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Fail of Your Day



  • So when I was in elementary school, my mom spun some of Frederick the Bunny's shed fur into yarn, and knit it into a little square. It was pretty weak yarn, but it was fun. I took it to show and tell, "This is some yarn that we made with my bunny's fur." The kids all FREAKED and thought we had killed the rabbit, and I had to frantically explain otherwise.
    The thing that makes this comment gold is that your avatar is a bunny.
  • I am always in alliance with the bunnies.
    I'm glad we still have that square, though. Frederick was a wonderful part of my growing up, and it's nice to have a little memento of such a good bun.
  • edited March 2012
    Emily, the image of your as a little kid is almost too cute.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I don't want to do my programming homework (due midnight tomorrow), so instead I'm tracking the Times primary page and live-tweeting my thoughts. What is wrong with me?
  • I don't want to do my programming homework (due midnight tomorrow), so instead I'm tracking the Times primary page and live-tweeting my thoughts. What is wrong with me?
    Nothing at all. Keep calm and carry on.
  • I woke up in the middle of the night with stomach acid in my lungs.
    It's as horrible as it sounds.
    Time to make a doctor's appointment.
  • Acid reflux? That sounds pretty awful.
  • Current supervisor, that is only a supervisor for the fact that no one else will take it and is a sad excuse to be in charge, is trying to play games with my coworker and I who are leaving for the new positions soon. She's trying to get us in some sort of trouble, but is having the difficulty with her accusations as I busted her out in a flatout lie.

    Seriously? We're still going to be working in the same building as far as I was told and now she's trying to pull some bullshit? I'm still trying to work hard and get my backlogs done on top of the work that no one else can do and she tries to do this?

    Two weeks and two days.
  • edited March 2012
    Current supervisor, that is only a supervisor for the fact that no one else will take it and is a sad excuse to be in charge, is trying to play games with my coworker and I who are leaving for the new positions soon. She's trying to get us in some sort of trouble, but is having the difficulty with her accusations as I busted her out in a flatout lie.

    Seriously? We're still going to be working in the same building as far as I was told and now she's trying to pull some bullshit? I'm still trying to work hard and get my backlogs done on top of the work that no one else can do and she tries to do this?

    Two weeks and two days.
    Report her to HR, cite work place harassment. Probably won't get her fired, or even in trouble, but HR will at least lean on her to leave you alone.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • I'm going to just leave it alone, but it I'm not going to forget. I don't want to burn my bridge with her because she's my last supervisor that I put on another application for a job that I really want.

    I just find it pathetic that she's trying to do this and she was mainly upset at my coworker for leaving early and trying to also take it out on me due to a misunderstanding because I left early and she wasn't informed. She also accused me of leaving earlier and that she checked, but she didn't because my coworker and I were in our office the entire time and no one came down to check on us and he witnessed I left at the appropriate time.
  • I just realized that I have had my age wrong all year. I am actually younger than I thought, because I am bad at birthday math.
  • I just realized that I have had my age wrong all year. I am actually younger than I thought, because I am bad at birthday math.
    Shouldn't you have known how old you are since you first knew what a birthday was?

  • I've noticed that as I've gotten older I've forgotten my age more and more often.
  • Acid reflux? That sounds pretty awful.
    That is not just acid reflux. That is mega acid reflux that you then inhaled. That is a big-time problem.

    Adam, are you already taking any antacids?
    I'm going to just leave it alone, but it I'm not going to forget. I don't want to burn my bridge with her because she's my last supervisor that I put on another application for a job that I really want.
    I'm sure you've thought of this, but if she's petty enough to be trying to get you in trouble before you leave the job, do you really think she is going to give a good recommendation to a prospective new employer to help you get another job?

  • Well I'm not using her for a reference, but on any Federal application you are required to put your current supervisor on there. Unfortunately she currently is my supervisor.

    I have an email documenting her false accusation without any facts and I can actually file a grievance or just inform the Union about it, which I plan on doing just to cover myself.
  • I've noticed that as I've gotten older I've forgotten my age more and more often.
    This. I know when my first birthday was, but since it's become less and less relevant I've simply forgotten how old I am unless someone asks. Which is maybe once, twice a year.
  • edited March 2012
    I forgot that rent was due, paid a bunch of bills, and wasn't paid on time this week. The perfect trifecta of shitty finances.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • I thought my good friend would have gotten the joke, but he must have forgotten.

  • Sigh, it appears one of my co workers is a Ron Paul fanatic, conspiracy theorist type, and quite vocal about it. The gem of today was them talking about how some kid did a science fair project found deadly levels of aluminum and this is evidence that there are chem trails to prevent global warming which by the way is a hoax. Yeah biting my tongue was hard until I realized they were too far gone to bother.
  • I just made a full breakfast at 3am and ate it in the kitchen while chewing with my mouth open. I chased it with a Screwdriver, left my dirty dishes in the sink, and am blasting Krautrock in my room because I can't sleep.

    I am sleep deprived, my sleep schedule is buggered anyway, and there is always more work to do. Fuck the world.
  • The chemtrail people always get me because it's not like there's anything devious or hard to believe about contrails. I can get why people might question the moon landing or even how the towers fell, but contrails are well explained and documented.
  • The chemtrail people always get me because it's not like there's anything devious or hard to believe about contrails. I can get why people might question the moon landing or even how the towers fell, but contrails are well explained and documented.
    It was explained to me by one of these people that contrails are a normal thing, separate from chemtrails. The WHOLE IDEA is that they HIDE THE EXISTENCE OF CHEMTRAILS with CONTRAILS.

    (You can tell because chemtrails don't dissipate the same way).
  • edited March 2012
    Coors Light Iced T. I am pretty sure someone in their marketing department did not think about the acronym for this before naming it. On the other hand they could be painting a direct target for their consumers.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • When asked what I wanted as a birthday gift, I noticed that I no longer had my Star Wars trilogy on VHS. I looked up the original theatrical releases on DVD.
    $300. God damn.
  • That's probably a script bugging out. has each film for £8 so there will be other places.
  • When asked what I wanted as a birthday gift, I noticed that I no longer had my Star Wars trilogy on VHS. I looked up the original theatrical releases on DVD.
    $300. God damn.
    Netflix and Handbrake.
  • I am slowly, slowly, slowly trying to get my heartburn figured out. Yesterday I ate some more stuff that was mostly tomatoes, beans and rice and in the afternoon it gave me the worst heartburn of my life. I had taken a pepsid once the heartburn started up, but of course that was far too late. So instead I simply suffered.

    The fail is that I hadn't had a problem in around a week. So I think I'm going to start taking a daily pepsid and seeing if that solves the problem. If not, I'll consult a medical professional.
  • If not, I'll consult a medical professional.
    Definitely not fun, I've been dealing with worsening acid reflux for a few months. The doctor said it was probably just acid reflux, but felt it necessary to do an endoscopy, turns out it was just acid reflux & nothing serious.

    You may want to give Prevacid a try, it's available over the counter, and may at least help until you see a Dr.

  • Might do. I'm pretty sure I'll end up getting an endoscopy as well, to look for ulcers or whatever.
  • That awful moment when you send an e-mail to a total stranger, send a copy of it to another stranger while only changing the header, and only then notice a grammatical error and unnecessary comma in the third sentence...
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