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Fail of Your Day



  • edited June 2012
    Man-Yoko with Lady-Kamina?
    Katie, let's make it happen. I feel sexy, bb~
    Gotta promise me Otakon, or it can't happen.
    Otakon 2013? I can't do Otakon 2012.
    My friend Jordan - "It's not alcoholism if you're still in college."

    Pretty common joke. Don't take it too seriously.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Yeah, binge drinking is pretty damn common in college, and so are alcoholism jokes. We're all probably somewhat guilty of that, except Scott.
  • The people at Apple who keep refusing to greenlight my company's messaging app on the grounds that "you can't have a free app that accesses a paid service" can eat a bag of dicks. Sorry that my company doesn't have the same clout as Skype or Webex or GotoMeeting, you hypocritical fucks.
  • Man-Yoko with Lady-Kamina?
    Katie, let's make it happen. I feel sexy, bb~
    Gotta promise me Otakon, or it can't happen.
    Otakon 2013? I can't do Otakon 2012.
    Yeah, my Otakon this year is already costume overbooked anyway. XD
  • edited June 2012
    My friend Jordan - "It's not alcoholism if you're still in college."

    Pretty common joke. Don't take it too seriously.

    No, see, he's being serious. Like, it's probably good that his sublease at my apartment fell through - it's looking like he won't be able to afford the apartment he ended up at anyway, 'cause he's spending all his money on booze and cigarettes.

    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • Oh wow. Yeah, that's no good.
  • My friend Jordan - "It's not alcoholism if you're still in college."

    Well unless your a fresher then its ok.
  • My friend Jordan - "It's not alcoholism if you're still in college."

    Well unless your a fresher then its ok.
    Freshman year counts towards your GPA in the states, so not really. Senior year is the piss-take year.

  • He's been a senior for, I think, 2.5 years. He's been on academic suspension twice. I just wanna tell him to cool his shit for just one year, get out of here, then do whatever the fuck he wants with himself.
  • My friend Jordan - "It's not alcoholism if you're still in college."

    Well unless your a fresher then its ok.
    Freshman year counts towards your GPA in the states, so not really. Senior year is the piss-take year.

    Ah see thats the problem. Get it out of your system early on so that you can crack on with the rest of it all.
  • That Hoverhands thing is my Fail of the Day. People actually do that?
  • That Hoverhands thing is my Fail of the Day. People actually do that?
  • edited June 2012
    Augh, Most Awkward Japanese Times! So I got okonomiyaki at the stand today, and it took forever. The usual cook was there and he was flirting with this girl next to me being like "buy me a drink" and she was like "No way hahaha" and I was like "Turned Down! (LOL)" and pantomimed a tear. He turns to me and is like "Are you okay? You got turned down?" and I was like "What? Huh?" Everyone stopped to look at me and I grabbed my food, said a quick thank you and left. FUCK YOU NIHONGO FOR NOT USING PERSONAL PRONOUNS IN CASUAL SENTENCES.
    Post edited by gomidog on
    This sum's up my feelings when I was doing research on japanese pronoun use for my linguistics class.

  • Today when I was at the bathroom sink, Spot was competing for my attention as usual. This time he knocked Andrew's shaving mug in the sink. "Bad kitty!" I put the mug back and continued brushing my hair or whatever, then I heard this odd sound. I looked in the sink and there were giant cracks forming.

    Spot broke our freaking bathroom sink. And we will probably get charged a lot for it instead of it being one of those regular maintenance type things. Its one of those undermount porcelain sinks, so I'm scared they'll have to take the granite off the vanity and everything to replace it. x_x
  • Going through the thread about Health Care just reminded me of a fail from about a week ago.

    Screw my local hospital. I mean I should be used to the 6 to 9 hour wait to see a doctor for the emergency room but I forgot how incompetent the staff is there, well the doctor anyways as the nurses seem to be pretty on the ball. My cousins daughter went in because she hurt her wrist and we thought it could be broken. After waiting about 6 and a half hours we see the doctor after they get the x-ray and he says it is just a sprained wrist and she should be fine. Well they hospital calls in the morning to say that according to the x-ray it is an obvious break based on the x-ray and she should go back for a cast.

    I am not sure if this is a common thing in other hospitals, which talking to that cousin who is not from around here it seems like it is not, but here it happens all the time. That exact thing has happened to my brother once with his leg, not to mention 2 other errors they made with him from different situations. I have had at least 10 friends with issues like that as well, plus countless people I have worked with who had issues. I wish our urgent care centers were 24 hours, that would be nice.
  • Looks like I'll have to get an RF Cable for my Xbox 360 to work with my old TV here where I live. Gonna be a real pain.
  • I don't think there have been RF adapters in this generation (Maybe for the Wii.).
  • New personal low today.

    Had planned to join some friends on an organised naked bike ride around York. Every single one of my friends cancelled in the week, the last one cancelled once I'd already rented a bike and arrived at the event.

    I struggled with whether I should even continue and decided that I'd not let the absence of all my friends stop me.

    I stripped off, got on the bike and started to ride with the group.

    Somehow I was really terrible at riding the bike and this surprised me. I remember being good at it.

    I fell off after a few turns into a patch of stinging nettles.

    The police escort told me that I had to keep up with the group or get dressed and go home. I couldn't keep up.

    Plus everyone at work heard that I was doing it when I told someone I thought I could trust with my plans... and it turned out I was wrong.

    So I'm going to be the butt of all the jokes when I get back to work on Wednesday and have to tell this sorry little tale.

    I'm so pissed off that I couldn't do it. I don't think there is a worse humiliation. And my friends never even see me these days... My emotional state is in some seriously dangerous territory. The stings I'm still feeling on my body have not let me forget it.
  • edited June 2012
    Don't fret. It's fine. If anyone at work give you shit about riding naked just say (in the most understanding of voice), "Look, I understand. Some people just don't have the self confidence of physique to be naked in public. You don't have to mask your shame around me."
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • That, or jaw the motherfucker.
  • That, or jaw the motherfucker.
  • I am not sure if this is a common thing in other hospitals, which talking to that cousin who is not from around here it seems like it is not, but here it happens all the time. That exact thing has happened to my brother once with his leg, not to mention 2 other errors they made with him from different situations. I have had at least 10 friends with issues like that as well, plus countless people I have worked with who had issues. I wish our urgent care centers were 24 hours, that would be nice.
    Same thing happened to me with my wrist at one point. I knew it was broken. Initial doctor was disinclined to agree with me based on his initial look at the x-ray. Actual specialist identified problem the next morning.

    I partially take responsibility for the issue myself... I'm relatively highly pain tolerant. That is to say, I feel the pain, but for the most part I don't get phased by it. And that throws off doctors and nurses that are relatively used to people exagerating the fuck out of their pain levels. "Oh this guys completely calm when he says that hurts. It can't hurt that much then."
  • edited June 2012
    So! Absinthe and Red Bull turns out to be a great way to convince your body that you've been hit by a comet.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • So! Absinthe and Red Bull turns out to be a great way to convince your body that you've been hit by a comet.
    In what universe did that sound like a good idea?

  • edited June 2012
    So! Absinthe and Red Bull turns out to be a great way to convince your body that you've been hit by a comet.
    In what universe did that sound like a good idea?
    The one where I'd already had four beers and a huge-ass roast dinner. :3

    No hangover, though. Just woke up tense and sore all over, with a mouth dryer than Death Valley. Finally getting back healthy functional equilibrium seven hours and a massive English Breakfast later.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I feel your pain. My bachelor party went along those lines, well minus the roast, but I did have a lot of food.
  • You guys want to hear a funny story? So I'm driving home for the Memorial Day weekend from ECU to my house in Maryland. As I was leaving Greenville, I wasn't really paying attention to my speed and got pulled over doing 76 in a 55 zone and needless to say, I got a ticket. I was freaking out and decided that I would not tell my mom what happened and I would just take care of this whole thing by myself. It was my first offense, so I didn't think it would be much of a problem.

    The next week, my mom found out about the ticket somehow and she asked what happened. In a moment of panic, I told her that I was going 66 in a 55 and everything seemed like it was going to be fine. I talked to one of my friends about this and it turns out that he has had 4 of the same ticket and he's gotten off every time by going in, talking to the DA and taking a 5 hour driving safety class. No paying the ticket, no points, nothing. I'm feeling a lot better about this now.

    A few days later, my mom asks if I can send her a copy the ticket. Fuck. I once again panic and Photoshop the 76 out on the ticket and replace it with a 66. I find out today that my mom has been talking to one of her friends who is a lawyer and her friend told her that there was an inconsistency between the speed on the ticket and what the actual ordinance broken says. My mom calls someone in the North Carolina court system and gives her hell about this.

    Because I was a dumbass and continued to be a dumbass, I may now be fucked. Yay me.
  • Well...Damn.

    Honesty is good.
  • I was with you until you photoshopped the ticket. That was a bad move.
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