to drive south this weekend for my birthday. Spent my day dealing with insurance and looking at cars I can't afford on Craigslist instead.
    Post edited by WaterInThere on
  • The Pirate bar is gone. It got the reality show makeover treatment an went from Piratz Tavern, the awesome grog flowing geeky pirate place to Corporate Bar, an office themed bar.


    When I complained Jed came in and played the Cheers theme. That ass....
  • I want to see this corporate themed bar. I think I would get many jokes.
  • One of my flatmates, her friend, one of my mates, and I were sitting in the common room today. The subject of bikes came up, and my flatmate's friend and I were the only two cyclists in the room. We get to talking, and he says, "What type of bike do you ride?" I reply, "I use an older Trek for daily road riding, and a Specialized CrossTrail for distance road and trails." He nods appreciatively, and I think I have a real fucking cyclist on my hands.

    Then, he asks a question. "Are they fixies?" I'm perplexed. Riding a fixie on forest trails or for distance road (or even commuting) is like using a paring knife to butcher a cow. Most cyclists know that. "Um, no. They're geared."

    Then, he says a phrase which ruins the entire conversation: "Ahhh. Gears suck man, gotta have a fixie. It's all about fixies." I just go, "Hmm," and reel through the myriad turns that the conversation could take if I pull out some bike knowledge and learn him some fucking gear ratios and how gearing actually increases your overall efficiency and speed, and instead choose to remain silent.

    Fucking fixie hipsters.

  • How far can you get? I had to stop at 2:03. The cyberpunkiness is hilarious, though!
  • edited March 2012
    One of my flatmates, her friend, one of my mates, and I were sitting in the common room today. The subject of bikes came up, and my flatmate's friend and I were the only two cyclists in the room. We get to talking, and he says, "What type of bike do you ride?" I reply, "I use an older Trek for daily road riding, and a Specialized CrossTrail for distance road and trails." He nods appreciatively, and I think I have a real fucking cyclist on my hands.

    Then, he asks a question. "Are they fixies?" I'm perplexed. Riding a fixie on forest trails or for distance road (or even commuting) is like using a paring knife to butcher a cow. Most cyclists know that. "Um, no. They're geared."

    Then, he says a phrase which ruins the entire conversation: "Ahhh. Gears suck man, gotta have a fixie. It's all about fixies." I just go, "Hmm," and reel through the myriad turns that the conversation could take if I pull out some bike knowledge and learn him some fucking gear ratios and how gearing actually increases your overall efficiency and speed, and instead choose to remain silent.

    Fucking fixie hipsters.
    Sadly, Alex Leavitt rides a fixie too. Though, to his credit, it has a ratcheting gear on the other side so he can flip the tire and use that too.
    For me, fixies make no sense. Bikes are about holding the middle ground between the maneuverability and terrain traversability of being a pedestrian and the speed of a car. My bike has a knobby tire up front and a semi-smooth tire in the back. With that, I get grip and control on dirt and acceleration on tarmac. I've also got shocks on the front and rear forks for smoothing out jumps and drops. On my highest gear and pedaling my fastest, I can sustain about 30mph. There is no WAY a fixie could do ANY of those things. It's silly.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited March 2012
    As someone who has owned both (I rode a fixie in Japan), geared bikes are leaps and bounds better in almost all cycling situation than fixies. I have a friend who was like "fixies are better" and Rym and I kinda leaped all over her, and asked her "In what way are they possibly better?" She got all annoyed and said "I just like them better."
    The worst are the hipsters who eschew brakes, too. They are going to get into an accident someday.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I'm a cyclist (commuter), not a bike geek. The biggest redeeming quality of fixies, that I'm aware of, is that they're cheap to repair.
  • Fixies are cheap to repair, but because of how they're constructed, they're also tremendously prone to damage. You need to clean the bike, check tire pressure, and check and correct the alignment daily on a fixie if you're caring for it properly. Geared bikes don't require anywhere near that amount of attention, and even if you have two expensive repairs in the entire life of a nice geared bike (unlikely in my experience; I've never even had one), the benefits will always outweigh the downside of the repair cost.
  • I just looked up fixie as this term was new to me. I did not even have to read the wikipedia page once I saw it said fixed-gear. Is this just a hipster thing or are there other crazies that think they are better? Also, some of them go brakeless? What the hell is wrong with these people?
  • I just looked up fixie as this term was new to me. I did not even have to read the wikipedia page once I saw it said fixed-gear. Is this just a hipster thing or are there other crazies that think they are better? Also, some of them go brakeless? What the hell is wrong with these people?
    They're idiots. Or lazy. Or prioritize "looking cool" over convenience and performance. Or a mix of all three.

    For me, replacing my bike with a fixie would be like trading a Ferrari Dino 246 GTS for a Reliant Robin just to be "retro hip," or some such shit.

  • The first guy I chatted to who rode a fixie bike, admitted that he could only ride it in the summer, as any kind of moisture on the ground made it very dangerous. Also the bearings were open to the elements, and if any moisture got into them, they would need a major servicing. I had a go on the bike, and actually really enjoyed the way it rode. But fuck if I'm spending any money or effort on a dangerous bike I can only use part of the year.
  • When I changed the oil today my Saab was missing over a quart of oil. I fear after over 10 years and 169,000 miles my wonderful Saab 4-cylinder turbo is starting to die.
  • When I changed the oil today my Saab was missing over a quart of oil. I fear after over 10 years and 169,000 miles my wonderful Saab 4-cylinder turbo is starting to die.
    Hold out hope, George! Top Gear recently reported that a company is starting up for the sole purpose of providing parts to Saab owners.
  • When I changed the oil today my Saab was missing over a quart of oil. I fear after over 10 years and 169,000 miles my wonderful Saab 4-cylinder turbo is starting to die.
    Hold out hope, George! Top Gear recently reported that a company is starting up for the sole purpose of providing parts to Saab owners.
    Parts aren't the problem. The problem is the car isn't worth what it would cost to get someone to fix if the shortblock went. So I'd either have to learn how to repair it, or get rid.
  • My friend thinks it's the turbo seals since it's the original turbo. That's probably the most manageable problem I could handle. It's work, but it doesn't involve replacing the whole engine.
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