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Fail of Your Day



  • KDE is great for some people. If you're a configure-y sort of person, go nuts. It isn't a bad environment, and it's got some cool features, but it isn't really for me.
  • So I've been reading this article on obesity.

    And it got me thinking about my weight. I'm 6' and 180 lbs. I thought that's a perfectly fine number, but it turns out it's borderline overweight. It'd probably be good if I dropped 10 lbs.
  • edited April 2012
    Hulu looks to be changing its revenue model - from ad-supported to completely fucking stupid.

    EDIT: So far the only unique report of this seems to be from anonymous sources in the New York Post, so I may have jumped the gun a bit.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Hulu has been fairly irrelevant for the past few years.
  • $480 million dollars in ad-revenue irrelevant apparently.
  • Hulu looks to be changing its revenue model - from ad-supported to completely fucking stupid.

    EDIT: So far the only unique report of this seems to be from anonymous sources in the New York Post, so I may have jumped the gun a bit.
    Yeah... if that's true it's dumb. People who pay for TV often get a DVR rental thrown into the package, so they can already watch their shows whenever they want. Limiting access to legal online resources won't encourage people who don't pay for cable now to pay for cable; it'll just send them back to illegal online resources.

  • Yeah... if that's true it's dumb. People who pay for TV often get a DVR rental thrown into the package, so they can already watch their shows whenever they want.
    They don't even need to have a DVR - Most cable providers include On Demand or a similar service free of charge for everyone who has digital cable.
  • On Demand only has a small selection of the shows, though. The DVR lets us capture basically anything we want to watch and keep it for as long as we want.
  • They already have a login thing for dish network customers so they can get extra content, so this sort of thing isn't completely crazy. If it were instead of paying monthly for hulu, I'd be all for it as long as the regular ad-supported version was still around. If they require you to pay for cable to use it at all that's pretty much guaranteed that I'll never use it again. As much of a monopoly as it would be, I still wish Netflix would just buy Hulu and get all of their licences so I could just get everything from them.
  • Sounds absolutely retarded for the consumer, but, business-wise, it may make sense. They're no longer selling their product to individual users who may come and go with trends, they're selling it to desperate companies that are looking for perks to retain viewers.

    My guess is the cable subscription an option in addition to ad-supported and Plus subscription. Although I also think they're going to waste the free viewers time with even more advertisements.
    So I've been reading this article on obesity.

    And it got me thinking about my weight. I'm 6' and 180 lbs. I thought that's a perfectly fine number, but it turns out it's borderline overweight. It'd probably be good if I dropped 10 lbs.
    The test based on your height to weight ratio is somewhat bullshit and really doesn't take into account a lot of factors. No problem with thinking about your weight and deciding to be more active, but take that statistic with a grain of salt (on top of delicious, delicious fries).
  • My car's battery died again. Think it's life-cycle is over. Don't know how I'm gonna co-op without it, and that is even IF people respond to my applications.
    This summer might be bollocks.
  • So buy a new battery?
  • We did that already. Something keeps draining it. Plus, we're still paying off the exhaust falling off.
    My family is too broke to keep investing money in this old-as-dirt car.
  • When young kids can't understand that different people of varying age differences have different priorities in life than to watch a really old anime that they really don't care about.

    Seriously, get over it/deal with it. I don't care about FLCL. I read a synopsis a long time ago about it. I really don't think I'm going to get the same experience you did watching the show.

    My life isn't your life. The amount of free time I have isn't the same amount you have. My responsibilities to my job and to my family aren't the same as yours. If you think I have problems, oh fucking well. I don't give a shit. I enjoy the life I'm living. I don't need some fucking anime that's not going to really do anything for me other than to say, "Oh hey, yeah. I watched that anime. It's pretty cool. I like the music too."
  • edited April 2012
    When young kids can't understand that different people of varying age differences have different priorities in life than to watch a really old anime that they really don't care about.
    2001 is old?
    EDIT: Yes, I read your whole post, that is the only part I care about.
    Post edited by Greg on

  • Seriously, get over it/deal with it. I don't care about FLCL. I read a synopsis a long time ago about it. I really don't think I'm going to get the same experience you did watching the show.
    To be fair FLCL is a GREAT anime, right up there with other greats.
  • Yeah, I didn't realize FLCL was old. However, I agree, sometimes people pressuring you to watch something over and over again can get really obnoxious. It makes me not want to watch that thing.

  • Seriously, get over it/deal with it. I don't care about FLCL. I read a synopsis a long time ago about it. I really don't think I'm going to get the same experience you did watching the show.
    To be fair FLCL is a GREAT anime, right up there with other greats.
    Yep. I know. It's just not high on my priority list. You know this feeling all too well, Rym.
    Yeah, I didn't realize FLCL was old. However, I agree, sometimes people pressuring you to watch something over and over again can get really obnoxious. It makes me not want to watch that thing.
  • We did that already. Something keeps draining it. Plus, we're still paying off the exhaust falling off.
    My family is too broke to keep investing money in this old-as-dirt car.
    Your alternator might be dead. But that's not going to solve the money-pit problem.

  • We did that already. Something keeps draining it. Plus, we're still paying off the exhaust falling off.
    My family is too broke to keep investing money in this old-as-dirt car.
    Your alternator might be dead. But that's not going to solve the money-pit problem.

    It's been looked at for the battery-drain issue, but the car people haven't found anything. So, I have no idea. At the end of the day, this is a car from '98 that's been driven for at least a decade, I'd imagine.

  • Ro, why are you randomly raging about FLCL?
  • In her defense, people were being pushy and condescending about her not taking time out of her schedule to watch it.
  • edited April 2012
    In her defense, people were being pushy and condescending about her not taking time out of her schedule to watch it.
    Indeed, 'tis rage worthy. Or at least some vocal indignation.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited April 2012
    We did that already. Something keeps draining it. Plus, we're still paying off the exhaust falling off.
    My family is too broke to keep investing money in this old-as-dirt car.
    This is what finally killed my old Buick "The Gran." Same deal, kept draining the battery, had to call AAA a number of times. Constant electrical shorts combined rust on the chassis spelled the end for the old girl. Luckily, the mechanic I took it too gave me the kind advice to give up on the car and not prolong its death gasps.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Ro, why are you randomly raging about FLCL?
    See the Avatar thread. This is partially my fault and I would like to apologize for -- but not retract -- my statements.
  • GeoGeo
    edited May 2012
    Double fail this time

    Fail: Found out that the HDMI port on my PS3 is completely busted due to an accident on my part. I think I might have sharply pulled the HDMI cord out of the port at some point last week due to it being stuck or something to that effect; just one of those things you do unconsciously without actually realizing the consequences of your actions. Mea culpa.

    2nd fail: Knowing that my PS3 is still under warranty, I go to Sony's website to go through all the necessary protocols to get it repaired...and my specific model of PS3 is not listed amongst the ones that can be sent back.

    Well, fuck.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • A series of sucky unrelated but fixable events:

    -back pain from lifting too much

    -dropped a glass of water on my wireless router

    -driver side caliber is is sticking and may need replacement
  • Person emailed me on Friday regarding an internship I applied for, asking what my availability was for an interview today. I responded within ten minutes with my schedule, but I haven't heard from the person since. God dammit.
  • The Seattle May Day protests aren't my fail, it's seeing this on my FB feed.

  • Ro, smoke a blunt and watch FLCL.
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