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Fail of Your Day



  • Fail of my day: People defending Joe Paterno still exist.
    He was a great football coach. It's a shame that he decided to cover this up. Once you start with a cover up you can't stop.

    *penn state alumi*
  • Read about the Slender Man, now trappen in my room unable to sleep....fuck you internet!
  • Read about the Slender Man, now trappen in my room unable to sleep....fuck you internet!
    Funny thing, I got from somewhere to the something awful thread where the Slender Man thing started. I basically saw how the story was born and how it evolved towards the point it is now. Still it was creepy as hell and the long branches of the tree that was outside of my window hadn't looked as scary ever before.
  • AmpAmp
    edited July 2012
    I know! I live right next to a fucking wood. Im stuck in my room now till the morning.

    Great now the owls and foxes are deciding to have a rave outside of my window. Im going to go mad I think.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • edited July 2012
    Rice, beans, and some fruit are all you need. Doesn't cost that much.
    I know! I live right next to a fucking wood. Im stuck in my room now till the morning.

    Great now the owls and foxes are deciding to have a rave outside of my window. Im going to go mad I think.
    Do it in style.

    Post edited by Walker on
  • Yeah spent most of the night trying to get the christmas lights to work, then proceeded to build various stages of barricades and forts. Fell asleep watching mythbusters.....
  • In our shop, we have an on call rotation that tries to 'share the burden' by rotating on-call responsibilities through the entire staff, including staff that may or may not be trained on the system the call is coming through for. This is a disaster, generally, despite our documentation wiki, because of course documentation is not a replacement for training or experience.

    So, guy gets a call this morning, and he even HAS experience with my system. He gets a second call on his own system, and chooses to ignore my system in favor of his own. Not call me, not call the boss to report conflicting outages that he has to prioritize, not notify the team that he needs backup, he just chooses to ignore "my" outage.

    So I'm at home logged in, trying to figure out what's going on before my shift starts, and I see the page come in, and I immediately go hands off until I hear from the on-call guy so that I'm not stepping on toes. I see through VNC that someone is logged into a batch processing machine I'm working on, so I log out.

    No call comes. I decide to drive in where I have superior tools to the set at home. When I get here, I call the on-call guy (a kid, really). "Oh yeah, my system is down too so I haven't worked on yours at all. Do you want to take it?"

  • Fail of my day: People defending Joe Paterno still exist.
    He was a great football coach. It's a shame that he decided to cover this up. Once you start with a cover up you can't stop.

    *penn state alumi*
    Paterno went to my alma mater for his own college education. I don't think it disappoints me as much as it disappoints the PSU folks, but I'm still very disappointed. As you said, great football coach and probably great person until this cover up came about.

    *Brown alumni*
  • Rorschach had a cold last week and was sneezing up a storm. Took him to the vet and the checkup was fine. He just needed to get rest and fluids.

    Now the cold has passed onto Digit and Cole. Poor kitties are a bit worse off. They are constantly sneezing and snotting over everything and licking their noses. Digit is always tired and not even exited for kitty treats! She's actually cuddling with me more in bed. I feel so bad, but from what the vet told me as long as their snot is clear, they should be fine. Just need rest and liquids. At least she was a bit excited for gooshy (canned) food.

    Having sick kitties is very worrisome.
  • edited July 2012
    Winamp for Android transfers files to the Music folder, a subfolder of that being the artist, and a subfolder of that being the album name. This results in issues transferring anything with an artist or album that has characters that cannot be used in folders (\/:*?"<>|). Specifically the album Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex OST.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Dear Amazon,

    I have just bought a toddler bed from you. You delivered it a week ahead of schedule, and everything. It's here. I have it. It's great. Thanks!

    That said, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for you to keep spamming my email with "Great deals on Toddler Beds!" messages every day, does it? I mean really? Do you think I want to stack them up and make a fort?
  • Gtalk fail.
    Glad it's not just me.
  • edited July 2012
    It's up now, George. We can waste our work day by linking various webcomics and lolcats.

    Edit: Digit is going to the vet today. She seems to not be taking this cold/virus very well. :(
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • It's up now, George. We can waste our work day by linking various webcomics and lolcats.

    Edit: Digit is going to the vet today. She seems to not be taking this cold/virus very well. :(
    It's not up. I can only see a fraction of the people I normally see and actually chatting with them is dicey at best.
  • Oh, well I haven't tried. I do not see you online. Guess this is a sign that I should be working.
  • Oh, well I haven't tried. I do not see you online. Guess this is a sign that I should be working.
    I don't believe in signs.
  • That makes sense since you get traffic tickets. :P
  • edited July 2012
    I saw this trending on Twitter and thought it was something related to Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank. I later found on, it's not. :(!/search/#10SignsThatShesRatchet

    I hate these people.

    Edit: It's ok, I'm attempting to use it for better purposes:
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I was helping my little sister with something on the computer and I opened her web browser and saw... unfortunate things. Fuck.
  • Brazilian fart porn?
  • Not porn, but relevant.
  • I hope it wasn't like "How to tell if you're pregnant."
  • edited July 2012
    No, not that bad. Nothing that suggests inappropriate behavior, really. Probably just looking up a term she heard from one of her friends. Although seriously, I had never heard of that when I was 12. I guess it's a boo-yah in that random-ass websites are probably better sex-ed than the school she's going to, speaking from personal experience.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • edited July 2012
    In the past hour minutes my dog just died right in front of me and my mother, who wouldn't take him to the 24 hour vet since he was too far gone. I just finished burying him in the backyard. I honestly didn't like him as much as the rest of the family did but seeing mom break down when he died in her arms is perhaps the saddest I've felt in a while.
    Post edited by Jordan O. on
  • There was a roof party on the apartment building next to mine, and I could hear it going past two in the morning. I had to get up at 6:30 to make it to work. I am not in a very good mood today.
  • My local game store was forced to close down due to the property manager being a dick.
  • I missed a party I had been planning to go to for like a month due to a fever that kicked my ass so hard I could barely move.
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