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Fail of Your Day



  • the situation seems to have finally stabilized somewhat.
    Scratch that. But at least now this amazingly long and stressful day is over and we get to SLEEP YAY
  • More exciting adventures in antidepressant land: Lexapro and alcohol don't play nicely with each other. Goodbye days of being slightly buzzed after ten beers, hello being really drunk after five. Also, the side-effect rebound the next morning is so fucking awful. My head feels like it's full of cotton and my skin is crawling with jitters.

    I think I'm just going to quit getting drunk. This is very much not worth it.
  • Discussion on facebook goes sour when one of the people in my departments friends conflates anyone who rides a horse with someone who commits animal crulty. This is the same person that sees the firms as a traditional part of football that shouldn't be changed.
  • I just discovered Metal Wolf Chaos.
  • Believe in your own justice!
  • I'm cursed. A/C at my apartment is broken. I come home before school starts again...A/C is broken as soon as I get home.
  • The bread I left at work has gone bad. No toast for me and no PB&J. I am very sad.
  • Ever have one of those days where you just feel odd?
  • image
    Odd, you say?
  • edited August 2012
    Well I mean physically odd. Like I don't feel sick or bad, just not normal.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Man, that show was great.
  • Man, that show was the worst.
  • Disagree/10

    But you're entitled to your opinion.
  • Disagree/10

    But you're entitled to your opinion.
    Except when it's WRONG.

  • Disagree/10

    But you're entitled to your opinion.
    Except when it's WRONG.

  • Disagree/10

    But you're entitled to your opinion.
    Except when it's WRONG.

  • Aw man, Code Lyoko. That show was pretty okay. One of the two shows I always took time to watch along with A:TLA.
  • Oh god Code Lyoko. I fucking LOVED that show when I was in middle school. I think I'll go see if it's on Netflix.
  • edited August 2012
    I loved that so much, but there's no way it holds up. And, despite watching it all the time, I missed some key points. Like
    when they brought what's her face into the real world.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • When I saw that, it blew my mind. I spent a week or so thinking if that was possible and how far away from it we were.
  • Good show, but stupid love shit and lame villain.
  • That sounds like two major parts of a story.
  • Agreed on the stupid love shit, but I really liked Xana. His only problem was that his weakness was kinda McGuffin-y.
  • X-post from Random Comments, here's why the recent re-release of FF VII for PC is gonna fail without a Steam release:

  • What a bargain!
  • X-51 Flight Fail...
  • Guess the prices of Deadspace and Deadspace 2 here in Australia.
  • Tree fiddy?
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