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Fail of Your Day



  • Yeah, I actually do agree with Jack here.
  • We're gonna need more popcorn.
  • Oh please after the reaming I got two weeks ago I'm not terribly sensitive to your butthurt over this. I didn't call anybody names, I presented arguments.
    Yeah, after I had bowed out.
  • What I saw was a thread full of people disagreeing with Jack just like seems to happen around here about once a week. Then Jack posting a weak sort-of-concession, maybe, if you interpretted it that way. Then people arbitrarily deciding that in this instance, Jack had somehow been picked on more than in any prior (but virtually identical) instance.

    Whatever, guys. I agree. Pass the popcorn.
  • Oh everyone else who posted after me is just as guilty. You're just the only one who responded out of some need to get the last word Muppet.
  • Once a week? Right now we have two threads devoted to it, and there was a third going on over the weekend. Once a week is a gross understatement.
  • Oh everyone else who posted after me is just as guilty. You're just the only one who responded out of some need to get the last word Muppet.
    I'll flog myself immediately. I'm sorry I posted one argument past your half-hearted concession, that addressed the issue, not you as a person. Shame on me for expounding on a topic past the point that you were interested in my opinion.
  • And, to make it clear, after posting the following in another thread, I come to this one, and find yet another place it might be needed:

    Muppet, just to be clear, and intentionally blunt, your actions in this forum are making it so unenjoyable to read that I find myself skipping more and more threads. The more you respond to people pointing this out in less blunt ways only decreases everyone's respect for you, and in turn their enjoyment of the forum.
  • Screw the popcorn, I'm getting a beer.
  • And, to make it clear, after posting the following in another thread, I come to this one, and find yet another place it might be needed:

    Muppet, just to be clear, and intentionally blunt, your actions in this forum are making it so unenjoyable to read that I find myself skipping more and more threads. The more you respond to people pointing this out in less blunt ways only decreases everyone's respect for you, and in turn their enjoyment of the forum.
    Thank goodness that much like police, fire, and rescue crews, you valiantly show wherever you're needed. Should I copy and paste my response from the other thread as well?

    I'm sorry that you obviously have a problem with my personality, Luke. Sorry in the sense that I feel badly that someone feels badly towards me. However, I don't feel even a little bit responsible for it. You can ascribe me all the malice and motive you like and there's not a thing I can ever do about it. I surrender and will no longer try to convince you that I'm not a bad person.
  • edited October 2012
    The problem is that you make paper-thin arguments and then your idea of backing them up is to repeat them again. That incites people. :-)
    But then I back down, AND YOU KEEP GOING.
    It's not just Muppet who does this, guys. It happens frequently, especially in threads where people feel strongly about the topic. People have to get their say in even when the conversation has progressed past that point, or when their say has already been raised and discussed previously. We are superstars of beating dead horses.

    Don't get up on your saintly soapbox and pretend like only one person ever does it.

    And when you are corrected for doing it, just acknowledge that you got caught up in the argument instead of getting defensive. Made a dickwad comment after someone conceeded a point? Criticized someone sharply for something that ultimately isn't a big deal? We have all been there. Accept it and move on.

    Post edited by Nuri on
  • edited October 2012
    I'd acknowledge that I made a dickwad comment after Jack conceded, if I had. I posted a paragraph or so addressing his position (not him) after not recognizing his concession (which was pretty buried). I'm mystified by being plucked out for that, is all. Whatever. I said I was done. :-)

    But I've totally been a dickwad in other arguments on this forum. No denying that.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • edited October 2012
    Again I think it was just because you spoke up Muppet. I didn't expect to get this much support considering my stances and whatnot.

    Regardless it's still the debate equivalent of punching a guy in a boxing match after he surrendered.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • No, it's not. If I said "you're stupid Jack, fuck you for thinking this way your mother is obviously retarded." then that'd be what you just said. Instead, I offered an argument regarding whether rape victims should be allowed abortions and didn't even mention you once in the post. That you decide you've lost interest is not a gag order for everybody else.
  • I'd acknowledge that I made a dickwad comment after Jack conceded, if I had. I posted a paragraph or so addressing his position (not him) after not recognizing his concession (which was pretty buried). I'm mystified by being plucked out for that, is all. Whatever. I said I was done. :-).
    I dunno, I kinda thought your "That was a concession?" comment sounded like you were still going since you left it at a question rather than acknowledging that it was, in fact, a concession that you had simply missed. I don't, however, think you did anything different than what anyone else here has done during other heated arguments.

  • I'd acknowledge that I made a dickwad comment after Jack conceded, if I had. I posted a paragraph or so addressing his position (not him) after not recognizing his concession (which was pretty buried). I'm mystified by being plucked out for that, is all. Whatever. I said I was done. :-).
    I dunno, I kinda thought your "That was a concession?" comment sounded like you were still going since you left it at a question rather than acknowledging that it was, in fact, a concession that you had simply missed. I don't, however, think you did anything different than what anyone else here has done during other heated arguments.

    I was literally asking if that was his concession, but I see that interpretation.
  • Fail of my Halloween:

    Last few years it was warm on Halloween down here in Georgia. Its been warm lately so I thought it'd be safe to choose a more revealing costume (which I'm almost done with at the point and can't go back). Well, wrong! Its going to be super cold (for GA standards) next week, then conveniently get warm again the week after. Thanks Georgia weather!
    Yeah, Georgia weather is like that. I remember the one Halloween I have had off work to take my kids trick or treating it decided to rain randomly. Luckily my kids were not that old and cared more about candy than the trick or treating part so they were not upset.
  • edited October 2012
    My mom is in Florida right now for a business trip and is going to Halloween Horror Nights tonight. I've been wanting to go for years, but I've never been in Orlando for the Halloween season. Being away from home at school really sucks sometimes. :(
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • I went for the first time last week. While I didn't find it scary (or startling) in the least bit, my friend did, much to my amusement. The Silent Hill house was really cool though, especially Pyramid Head. They had him up on stilts, in a fog machine with a light shining down from above/behind him. It was great.
  • Haunted houses really get to me, so I really want to go and get the pants scared off of me.
  • If your mom happens to have epilepsy, tell her to stay the hell away from the Penn and Teller house.

  • This is official and will air in 2013.
  • You know what? Screw you. That looks awesome.

    Also, I want an MP3 of the Star Wars theme rave remix.
  • edited October 2012
    You know what? Screw you. That looks awesome.

    Also, I want an MP3 of the Star Wars theme rave remix.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Fucking cascading production issues that seem to occur only on Friday afternoons, and not only on Friday afternoon, but on the busiest Friday afternoon of my entire year when I've got an unbelievably dense schedule immediately following my work shift.


  • Quick! Waste time on a forum!
  • Quick! Waste time on a forum!
    Keep proving me right Luke. I LIKE vindication.
  • Ah, sorry, I didn't realize that me making a joke about your post was different to making a joke about any other person who posted the same thing.
  • Holy shit Muppet has a lot of posts relative to how long he's been here though. Not that I'm surprised, but I'm still surprised...
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