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Fail of Your Day



  • edited March 2012
    You know how when windows won't boot properly you're supposed to boot from the install disk to recover? My install disk won't boot either. Also, for added irony, this happened when I was trying to set up a usb with a bunch of system rescue tools.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • edited March 2012
    Ugh. Not only am I in Gainsville, but I don't get 4G at my hotel. I'm forced to use shitty archaic 3G.

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Eww, why are you in Gainesville? If I was up there I'd say we should hang out. You gonna be heading to Orlando by any chance?
  • edited March 2012
    You know how when windows won't boot properly you're supposed to boot from the install disk to recover? My install disk won't boot either. Also, for added irony, this happened when I was trying to set up a usb with a bunch of system rescue tools.
    ..And it looks like SpinRite just ate my drive. Lovely.

    Post edited by Pegu on
  • edited March 2012
    You know how when windows won't boot properly you're supposed to boot from the install disk to recover? My install disk won't boot either. Also, for added irony, this happened when I was trying to set up a usb with a bunch of system rescue tools.
    ..And it looks like SpinRite just ate my drive. Lovely.

    Actually it looks like the failure is a result of trying an mbr repair in sda1 rather than sda. Maybe this can save my ass? Or maybe the original problem of being unable to boot my windows disk will prevent step 3 from being possible. I'll try the disk in another computer and if that fails try another disk. Hopefully this can be moved to the boo-yah/fail thread.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Eww, why are you in Gainesville? If I was up there I'd say we should hang out. You gonna be heading to Orlando by any chance?
    Shoulda been more specific - Gainsville, VA. Which is probably worse.

    I did go to a conference in Orlando once. InJuly. It was stupidly hot.
  • One tire is going bald. I think it is also different from the others. The others are fine. Goddammit. Now I have to decide if I can afford all new tires or if I try to get the shop to locate a tired with a similar level of wear to the other 3.
  • I ate entirely too much pizza. I want to say "I regret nothing!" because it was delicious, but that 4th slice was really way too much.
  • Shoulda been more specific - Gainsville, VA. Which is probably worse.

    I did go to a conference in Orlando once. InJuly. It was stupidly hot.
    I was about to respond that I was pretty sure Gainsville, FL has 4G for most carriers.

  • And probably even Gainesville, GA.
  • Oh is it galling when basic history has to be explained to the class due to some of them taking a derivative degree.
  • Godammit, how many times do I have to tell the same group of people to read the definitions section of a law? If I see one more person say it is illegal to import dog hair because of the Dog and Cat Protection Act of 2000 because they can't be bothered to read the definition of "dog fur" in the statue, I'm gonna scream.
  • VirtualBox couldn't create a snapshot because I didn't have enough disk space (it gave me a "not enough disk space to create snapshot" error). I freed up disk space, but it still wouldn't create the snapshot, this time with a generic "couldn't create snapshot" error with no further explanation. Tried restarting VirtualBox to see if that will get out of it's stupid state, and it trashes my virtual machine. That just cost me about 4 hours of testing...
  • Godammit, how many times do I have to tell the same group of people to read the definitions section of a law? If I see one more person say it is illegal to import dog hair because of the Dog and Cat Protection Act of 2000 because they can't be bothered to read the definition of "dog fur" in the statue, I'm gonna scream.
    I am intrigued by this, would you mind going into a little more detail? Like, why groups of people are yelling at you about importing dog hair? Or why you're importing dog hair?

  • I'm curious too. Are they talking dog pelts, for people like Cruella De Vil? Or a bunch of dog fur someone gathered after using a Furminator and want to use as pillow stuffing for some odd creepy reason?

    (Bored at work)
  • It's a spinning group. They're organizing a swap and some people are like "AHH, you can't import anything with dog fur in it into the US!" Yes, people do use dog hair for spinning, especially specific breeds with nice undercoats.

    The only thing is these people don't understand that in this particular law, "dog fur" does not pertain to the hairs that you brush off a dog or that get shed naturally. It only means pelts, like if you killed and skinned the animal. It's really annoying when paranoid people who don't understand how to read a statute start going around telling everyone it's illegal to ship anything with cat or dog hair in it into the US. I mean, think of the poor spinners who have dogs and cats, and who can't guarantee no fur gets shed into their fiber supplies. It's just ridiculous to interpret the law tat way, even if there wasn't an explicit definition of the term. Which there is.

  • It's a spinning group. They're organizing a swap and some people are like "AHH, you can't import anything with dog fur in it into the US!" Yes, people do use dog hair for spinning, especially specific breeds with nice undercoats.

    The only thing is these people don't understand that in this particular law, "dog fur" does not pertain to the hairs that you brush off a dog or that get shed naturally. It only means pelts, like if you killed and skinned the animal. It's really annoying when paranoid people who don't understand how to read a statute start going around telling everyone it's illegal to ship anything with cat or dog hair in it into the US. I mean, think of the poor spinners who have dogs and cats, and who can't guarantee no fur gets shed into their fiber supplies. It's just ridiculous to interpret the law tat way, even if there wasn't an explicit definition of the term. Which there is.

    Ah. Yeah, they sound ignorant of details. This is irksome.
  • Ah I see. If I knew how, I coulda knitted a whole sweater out of the fur my cats have shed so far. I see nothing wrong with using shedded fur, as long as they don't get hurt in the process. It'd be like using wool from a sheep. A sweater out of my cats' fur might be creepy though >_>
  • A sweater out of cat fur would kill me. :P
  • A sweater out of cat fur would kill me. :P
    My eyes are watering just thinking about it.
  • Hmm. I don't know much about animal allergies, is it the oils and dander and whatnot people tend to be allergic to? The sweater could be super cleansed or something. (Still creepy)
  • You can't clean off cat dander, it sticks to everything. >_<
  • I think you would also need to blend the kitty fur with something before spinning. And it would only work for longhair types, because the others are too short and would make prickly yarn. But yeah, for people allergic to cat proteins, like me, that sounds like a terrible idea.
  • Be wary of getting to close to me and Andrew at PAX then, everything we own is covered in cat hair. When I lint roll it off, it magically appears 10 minutes later. Its almost like... I already have a cat hair sweater then o_o
  • Hmm. I don't know much about animal allergies, is it the oils and dander and whatnot people tend to be allergic to? The sweater could be super cleansed or something. (Still creepy)
    Wouldn't that make it impossible to hold together though? I thought you needed the oily bits for extra sticky-ness?
  • edited March 2012
    Be wary of getting to close to me and Andrew at PAX then, everything we own is covered in cat hair. When I lint roll it off, it magically appears 10 minutes later. Its almost like... I already have a cat hair sweater then o_o
    I take Claritin at conventions (assuming I remember to). I can usually do okay with cats, even petting them, as long as I don't touch my face or have any scratches on my skin.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • Hmm. I don't know much about animal allergies, is it the oils and dander and whatnot people tend to be allergic to? The sweater could be super cleansed or something. (Still creepy)
    Wouldn't that make it impossible to hold together though? I thought you needed the oily bits for extra sticky-ness?
    Um no, that's what the twist is for.

  • Be wary of getting to close to me and Andrew at PAX then, everything we own is covered in cat hair. When I lint roll it off, it magically appears 10 minutes later. Its almost like... I already have a cat hair sweater then o_o
    I take Claritin at conventions (assuming I remember to). I can usually do oay with cats, even petting them, as long as I don't touch my face or have any scratches on my skin.
    See I whenever I'm around a cat my eyes get really itchy after a while and as long as I don't rub them I'l stay that way. As soon as I rub my eyes I become a sneezing, miserable wreck.
  • So when I was in elementary school, my mom spun some of Frederick the Bunny's shed fur into yarn, and knit it into a little square. It was pretty weak yarn, but it was fun. I took it to show and tell, "This is some yarn that we made with my bunny's fur." The kids all FREAKED and thought we had killed the rabbit, and I had to frantically explain otherwise.
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