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Fail of Your Day



  • There is a lot of speculation on Ars Technica that the TrueCrypt thing is essentially a warrant canary to let the public know that they were infiltrated or compelled to do something unwanted by a three-letter-agency of some sort.
  • Since the developers never spoke publicly, we may never know; but considering they've been dragging their feet on Windows 8 support, I think the simplest explanation is they got tired of supporting TrueCrypt.

    The audit simply presented them with a put up or shut down decision.
  • My panel for ConnectiCon got rejected. Ah well.
  • edited June 2014
    Major car accident today. I'm physically fine-ish, but I feel really shitty.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Balls. Was anyone hurt?
  • Fortunately no one was seriously injured.
  • Fortunately no one was seriously injured.

    Now that you're known to be OK, what happened?
  • I have been sick since Monday, last night was the worst. Coughing all night, exhausted today and my diaphragm is starting to hurt. Please no more. :'(
  • I think I gave myself an electrolyte imbalance.
  • You gotta do something about that coughing, man. Cough drops? Throat Coat tea? Viscous lidocaine?
  • I seem to be back to normal today, but yesterday was rough.
  • In trying to get the weekend off for a uni reunion I have now lost the day off I had for my girlfriends birthday.
  • After years of abuse for stress relief, my phone has died. Requiescat In Pace. Using one of JTVH's old phones in the interim.
  • The video card on my PC died today as I was on the cusp of finishing my book. I've already figured out why, I've been thinking about replacing the card for a while, and I've ordered a (superior) replacement card, but it was money I'd really rather have not spent and it just fucking sucks, man.
  • Today is graduation for Boston Latin Class of '14...
  • Bills for my upper endoscopy.

    My GI doctor: $30 copay
    anesthesiologist: $30 copay
    Pathology report on the biopsy the doctor took: $225

  • Daikun said:
    How about not tracking what I do when not using Facebook? I do not like Facebook serving up ads based on things I have looked at on not-facebook websites.
  • edited June 2014
    Sure that's shoppeOH MY GOD IT'S REAL!
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • So I just paid $10 for dial-up internet at a POS hotel we're staying at near Yosemite
  • It took me waaay too long to get that
  • I may have a hernia. Motherfucking traitorous body.
  • Running between buildings because there's no techs available and professors don't know how to diagnose projector problems right.
  • Oh. Joy. All Manga Reader isn't working anymore.
  • edited June 2014
    My bank reversed a credit they gave me after a fraud claim because someone used my account to buy $410 worth of Steam stuff a month ago. Since I just paid my month's ransom of student loans and other debts, I'm overdrawn... And they have previously sent me a letter saying all was good and they considered the case settled.

    Stuff like this makes a spender wanna stuff his cash in a mattress.
    Post edited by SWATrous on
  • So I play a lot of TF2 and watch a lot of youtube. On occasion I find parodies of COD videos such as this:

    While I can imagine what it is parodying, but I had never actually seen one as I don't travel in those circles. So I asked reddit for an actual example and they gave me this. You are warned:

    Holy fucking shit, what an audiovisual abomination. And the worst thing is that people in the comments eat this shit up. believe_in_humanity--
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