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Fail of Your Day



  • So, officially single. Facebook status and feed is actually handy for this, as I don't have to share the news with all my friends individually.
  • Wait, you broke up with Paola?
  • So, officially single. Facebook status and feed is actually handy for this, as I don't have to share the news with all my friends individually.
    I agree, however, it has it's downsides - I remember the last woman I broke up with, I changed my relationship status on facebook, and though I tried to do it quietly(as it was still pretty raw, and I didn't want to talk about it) - suffice it to say, it was nasty as hell, even removing my relationship status from my page, removing the notification from my public feed, I still had everyone and their seeing-eye Shetland pony comment on it, demanding details.
  • So, officially single. Facebook status and feed is actually handy for this, as I don't have to share the news with all my friends individually.
    I agree, however, it has it's downsides - I remember the last woman I broke up with, I changed my relationship status on facebook, and though I tried to do it quietly(as it was still pretty raw, and I didn't want to talk about it) - suffice it to say, it was nasty as hell, even removing my relationship status from my page, removing the notification from my public feed, I still had everyone and their seeing-eye Shetland pony comment on it, demanding details.
    I know a lot of people who just disable relationship status off their page entirely to avoid such messiness.
  • Wait, you broke up with Paola?
    To be precise: she broke up with me. I never saw it coming, but the result is the same. We were together for 4.5 years... and now I have to completely re-think and re-engineer my entire life.

    As for the Facebook relationship status, I waited until we'd discussed issues before changing it, just to make sure I didn't do anything prematurely.
  • I know a lot of people who just disable relationship status off their page entirely to avoid such messiness.
    I did that, before I changed my status - But it still showed up in my profile page, my friend's feeds, and their highlight feeds. when I changed it.

    This doesn't happen anymore I will note - when you remove or delete something, it is also removed from the feeds, with the remaining records being only the e-mails that people might receive about it - Ie, "Joe Bloggs has commented on your wall post, he said "bibbledy bobbledy boo" to reply, click here" so on, so fourth.
  • The latest XKCD comic summarizes me way too well...
  • Wait, you broke up with Paola?
    To be precise: she broke up with me. I never saw it coming, but the result is the same. We were together for 4.5 years... and now I have to completely re-think and re-engineer my entire life.

    As for the Facebook relationship status, I waited until we'd discussed issues before changing it, just to make sure I didn't do anything prematurely.
    Ouch. 4.5 years is a long time to suddenly be thrusted back into bachelorhood. Sorry to hear it.
  • edited August 2009
    We just had a massive rainstorm, the 4th one of this summer. I can remember at most one per summer and usually we don't have them. Anyways, the storm ripped apart a shed or garage of the neighbors who live a bit north of us and carried the roof down to the community soccer field (which is almost right next to our house). This photo is taken from the northwest corner of our property:
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Power is out at work, which means I'm going to be hard pressed to bill for 40 this week.
  • edited August 2009
    @ gedavids: Take the day off and work Saturday?
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • @ gedavids: Take the day off an work Saturday?
    I guess I could do that, but I kinda like having my Saturday off.
  • Whoa, that's crazy, Chaos.
  • Work is looking scarce this week. There could be time reporting problems this Friday.
  • Work is looking scarce this week. There could be time reporting problems this Friday.
    Just lie. It's the American way!
  • Just lie. It's the American way!
    And an excellent way to get my company debarred from government consulting! Putting me and my 20,000 coworkers out of a job! ^_^
  • I just spend 3 hours ranking all 89 jerseys that were used in the NHL last season. I am not sure if that was worth it :/
  • I took the day off to go to the zoo with my friends. My one friend was going to drive me and the rest were going in another car. They all left at 9 and got the zoo by 10, but my friend was late for picking me up and got to my house at about 10:45. We proceeded to be lost for the next two hours and, just as we were finally finding our way, we find out that our other friends had done everything at the zoo already and were getting bored there. So we gave up, went to eat in Eagle Rock, and rested at her aunt's house before driving home. We were supposed to all meet back up and watch a movie tonight, but that didn't happen. I'm dissatisfied, slightly depressed, and now I'm starting to feel sick. What a waste of a day.
  • GeoGeo
    edited August 2009
    After I just jail-broke my iPod, and was getting all the necessary stuff from Cydia, I found that there was a big error that prevented from getting any new apps from Cydia or taking full advantage of it. I had to make a big sacrifice...resetting my iPod to factory settings. In retrospect, I knew what I did wrong after looking it up and now when I re-jailbreak it, I'm not gonna make that same mistake ever again. Still the stinging impact of resetting my iPod is still there.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • What a waste of a day.
    To be fair, any day you don't get to watch monkeys is kind of a waste of a day.
  • Got bitten by a small spider yesterday, no super powers today, just a red spot on my arm.
  • What a waste of a day.
    To be fair, any day you don't get to watch monkeys is kind of a waste of a day.
    Truer words were never spoken.
  • Our president has the swine flu and still he did some public appearances with large crowds.
  • Les Paul died today :(
  • Les Paul died today :(
    Yeah, but he lived to 94 and enjoyed a fairly amazing life. While it is a loss to those that loved him, I say overall it is a win.
  • Finding out that Ponyo won't be out in the UK until 2010..
  • Epic fail, a more experienced rich Veterinarian came in a few weeks ago and asked to buy into the practice (inclusive of a full time position) with the managers (the practice capacity is 2.5 Vets), so the managers in their infinite business wisdom demoted the current head Veterinarian who had been working there for 20+ years, kept the floater Veterinarian who also works at one of the Manger's other practices and fired me.

    I definitely didn't see that coming but goddamn that's harsh and its the worst time of the year to get a new job as a full time Veterinarian.
  • @Skope -- Fuck. That really, really sucks, man -- good luck finding another position.
  • I ordered acrylic key chains online and received them today. I've just realized they are too fucking large to be a normal key chain. >.<
  • Packing for college today, I gathered my meager (~30-40) collection of comic trades and manga, and realized that my Vol 6 of Transmet is nowhere to be found. I am pretty obsessive about keeping my collections complete, so this is infuriating. Here's to hoping I can find it before next Wednesday.
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