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Fail of Your Day



  • I can not play all the CS:GO action with a connection like this:


    Also in the process of updating windows from a fresh install.
  • edited August 2012
    I only get double the download and half the ping, my upload is a bit less than that though.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • I got a DWI. :(

    That's... pretty bad. Anybody hurt?

  • edited August 2012
    I got a DWI. :(

    That's... pretty bad. Anybody hurt?

    No, thank goodness. I got pulled for coming too close to a cop car on the side of the road. Blew a .09 at 2 in the morning. Spent a good five hours going through the ringer at the jailhouse, then walked and hitchhiked barefoot down a highway for a few miles to my friend's house, who gave me a ride home. Didn't get to sleep until around 9 AM. Now I have to drive to school without a license or miss all of my classes until I can get a provisional, not to mention paying out the ass for court fees, a lawyer, and skyrocketing insurance rates. Totally ruined my weekend.

    Ironically, all I want to do now is drink.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Well, one would hope that the experience would be a wake up call and that you'll be more aware of your consumption in the future... it's very lucky that there was no damage to you, your car, or anybody else. I'd take that as a warning shot from the universe if I were you.

    Good luck.
  • Oh, of course. I'm not going to down a bottle of red wine and take the Pontiac for a spin through the most notoriously cop-infested town in the county again, that's for sure. :P
  • I've fucked up and realized halfway through a drive that I should not be driving, before. It was way before all the PSAs and huge attention on DWI/DUI. Lucky for me, it was on basically deserted roads.
  • edited August 2012
    I got a DWI. :(

    That's... pretty bad. Anybody hurt?

    No, thank goodness. I got pulled for coming too close to a cop car on the side of the road. Blew a .09 at 2 in the morning. Spent a good five hours going through the ringer at the jailhouse, then walked and hitchhiked barefoot down a highway for a few miles to my friend's house, who gave me a ride home. Didn't get to sleep until around 9 AM. Now I have to drive to school without a license or miss all of my classes until I can get a provisional, not to mention paying out the ass for court fees, a lawyer, and skyrocketing insurance rates. Totally ruined my weekend.

    Ironically, all I want to do now is drink.
    I'm really sorry for that dude. I hope you can come out of it okay. I really feel with you now, because I got into a car accident today while driving to my family's house.

    The Fail: Other driver and I are okay, but his car is totaled and mine is out of commission. I'm at fault for this because I got charged with a ticket for "Improper Lane Change." (While the other guy was probably speeding. He said he was doing 35, while I was going 25 when I set up the turn signal and began to move. My car also spun half a rotation). I actually feared the monetary costs with insurance AND potential action from the other driver more than the physical damage to myself or the car. My car is at least still fixable, even if it did hit near the fuel tank.

    Extra dose of Fail: My brother and mom are taking me home for Sunday Lunch. My brother decides to tell me on the drive "Well Scott, take this incident to realize that you might have some bad driving habits." That is true, but at the same time, do you REALLY want to be told that when you are still mentally shocked and deal with bad insurance payments?
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • Oh, of course. I'm not going to down a bottle of red wine and take the Pontiac for a spin through the most notoriously cop-infested town in the county again, that's for sure. :P
    The correct answer is "I will not down a bottle of wine and then drive." This isn't something to fuck around with. Period. Full stop.

    I'm sure you've heard the lecture countles times. We all have. So just don't do it.

  • Oh, of course. I'm not going to down a bottle of red wine and take the Pontiac for a spin through the most notoriously cop-infested town in the county again, that's for sure. :P
    The correct answer is "I will not down a bottle of wine and then drive." This isn't something to fuck around with. Period. Full stop.

    I'm sure you've heard the lecture countles times. We all have. So just don't do it.

    I know dude, in all seriousness I don't plan on drinking and driving ever again. Lesson learned.
  • I've fucked up and realized halfway through a drive that I should not be driving, before.
    I feel like everyone has done this at one point or another.
  • I never have, and I hope to goodness I never will.
  • Bugs in livin in mah rice.
  • edited August 2012
    I never have, and I hope to goodness I never will.
    Same here. I know the legal limit, I know my limit, and I know when I'll blow over the legal limit. I managed to learn before I had any problems encountered.

    To be fair, it's easier for me - I drive a van, so if I've driven somewhere and I get soused, then I can just crash out in the back. I've even got a swag in there for that purpose.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm a heavy guy but an infrequent drinker. All it takes is one dark beer to make me uncoordinated enough to make driving a bad idea without being impaired grossly enough to really notice. I know that NOW, but once in my early twenties not so much.
  • So someone dumped a bunch of black and white rabbits in Kissena Park in Queens. My friends found them, and we tried to corral them into a pen, but they were too skittish and hid in the bramble bushes. (I also disturbed a wasp nest and got stung) People, seriously, your rabbits are not going to enjoy freedom, they are going to get eaten. I saw a cottontail in those bushes, totally camo, whereas the domestic rabbits are obvious from 100 feet away. We set some live traps, and while they haven't gotten the rabbits yet, with luck they will come in before they make more little white buns.

    Also, secondary fail. People working for the rescue organizations seem to be mostly middle age ladies who are not so much with the computers. They type with all caps lock, use Yahoo groups, and have huge organizational drama. Woof.

  • I always practice by getting shitfaced and driving. Then when the time comes, I know my body and mind will be ready.
  • ...I hope you're joking. Or driving in a place where there is NO ONE. Like an empty parking lot.

    But seriously, driving while drunk is a big no-no. I've heard too many idiots who thought it was okay because "they'd never crash." People have what I dub "Protagonist Syndrome," they assume terrible things will never kill them because they have to make it to the end of the story.

    The unfortunate newsflash is that no, you don't.
  • edited August 2012
    ...I hope you're joking. Or driving in a place where there is NO ONE. Like an empty parking lot.
    I was trying to be ironic.

    Maybe I should start popularizing irony punctuation.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • The unfortunate newsflash is that no, you don't.
    Oh yes, they most certainly do. But it's their actions that determine if it's a tale of triumph or tragedy.

  • The unfortunate newsflash is that no, you don't.
    Oh yes, they most certainly do. But it's their actions that determine if it's a tale of triumph or tragedy.

    I guess they get the end of their story. Just not "the story" in general. The world's story. I suppose only a scant few will see the end of that.

  • The unfortunate newsflash is that no, you don't.
    Oh yes, they most certainly do. But it's their actions that determine if it's a tale of triumph or tragedy.

    I guess they get the end of their story. Just not "the story" in general. The world's story. I suppose only a scant few will see the end of that.
    If I put thought to it while I sit around in my philosophical musings(because my underpants are in the wash), I'd say that it's less a story than a giant anthology, made up of the story of each and every one of us. Everybody has a story, everybody is the main character in their own story. It's just that these stories don't conform to the way people tell themselves these stories, because much like characters in a story, we don't know everything that's occurring around us, nor how we interact with other stories in the anthology.

  • I think the world's story is like Phoenix (or at least what I think it would've been): a series of mostly unrelated stories that one can put into a sequence and are all tied together by one theme.
  • The unfortunate newsflash is that no, you don't.
    Oh yes, they most certainly do. But it's their actions that determine if it's a tale of triumph or tragedy.

    I guess they get the end of their story. Just not "the story" in general. The world's story. I suppose only a scant few will see the end of that.
    If I put thought to it while I sit around in my philosophical musings(because my underpants are in the wash), I'd say that it's less a story than a giant anthology, made up of the story of each and every one of us. Everybody has a story, everybody is the main character in their own story. It's just that these stories don't conform to the way people tell themselves these stories, because much like characters in a story, we don't know everything that's occurring around us, nor how we interact with other stories in the anthology.

    Technically I'd agree with you, but I like making the point the way I do because I feel it's effective for people who have their head up their ass.

  • The unfortunate newsflash is that no, you don't.
    Oh yes, they most certainly do. But it's their actions that determine if it's a tale of triumph or tragedy.

    I guess they get the end of their story. Just not "the story" in general. The world's story. I suppose only a scant few will see the end of that.
    If I put thought to it while I sit around in my philosophical musings(because my underpants are in the wash), I'd say that it's less a story than a giant anthology, made up of the story of each and every one of us. Everybody has a story, everybody is the main character in their own story. It's just that these stories don't conform to the way people tell themselves these stories, because much like characters in a story, we don't know everything that's occurring around us, nor how we interact with other stories in the anthology.

    Technically I'd agree with you, but I like making the point the way I do because I feel it's effective for people who have their head up their ass.

    In that, you are correct. Some people - not to put too fine a point on it - are fuckin' idiots that don't learn from their mistakes, or think that they can dodge the consequences of their actions. Walker has done well, in this situation - sure, he fucked up, but he's copped it sweet, and he's learned. Many are not as intelligent or thoughtful.

  • Yeah. If I had to give advice to younger, stupider people, it would quite simply be, "You're not the protagonist in something happy. You're in an adventure story. You can screw up and get yourself and others dead pretty easy. Try not to do that."
  • edited August 2012
    Better than My advice of "Life is like the Luge. Lie flat and try not to die."
    Post edited by Churba on
  • They're probably zone out more during mine, though. XD
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