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Fail of Your Day



  • Bought tickets to a bunch of shows I now find out I can't go to.
  • Some people think that a sculpture of DNA is "vile and offensive" while someone else claims it "verges on obscene". Seriously, I'm losing faith in humanity here.
  • RymRym
    edited August 2009
    Some people think that a sculpture of DNAis "vile and offensive" while someone else claims it "verges on obscene". Seriously, I'm losing faith in humanity here.
    Satire article. There are people that dim, but these particular people's dimness is fictional.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • edited August 2009
    Yeah, I just found out. I guess my fail of the day goes to me -_-

    Poe's Law strikes again. "Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of Fundamentalism that SOMEONE won't mistake for the real thing."
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Some people think that a sculpture of DNAis "vile and offensive" while someone else claims it "verges on obscene". Seriously, I'm losing faith in humanity here.
    Satire article. There are people that dim, but these particular people's dimness is fictional.
    It's a good satire though, because I do know people who are actually that dim.
  • Yeah, I just found out. I guess my fail of the day goes to me -_-

    Poe's Lawstrikes again. "Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of Fundamentalism that SOMEONE won't mistake for the real thing."
    The offended party in the email is called "Richard Vernon, P.O.E."
  • The Revoltech Gurren, Enki, and Lazengann figures are sold out almost everywhere on the internet. Looks like I'm going to have to look for them in dealers rooms next summer.
  • edited August 2009
    I never really told that here but I'm a member of Suimasen-Scans, a group that scanlates mostly stuff by Koji Kumeta, so Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei and Katteni Kaizo. Well, we usually hang out on the IRC for things. Just earlier one of our typesetters called GreenTea came back from idling in the channel and said he was experiencing heartache. I told him to take it seriously and go to a doctor in the morning or right away should it occur again. Well, he later stated that it's repeating every 3 to 10 minutes. I've been trying to convince him for about half an hour to call a cab or an ambulance and go to a hospital, yet he constantly refused to stating things like "I'll observe the situation". At least I got him to call is general practitioner (he lives in germany) who told him to got to the doc tomorrow.

    Seriously, sometimes I really lose in faith in humanity. The dumbest thing he said that he's trying not to do anything stupid. Not going after medical attention or at least advice is probably the definition of stupid :/

    Really, I'm worried about him.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • There's been a bit of bad press about Digsby recently, but not enough for me to switch away from it. I don't quite approve of what they're trying to do, but I'm smart enough to disable all of their crapware and no other chat software has support for Twitter and Facebook (especially FB Chat) in the way Digsby does.
  • Chaosof99 - Thanks for scanlating such unique manga, I read both of them, and eventually bought Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. Hope Greentea feels better.
  • Chaosof99 - Thanks for scanlating such unique manga, I read both of them, and eventually bought Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. Hope Greentea feels better.
    I don't scanlate. I do mostly script editing for Katteni Kaizo and some typesetting. Haven't seen GreenTea online today yet but yesterday night he said he was getting better. Anyways, I'm going to relay your thanks to the group.
  • I don't scanlate. I do mostly script editing for Katteni Kaizo and some typesetting
    If you're part of the group, and you're doing part of the work, I think you warrant some thanks.
  • Yeah, that came out a bit wrong. I'm still grateful for the thanks and the fact he reads it :)
    I just thought he was under the impression I was one of the translators which I wanted to clarify.
  • It's 90 degrees today, and the AC in the lab is barely functioning. I am not pleased.
  • edited August 2009
    It's 90 degrees today, and the AC in the lab is barely functioning. I am not pleased.
    I would give you and ice pop and say "Hold in there, big guy," if you were ten. Since you are not, I will say only, "Sweat it out, wittle Pedah."
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • It's 90 degrees today, and the AC in the lab is barely functioning. I am not pleased.
    I would give you and ice pop and say "Hold in there, big guy," if you were ten. Since you are not, I will say only, "Sweat it out, wittle Pedah."
    Oh, there is sweat. Dear god is there sweat.
  • It's 90 degrees today, and the AC in the lab is barely functioning. I am not pleased.
    90 F? Don't be a wuss.
  • 90 F? Don't be a wuss.
    What is your definition of hot then, Churba? In my book, 90 F is pretty darn hot to Pete and myself as well.
  • It's 90 degrees today, and the AC in the lab is barely functioning. I am not pleased.
    90 F? Don't be a wuss.
    90 degrees Fahrenheit isn't unbearable if it isn't too humid and you don't have to be in a stuffy building dressed in a lab coat. As much as I tease wittle Pedah, I am sure it is uncomfortable.
  • It's 90 degrees today, and the AC in the lab is barely functioning. I am not pleased.
    90 F? Don't be a wuss.
    I am well insulated, and a very efficient body heat generator. Combine these features with 90F weather and high humidity, and you have one uncomfortable microbiologist.

    I can deal with a drier heat, but here in Albany (and especially farther upstate), we have pretty humid heat. I've had many a day in the Adirondacks where it hit 95F with 95% humidity; those are the days when you find a body of water and stay in it.

    I haven't had the lab coat on for at least two hours now, so at least it's not as bad as it could be.
  • Personally, I'm fairly comfortable unless it's over 100* Fahrenheit during the day. I prefer it to be above 80*.

    At night, however, I can't sleep too well unless it's under 85*.
  • What is your definition of hot then, Churba? In my book, 90 F is pretty darn hot to Pete and myself as well.
    About 107 F is normally getting pretty sweaty kinda hot, but I spent a lot of time in areas where 122 F was the uncomfortable normal in the summer - but there, it wasn't as humid as my usual stomping grounds, so it was actually slightly more pleasant. Though, I don't doubt he's uncomfortable - I was just taking the piss in good fun. I would have greened it, but it wasn't sarcasm - I think I need another colour for those kinda jokes.
  • My ideal temperature zone is 65°F to 75°F unless I am going swimming in which case I prefer 75°F to 85°F. I used to live in Florida and Georgia where it can be relentlessly hot and humid for months and there is a reason my first complete (if grammatically incorrect) sentence was "Me hate hot." I will take extreme cold over extreme heat any day.
  • About 107 F is normally getting pretty sweaty kinda hot
    Where is this sandblasted hellhole you call home? The surface of the sun?

    While I don't have quite the cold tolerance that I used to, I can still get a little warm while there's snow on the ground. Much like Mrs. MacRoss, extreme cold is far preferable to extreme heat.
  • edited August 2009
    May I just add, 30C relaxing on the beach doesn't feel as hot as 30C working away in a non-air-conditioned lab.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Where is this sandblasted hellhole you call home? The surface of thesun?
    Maryborough, Harvey bay, and Brisbane(the coolest of the three). 122 is out at longreach, where it hits 50 C on a regular basis.
    I will take extreme cold over extreme heat any day.
    Much like Mrs. MacRoss, extreme cold is far preferable to extreme heat.
    That's just good sense - you can wrap up and get warm in the cold, but you can only get so naked, and even then, you're still sweating.
  • It's a balmy 74 F in my office today. Sorry Pete.
  • edited August 2009
    I guess my fail of the day is that you silly americans still cling to your own measurements and scales. Why can't you just use Celsius? It's really easy.
    -10 - FUCK!
    0 - Water freezes
    20 - Room temperature
    37 - Body temperature
    40 - Too fucking hot
    100 - Water boils
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • ......
    edited August 2009
    @chaosof99, they also still use miles. And pounds. And AM/PM. And...

    Don't forget the Brits btw, they still have Pounds too!
    Post edited by ... on
  • That's pretty much what I meant, nine.
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