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Fail of Your Day



  • If not, I'll consult a medical professional.
    Definitely not fun, I've been dealing with worsening acid reflux for a few months. The doctor said it was probably just acid reflux, but felt it necessary to do an endoscopy, turns out it was just acid reflux & nothing serious.

    You may want to give Prevacid a try, it's available over the counter, and may at least help until you see a Dr.

    Or Prilosec. Pepcid is Famotidine, which doesn't work well all all for me. Ranitidine and Prilosec work WAY better (not together; you pick one).

  • Or Prilosec. Pepcid is Famotidine, which doesn't work well all all for me. Ranitidine and Prilosec work WAY better (not together; you pick one).
    Not a bad idea. Thanks for the information.
  • edited March 2012
    Today is fired.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Was anything stolen? Were other cars broken into?
  • Was anything stolen? Were other cars broken into?
    Wasn't broken into, apparently. Just a smashed window. Because people are assholes.

    If someone's going to break into your car to steal shit, they usually go for the front passenger window. Easy access to unlock the door, quick access to the glove compartment and armrest. No point in busting the back window except for kicks.

  • The only thing in the hatch worth anything was the propane tank I've got in there. And they didn't take it.

    Well, OK, my steel tent stakes might have had scrap value, but those are still there. Pretty sure this was a case of assholes being assholes.
  • Further fail: There are no glass shops or mobile services operating today. Sweet. Guess it's the ol' sheet of plastic fix for me.
  • Rgh, what a bother. That is a shame. Who does that?
  • Further fail: There are no glass shops or mobile services operating today. Sweet. Guess it's the ol' sheet of plastic fix for me.
    It took me a couple of days to get Safelite out to fix my window. On the upside, it's not supposed to rain until tomorrow night.

  • I've got storm window sheeting anyway, so I can just do a quick and dirty patch on the window till it gets fixed. And it won't even cost me anything, because I paid the little bit extra to have no-deductible glass insurance through Geico. That policy has now paid for itself 6 times over between this and the other window breakage in 2008.
  • edited March 2012
    Trying to arrange our wedding (which is 2 months away), and we are hitting all sorts of snags. Can't get in touch with people for getting proper addresses, not following specific rules for addressing envelopes, we have tried to get 3 different celebrants and none of them are available for our wedding date...

    On top of this, both of us need to go to the doctor's office soon for various ailments, and the house is getting horribly dusty due to the lack of time we have for vacuuming/cleaning in depth. Which, in turn, causes the dog to be incredibly itchy (she's allergic to dust mites) and the fiance's allergies to flair up.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • edited March 2012
    Today is fired.
    Probabbly some raw milk nutjob or Anglo Saxons
    Post edited by MrRoboto on
  • Just saw this.
  • I only JUST realized that Apreche and ehcerpA are two different people and Scott didn't just change his username.
  • I only JUST realized that Apreche and ehcerpA are two different people and Scott didn't just change his username.
    Oh, thanks for pointing that out, I just realized it too.
  • Who actually is backwards-Scott? His/her writing style feels familiar.
  • Who actually is backwards-Scott? His/her writing style feels familiar.

  • edited March 2012
    Who do you think? Good ol' Nine.

    Edit: Pete viking'd.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • AHA! SUSPICIONS CONFIRMED. Good day, reverscott.
  • Fiance had a breakdown yesterday over wedding things and the fact that:

    1) Her parents seem to have no interest in the wedding, aside from showing up.
    2) Her parents call her for her professional opinion about keeping their farm animals alive, and then fail to implement even the simplest suggestions
    3) We cannot find a proper celebrant for the ceremony, which adds another thing to figure out.
    4) Work is getting more and more difficult.

    Whee. This is gonna be a fun couple of months.
  • Beach wedding. Or pig roast. Fuck everyone. Party in a field.
  • Or pig roast. Fuck everyone. Party in a field.
    Nuuuuuuu that's OUR wedding!

  • Drop you in a wilderness with basic supplies, if you make it out alive, you're now married.
  • We are actually doing a pig roast for the reception, it will be delicious.
  • Car battery is completely dead...For the second time over the past few months. I think we spent a significant amount of money on it the last time (over the holidays), so I'm hoping for a warranty. I won't know for at least a day. Right now it's just sitting in the parking lot here at RIT, dead...
  • My campus's parking services gives students jumps if they need it. See if RIT has a similar service. If they do, get your car jumped and then go driving for a bit. That should put a band-aid on the problem until you can afford a new battery.
  • edited March 2012
    My campus's parking services gives students jumps if they need it. See if RIT has a similar service. If they do, get your car jumped and then go driving for a bit. That should put a band-aid on the problem until you can afford a new battery.
    Yes, RIT campus safety will jump your car, but if the battery's truly dead, you're fucked. That happened to me a few months ago and I had to buy a battery off the AAA guy (I live off-campus and AAA's service is a bit more extensive, if you're a member).
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • I got a jump, and apparently some light in my car was blinking and not stopping, even when the car was shut off. We finally pushed the bulb in and it stopped, I guess.
  • Was planning to do a college-funded, Iron Chef competition. However, I read the rules, and...I don't think this organization realizes how bad it's messing up with some of this competition. Various fails:

    -All meats that will be used in the entrée must be precut (before the competition starts)
    -The gas grill provided must be shared with the other team
    -Only 4 teams can compete in this competition – each group must be under a student organization. (Sign up is first come, first serve)
    -Each team must have at least 3 team members but no more than 5.
    -No more than 2 people per team can be cooking at the grill.
    -Each team must bring everything they want to cook or cook with to the cook-off. The only things that will be provided are the tools listed above and the secret ingredient.

    I mean, considering a 20 dollar entree fee, and the most you can win is 80 dollars...this competition would be a real waste of time. I think the "You have to bring your own ingredients" idea is bullshit, because I know the various food halls display fresh produce to make their food seem more healthy. Seriously, they can't offer any of that for the sake of cooking?
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