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Fail of Your Day



  • LOL. Not everybody is affected the same way. Sudafed makes me drowsy, but Benedryl doesn't. You gotta try out the options.
    I'm the opposite, however I build a tolerance to Benadryl's sedative effects after using it for a few days. When the allergies hit, I'm taking it nearly every day for the whole season, so I'm really tired for the first few days, and then I'm normal. Also, Sudafed is great for reducing the cough and runny nose, but it doesn't do much for the itchy watery eyes.
  • I'm all about Claritin D. It cures what ails you. Also, the pseudoephedrine kills your appetite and keeps you awake for hours if you're like me, which is either a bonus or a problem, depending on how you look at it.
  • LOL. Not everybody is affected the same way. Sudafed makes me drowsy, but Benedryl doesn't. You gotta try out the options.
    I'm the opposite, however I build a tolerance to Benadryl's sedative effects after using it for a few days. When the allergies hit, I'm taking it nearly every day for the whole season, so I'm really tired for the first few days, and then I'm normal. Also, Sudafed is great for reducing the cough and runny nose, but it doesn't do much for the itchy watery eyes.
    Same, but replace Sudafed with Claratin for me.

  • Got stopped by a truant officer. Do I REALLY look like a high school student!? I'm 26.
  • edited April 2012
    Got stopped by a truant officer. Do I REALLY look like a high school student!? I'm 26.
    Welcome to the awkward time between turning 21 and turning about 40.

    Update on my burn, I had a follow up with my doctor about my blood pressure meds today and he gave me a prescription for some anitbiotic cream for my hand while I was there.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • I haven't desensitized to the muffled hearing in my ear, which means the hearing trouble and associated mild vertigo I had after the club the other night wasn't entirely (or probably even mostly) due to the loud music--that's good.

    However, that means something else is contributing to the muffling. The pain under my right cheekbone (occasionally along my neck and eardrum), generalized feeling of heaviness on that side of my head, and inability to get my ear to pop or equalize (even with a Vasalva Maneuver) means that I probably have a really nasty case of sinusitis, which probably won't get better until the weather improves.

    And since I'm in Northeast England, that could take a while.
  • I cannot figure out which this fits best in so I will put it in both. Apparently men in Egypt want to have sex with their wives up to 6 hours after their death. Also, they want to limit women's rights.
  • Less miserable today. Note that I didn't say "good." Benadryl helped a ton yesterday, so I'm certain it's all allergies.

    It's things like this that make me want to cut down all the fucking trees.

  • Ugh, allergies. Never had a problem until I moved to Champaign. The first spring, I was greeted by some species of Magnolia I'd never encountered that make me a sniffling wreck of a human being. I recall sneezing 20 times in a row in my calculus discussion with my eyes itchy almost to the point of blindness and just having to be all like, "Sorry, I can't fix this," to my TA.

    My Fail: I really want the new print from Mondo Tees, but their site infrastructure is a fucking joke. The print hasn't even been announced, the server's already gone down once due to requests, and the prints (like all their prints) are a limited run of 300 that will sell out in four minutes (not an exaggeration) at $50 each. I'm actually willing to pay extra later on eBay not to deal with this bull.
  • Less miserable today. Note that I didn't say "good." Benadryl helped a ton yesterday, so I'm certain it's all allergies.

    It's things like this that make me want to cut down all the fucking trees.

    Pete, I assume you take drugs? Which ones?

    You should really, REALLY consider pre-season cromolyn sodium nasal spray in conjunction with whatever pills you try. If you have the discipline to start it up a few weeks before allergy season and keep it up until summer, you'll have almost no nose/eye allergies.

    It's non-systemic and acts locally on the nose.
  • This is the first year in Albany that I've had any appreciable allergies. And it's just been this week - the pollen levels have been ludicrous, so I believe I just became sensitized.

    I had allergic rhinitis when I was a kid in the mountains, and I took Rhynatan for that.

    Today, I took good ol' loratadine. It's not pefect, but it works well enough. I feel human again.
  • This is the first year in Albany that I've had any appreciable allergies. And it's just been this week - the pollen levels have been ludicrous, so I believe I just became sensitized.

    I had allergic rhinitis when I was a kid in the mountains, and I took Rhynatan for that.

    Today, I took good ol' loratadine. It's not pefect, but it works well enough. I feel human again.
    Now you know how I feel around cats.
  • This is the first year in Albany that I've had any appreciable allergies. And it's just been this week - the pollen levels have been ludicrous, so I believe I just became sensitized.

    I had allergic rhinitis when I was a kid in the mountains, and I took Rhynatan for that.

    Today, I took good ol' loratadine. It's not pefect, but it works well enough. I feel human again.
    I lived in the Beacon area for three years with no allergies. Then, one year...

    I remember holding a damp washcloth against my face walking around the house, and even sleeping with it covering my nose and eyes.

    If it happened this year, it will happen every year around the same time. Be prepared.

  • The allergens have been WAY worse this year because of the lack of rain. Of course, there's no guarantee you won't have dry Springs in the future.

    But yeah... this time of year I'm glad my allergies involve dust and mold rather than pollen. Hoping it stays that way.

  • Pete, I assume you take drugs? Which ones?
    Starting a new grass roots business then?

  • For sinus issues I would recommend trying a sinus rinse (nasal irrigation). It helped me a lot when I was having a ton of sinus issues and I know others it helped too, just make sure to use sterile water.

    Also, my rear view mirror fell off. No clue why.
  • I have so much fucking work at the end of this semester and I already know I'm going to turn some in late. I'm still afraid I'm going to flunk out of college and I still don't really know why I'm here. I haven't learned shit and I pretty much hate it here.
  • edited April 2012
    "This video is private"
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • edited April 2012
    "This video is private"
    It was removed, I am not completely sure of what happened but it looks like either the story was a joke or purposely false and meant to offend. They took the video down from public view since they did not mean to offend anyone.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • So apparently, loratadine gives me one of those severe "HOLY SHIT DON'T TAKE THIS" side effects - severe diziness. Vertigo-induced nausea is not fun; I vomited up everything I ate after 4 yesterday, and dry heaved once.

    Time to look for new drugs.
  • So apparently, loratadine gives me one of those severe "HOLY SHIT DON'T TAKE THIS" side effects - severe diziness. Vertigo-induced nausea is not fun; I vomited up everything I ate after 4 yesterday, and dry heaved once.

    Time to look for new drugs.
    Wow, that's the first time I've heard of anything like that. Feel better dude.
  • I just tried to install the Ubuntu Distro upgrade. Now I can't log in anymore.
  • So apparently, loratadine gives me one of those severe "HOLY SHIT DON'T TAKE THIS" side effects - severe diziness. Vertigo-induced nausea is not fun; I vomited up everything I ate after 4 yesterday, and dry heaved once.

    Time to look for new drugs.
    Wow, that's the first time I've heard of anything like that. Feel better dude.
    Yeah, it's pretty rare, but it is listed as one of the "If this happens get medical attention immediately" effects.
  • I just tried to install the Ubuntu Distro upgrade. Now I can't log in anymore.
    Man, fuck the new Ubuntu interface. What was wrong with Gnome?
  • What the fuck are you using a GUI for? If you're not using the CLI you're barely using Linux.
  • What the fuck are you using a GUI for? If you're not using the CLI you're barely using Linux.
    Is that you, Scott Rubin? Is this me?
  • My summer job may have fallen through, which means my summer income dropped from $14/hr to $0/hr.

    I really, really hope this is not the case.
  • What the fuck are you using a GUI for? If you're not using the CLI you're barely using Linux.
    Some of us wish we weren't using Linux, but don't have the option.
  • I just tried to install the Ubuntu Distro upgrade. Now I can't log in anymore.
    Man, fuck the new Ubuntu interface. What was wrong with Gnome?
    GNOME 3 is worse (or so I've heard, I've not used it personally), and GNOME 2 hasn't been updated since September 2010, so they had to do something. You can try switching to Linux Mint, which is based on Ubuntu and uses a Mint-developed fork of GNOME called Cinnamon. Or you could try Xubuntu and customize it to your liking. Or, you could just deal with it.
  • I just tried to install the Ubuntu Distro upgrade. Now I can't log in anymore.
    Man, fuck the new Ubuntu interface. What was wrong with Gnome?
    GNOME 3 is worse (or so I've heard, I've not used it personally), and GNOME 2 hasn't been updated since September 2010, so they had to do something. You can try switching to Linux Mint, which is based on Ubuntu and uses a Mint-developed fork of GNOME called Cinnamon. Or you could try Xubuntu and customize it to your liking. Or, you could just deal with it.
    I personally use Kubuntu at work, which uses the latest KDE environment. I really like it. It has a nice mix of features pulled from WIndows and Mac OS X.
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