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Fail of Your Day



  • You look like you just beat up a herd of ninjas.
  • edited May 2014
    Jesus Luke, you don't do much be halves, do you. Heal up quick, dude.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Jeeze, I'm glad you're okay.
  • I'm okay now. At the time, both times, I wasn't okay. But thanks.
  • My fail of the day is myself for considering buying a gopro for the express purpose of documenting RPG sessions.
  • I posted on the /buildmeapc subreddit asking for help making an HTPC.
    The first suggestion... Why not get a PS3.

  • I posted on the /buildmeapc subreddit asking for help making an HTPC.

    Here you go.
  • edited May 2014

    I posted on the /buildmeapc subreddit asking for help making an HTPC.
    The first suggestion... Why not get a PS3.


    /r/buildapcforme is more active. Might get a better response there.

    Also, /r/buildapcsales is a good place to find bargains.

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I feel like half the fun is browsing all the parts yourself and doing research.

    Maybe that's just me though...
  • That was fun back when esoteric details mattered. It doesn't matter anymore what RAM you get. RAM is RAM. Meet your spec? It's RAM. It RAMs.
  • edited May 2014
    Yeah I mean for the most part its cake these days. Match the numbers. There are still some esoteric details to be had but usually unless you're doing some very specialized task then its usually irrelevant.

    Doing away with the fiddly esoteric though is fantastic. Much easier to buy upgrade stuff without fucking up.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • There's a bridge I pass under when I bike to work. Not a large one, but whatever. Someone put a "Stop Chemtrails" sticker on the girder of the bridge on it yesterday.
  • You know how you stop chemtrails? Stop believing in them. Done!

    Thankfully chemtrail believers are the least dangerous of all the crazies.
  • You know how you stop chemtrails? Stop believing in them. Done!

    Thankfully chemtrail believers are the least dangerous of all the crazies.

    That's because all of those chemicals are making them complacent.
  • That's just prejudice, some people love hiking down a good chemtrail.
  • You know how you stop chemtrails? Stop believing in them. Done!

    Thankfully chemtrail believers are the least dangerous of all the crazies.

    One of my friends got his masters in aerospace engineering and his ex-girlfriend's dad would always apparently argue about the existence of chemtrails with him. I mean, you don't need a degree in aerospace engineering to prove that there aren't chemtrails but I just thought it was funny that this guy was dumb enough to argue their existence with someone who literally worked on planes.
  • Fell off bike, fucked up arm. Won't need stitches, but only because its a giant abrasion instead of a cut. Doc said it's gonna leave a huge scar, which is gonna rule.
  • Halo development director condemns industry insiders.

    Why is this a fail? Well, the guy making these claims used to be an "insider" himself--he was editor-in-chief of three gaming magazines before joining Microsoft.
  • edited May 2014
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • photo IMG_20140525_211916_zpsc3f6855e.jpgphoto IMG_20140525_211843_zpsaf4eca5a.jpg

    Unknowingly carried an open bottle of drink in my bag. 8 miles later this was the biggest casualty.
  • One cannot raise walls against what has been soaked through.
  • One cannot raise walls against what has been soaked through.

    One cannot raise wall against what has become sodden.

    Luckily my signed copy of Torchbearer fully survived and the Warrior-Prophet was bought used for pennies plus postage.

  • That just links back to this thread.
    Link fail.
  • Gaa, bad copy paste... No idea how that happened. Here's the correct TrueCrypt link.
  • Considering the way they're phrasing it, and assuming this isn't just some random vandalism attack, I wonder if they know something they're not allowed to tell. Namely, something Three Letter Agency related.
  • This Truecrypt thing is hella fishy.
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