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Fail of Your Day



  • The whole conversation was about what's appropriate in the workplace. He shouldn't have taken it out of that context if he didn't want the whole argument taken out of context.
    True, but that wasn't what gedavids was commenting on. He was commenting on how some guys amongst guys say some very dumb shit in some places. Yes, he used the quote slightly out of context, but it makes perfect sense in his own right and it sets the backdrop for his comment. Regardless off its original context. On hindsight you should have just used 'workplace' instead of the generic word 'place', but eh, that's talking afterwards.
    Well yeah, but that's common sense. Duh, guys will say that when they're hanging out together casually. That's such an obvious statement that it doesn't even need pointing out. I mentioned in that very post that he picked on, that it's the workplace where such talk is inappropriate, whether or not you're with a bunch of dudes.
  • Nineless: Actually I was talking about the work place.

    In nutshell I was trying to say that guys will be guys if they think no one can hear them, even in the workplace. I was trying to make a point that what is "appropriate" is extremely subjective.

    As for the rape scenario, that went in a direction that i did not intend. Seems that people assumed I was implying that breaking the law is OK because they assume speeding is OK. Not what I meant. All I was stating is that what is "law" doesn't always factor into the decision process. By the same token I don't go around raping women, not because it's illegal, but it's awful and wrong. Same reason I don't talk about women in a demeaning way. The legality of the issues doesn't even factor into my decision process in these cases.
  • I found out today my father thinks I'm secretly Christian deep down, and that I'm just "angry at god." In other words, "Satan tricked me." And here I was thinking he was actually tolerant. Not surprising, because he's beginning to act like his father now: racist remarks, yelling because he can't hear himself talk (and denying it), and treating everyone like dogs. He yelled at me because I had the audacity to interrupt "his" television time because I was watching something before he came in the room. I can't wait to graduate.
  • After 19 days....I have a stuck fermentation. It barely budged. I think I may have pitched while the wort was still too warm. I just aerated it to try to spark things along, so we'll see what happens, but right now, it looks like my first attempt is a failure.
  • edited August 2009
    So I have to bring my tablet to the school IT department, where they will put on a new image with updated software and other stuff. Well, since the IT department knows me quite well, I'm going to have to do some serious cleaning of all the pranks and jokes and stuff that has happened to my tablet.

    Over the past year, I've been to 40 times, seen at least 5 other shock websites, and gone to redtube several times (NOT BY MY OWN WILL). I'm sure it's much worse, but I just looked up the most obvious ones. Meanwhile, my search history is plagued by random searches done be me and my friends. More are by me than what I would like to admit. Observe:

    Post edited by Nine Boomer on
  • After 19 days....I have a stuck fermentation. It barely budged. I think I may have pitched while the wort was still too warm. I just aerated it to try to spark things along, so we'll see what happens, but right now, it looks like my first attempt is a failure.
    I recommend going to a home depot or lowes and getting a copper tube to run water through to make a wort chiller. When I used to make beer with my friends that's what we did and it speeds up the wort cool down by a whole lot.
  • After 19 days....I have a stuck fermentation. It barely budged. I think I may have pitched while the wort was still too warm. I just aerated it to try to spark things along, so we'll see what happens, but right now, it looks like my first attempt is a failure.
    I recommend going to a home depot or lowes and getting a copper tube to run water through to make a wort chiller. When I used to make beer with my friends that's what we did and it speeds up the wort cool down by a whole lot.
    Yeah, I'm contemplating the wort chiller. It was 90-something Fahrenheit when I pitched, which I knew was a little warm, but it was taking forever to cool.

    Actually, it might not be a lost cause. The yeast is still very much alive and kicking. I aerated the hell out of the wort, and I got a nice thick frothy head of foam, telling me that there is active fermentation. I forgot that the yeast I'm using is very flocculent, so it clumps up and settles out pretty quickly. I'm planning on shaking the fermenter several times a day for the next two weeks to keep the yeast in suspension; I'll see where that gets me.
  • Fail of the day: Austrian Radio still continues to play "Never gonna give you up"... unironically.
  • Fail of the day: Austrian Radio still continues to play "Never gonna give you up"... unironically.
    Who would play that song ironically? That is one great song.
  • I don't think it's a great song.

    Anyways, I got a new fail of the day. Apparently the DNS server of my ISP or something has gone haywire since it can't resolve Wikipedia anymore. I threw in a new DNS server and it works like a charm. It's just really weird when the rest of the internet works, only Wikipedia doesn't.
  • I just spent the last half hour explaining to my mother that she can have access to the internet on her PC, home laptop, and work laptop without having to unplug anything. I also explained to her the purpose of a router and how it works. I still don't think she fully understands because she was telling me that the only the blue ethernet cable needs to be connected from the modem to the router. -_-
  • I just spent the last half hour explaining to my mother that she can have access to the internet on her PC, home laptop, and work laptop without having to unplug anything. I also explained to her the purpose of a router and how it works. I still don't think she fully understands because she was telling me that the only the blue ethernet cable needs to be connected from the modem to the router. -_-
    I understand. It always tough trying to explain things about computers to people who don't know. My Grandmother proved the most impossible.
  • I just spent the last half hour explaining to my mother that she can have access to the internet on her PC, home laptop, and work laptop without having to unplug anything. I also explained to her the purpose of a router and how it works. I still don't think she fully understands because she was telling me that the only the blue ethernet cable needs to be connected from the modem to the router. -_-
    I still have to explain how spam works to my mom every single time she has more than 10 spam mails in her spam folder.
  • I just spent the last half hour explaining to my mother that she can have access to the internet on her PC, home laptop, and work laptop without having to unplug anything. I also explained to her the purpose of a router and how it works. I still don't think she fully understands because she was telling me that the only the blue ethernet cable needs to be connected from the modem to the router. -_-
    I explained wireless, routers, modems and packets to my mother using a Postal metaphor I shamelessly cribbed from Rym and Scott.
  • I did try explaining to her it's like a power strip/cord, but she wasn't fully getting it. She hasn't called me back, so I think that's a good indication she understands now. Before when she gave away her old computer to a friend, she asked me how come her friends didn't have internet connection with her old computer when they tried to use it at their own house when she has her ISP through Comcast. >.<
  • edited August 2009
    Even college grads are retarded

    Everyone is jumping on those Monroe grads, wonder why no one wants her.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited August 2009

    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • edited August 2009
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • There's a metallic ashtray outside my window (which was open for ventilation) and the cigarette stumps inside were ignited. Furthermore, my window doesn't have weatherstrips since the old one was disgusting beyond description, so closing it barely did any good. I, along with the house, smell like cigarette smoke right now.
  • 90F+ and 50% humidity, this just sucks. Where the hell is fall?
  • A computer glitch caused my student loans to show as "Unaccepted" in the system, even though everywhere else on the account it showed that I had approved them. Thus, I have no money and school starts Monday. It is fixed now, but will take 24-48 hours to go through. I can't buy books to do the assignments for the first week of class. This fucking sucks.
  • edited August 2009
    A computer glitch caused my student loans to show as "Unaccepted" in the system, even though everywhere else on the account it showed that I had approved them. Thus, I have no money and school starts Monday. It is fixed now, but will take 24-48 hours to go through. I can't buy books to do the assignments for the first week of class. This fucking sucks.
    These sorts of problems seem to happen to students I know way too often...
    Post edited by loltsundere on
  • A computer glitch caused my student loans to show as "Unaccepted" in the system, even though everywhere else on the account it showed that I had approved them. Thus, I have no money and school starts Monday. It is fixed now, but will take 24-48 hours to go through. I can't buy books to do the assignments for the first week of class. This fucking sucks.
    Did you email your professors and let them know? They'll probably give you some leeway.
  • A computer glitch caused my student loans to show as "Unaccepted" in the system, even though everywhere else on the account it showed that I had approved them. Thus, I have no money and school starts Monday. It is fixed now, but will take 24-48 hours to go through. I can't buy books to do the assignments for the first week of class. This fucking sucks.
    Did you email your professors and let them know? They'll probably give you some leeway.
    Nope, it's not their problem. It's my responsibility to procure books and do the assignments. There is no leeway; you have to be prepared for class. If you don't read the material, there is basically no point in even being in class.

    I've got the book for the stuff that is going on during the first 3 days, and I've already read it. That gives me a little leeway. I'm just pissed off that the stupid computer glitch happened at all. How was I supposed to know I had to check every page of the badly-organized interface to make sure that things were consistent? If it shows up accepted in one place, it should be the same for the others. Sounds like whoever is in charge of their databases doesn't have a clue.

    It looks like my parents might be able to front me some money for the books...Here's hoping that the loan money comes in in time for on-time disbursement, because otherwise I am not paying rent on time this month.
  • I'm just pissed off that the stupid computer glitch happened at all. How was I supposed to know I had to check every page of the badly-organized interface to make sure that things were consistent? If it shows up accepted in one place, it should be the same for the others. Sounds like whoever is in charge of their databases doesn't have a clue.
    Well, you shouldn't have to check for consistency, since it should just be working on their end. If you did everything you need to do, it sounds to me like they fucked up, which is why I'm advocating asking your profs for a bit of leeway. It's not their problem, but it shouldn't be your problem either, since you didn't fuck up.

    That still really sucks though. I hate it when you think everything is squared away and then BAM!- some asshole wrecks your day. Hopefully it'll all work out.
  • I was out at the bar entirely too late last night.
  • I have had a mosquito bite on the ball of my hand for three days. Itches like madness.
  • Fail of yesterday,

    I had to use the vi text editor on a UNIX machine. Words can not describe how retarded that program feels.
  • Words can not describe how retarded that program feels.
    It's the best text editor in the world: you just don't understand its power or versatility.
  • It's the best text editor in the world: you just don't understand its power or versatility.
    All I know is that I was hitting X to delete which seems absolutely retarded when I have a DELETE key on my keyboard. :P
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