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Fail of Your Day



  • At least you're clever.
  • I blame the weed.
  • What are these May Day protests about, anyway? One of my friends here in Austin joined some protests, but I had no idea what they were about.
  • May Day is a labor holiday (though some people disagree).

    The "Occupy" movement called for a general strike on May Day. The call was pretty-much ignored, but a few protests arose.
  • My wounded hand is making it very difficult for me to clean dishes and prepare food. Having to keep this burn clean is a pain. :(
  • The Seattle May Day protests aren't my fail, it's seeing this on my FB feed.

    What do you have against Ellen?
  • See, at least I know you're being snarky and you're not a douche.
    My wounded hand is making it very difficult for me to clean dishes and prepare food. Having to keep this burn clean is a pain. :(
    Can't you just wear gloves?
  • My wounded hand is making it very difficult for me to clean dishes and prepare food. Having to keep this burn clean is a pain. :(
    Can't you just wear gloves?
    water tends to find it's way into gloves. It's not impossible to cook and clean, it's just really annoying.
  • My wounded hand is making it very difficult for me to clean dishes and prepare food. Having to keep this burn clean is a pain. :(
    Can't you just wear gloves?
    water tends to find it's way into gloves. It's not impossible to cook and clean, it's just really annoying.
    If water finds its way into a pair of decent cleaning gloves, you are a fool.


    They are not made for water to go in.
  • How long did you spend looking for that photo?
  • Man, I hate those yellow rubber gloves. You can't bloody DO anything in them. They hinder my fine motor skills to the point that I'm ready to murder something in the face.
  • For real. Wrist-covering nitriles would be a lot better, but then you're wasting a lot of nitrile just to do dishes.
  • How long did you spend looking for that photo?
    A few years.
    Man, I hate those yellow rubber gloves. You can't bloody DO anything in them. They hinder my fine motor skills to the point that I'm ready to murder something in the face.
    They call it elbow grease for a reason.
  • For real. Wrist-covering nitriles would be a lot better, but then you're wasting a lot of nitrile just to do dishes.
    I would pay a lot for fitted nitrile elbow gloves. I use nitrile gloves when I dye, but I do occasionally end up with stuff inside them. Which of course makes them nigh impossible to take off and put on.

  • edited May 2012
    For real. Wrist-covering nitriles would be a lot better, but then you're wasting a lot of nitrile just to do dishes.
    I would pay a lot for fitted nitrile elbow gloves. I use nitrile gloves when I dye, but I do occasionally end up with stuff inside them. Which of course makes them nigh impossible to take off and put on.

    If you can't find them online, I might (might) be able to get some from the hospital where I work. I'll let you know.

    EDIT: In fact, you probably can find them online, but I'll let you know anyway. I'd get them for nothing, and since you're a friend I'd just ship them to you for free.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Well, I've been able to find elbow-length gloves (heavy duty) and wrist-length disposable exam gloves.

    What I WANT are elbow-length exam gloves in the small or medium size. I want thin gloves that conform to my hands and arms, not heavy gloves that feel like Wellies for my arms. I cannot seem to find any like that.
  • edited May 2012
    I can almost definitely hook you up, if you give me about a month. Changed from "might" to "almost definitely" because I realized my dad's clinic probably has those, and if doesn't, he could probably order me a few boxes.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I can almost definitely hook you up, if you give me about a month.
    That would be awesome and very much appreciated!

  • I found 12" gloves on Amazon, but they're all 500 count cases and like $150 a case.
  • I found 12" gloves on Amazon, but they're all 500 count cases and like $150 a case.
    I'm assuming 500 pairs - 1000 individual gloves. I go through 35 pairs a week, on average. You will not go through them as quickly.
  • yeah I'd really rather stick to 5 pairs or less. Thanks. :P
  • I want to buy a Utilikilt...why must the cheapest one be $150?!
  • I want to buy a Utilikilt...why must the cheapest one be $150?!
    It's called price gouging, it's how you get rich.
  • edited May 2012
    I want to buy a Utilikilt...why must the cheapest one be $150?!
    It's called price gouging, it's how you get rich.
    Especially when they cost a few bucks per kilt at most in materiel and labor. Polly cotton isn't the most expensive fabric in the world, when you're buying bulk, and the labor to make a kilt is pretty small.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Gonna get me some linen and make a Utilisarong. CAPITALISM AT WORK.
  • Hmm.. Hakama have the slats at the side so you could just put pockets on the inside.
  • Hakama are too long to allow liberating breezes access to my junk.
  • edited May 2012
    I theorize that the increased cloth is responsible for wafting the air up and out through the slats.

    We shall have to science this.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited May 2012
    I theorize that the increased cloth is responsible for wafting the air up and out through the slats.

    We shall have to science this.
    Hmmm...A ballsack bellows. I must do some extremely scientific research.

    Y'know, for science.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Gonna get me some linen and make a Utilisarong. CAPITALISM AT WORK.
    Manly. I wear sarongs in the summer sometimes.
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